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when the author introduces some random guy as the love interest but u can tell hes just there bc they felt like adding romance was a requirement so you gotta bear with the cheesy ahh scenes and pray he dies along the way
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i was going "same" every 2 minutes watching his scenes lmao
bishounensupremacy answered question about tried to kill yourself
every time i seriously considered it id be like "one last cup of coffee then" and i would realize i had way too many of those 'one last's soo yeah you really dont need a grand reason to continue living. i'll die one day anyway im not in a rush rn

every time the cover of this fucking manhwa appears on my home page i wanna bleach my eyeballs its triggering my fight or flight

bishounensupremacy answered question about question
english literature. i love yapping but really not looking forward to unemployment
bishounensupremacy answered question about plans for the future
i do not dream of labor but being a coffee shop owner sounds nice
bishounensupremacy answered question about lmao
depends. if it's a misunderstanding that can be solved in 10 seconds if they stopped running away from each other i hate it with my whole being but genuine miscommunication trope is so fun. my favorite is when both characters are like "noo theres no way they feel the same"
bishounensupremacy answered question about lmao
Japan had a human experimentation unit that they disguised as a regular biological research facility in WW2. They refered to the people they experimented on (including men, women, children and infants born out of forced impregnation during 'research') as logs. They did horrible stuff for shits and giggles like attaching someone's limb to the oppos......
cant relate education is a privilege
bishounensupremacy answered question about going to concerts
surprised no one mentioned her yet
it's not that hard to make photorealistic panels imo what matters the most in manga art is how good the artist is at expressing complex emotions through their work. i have to be able to understand the mental state the characters are in before needing to read the dialogue

me when eris drops the most poetic inner monologue to describe how beautiful helena is every 5 chapters

bishounensupremacy asked question about question

middle school me rly thought she could fix kanato from diabolik lovers like i was full on ready to risk getting stabbed w a fork i'm ashamed to admit that show shaped my personality in ways i cant describe

bishounensupremacy answered question about question
all my fav middle school shoujo manga aged like milk but he alone stands
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
definitely expected it but the whole concept was super cool
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i don't think sexual harassment counts as exposure therapy
bishounensupremacy followed a goer

That's a homosexual propaganda from a 

17 days
bishounensupremacy like the answer
Taegyom from Omega complex. HE IS SO FREAKING UNDERRATED. He is gorgeous AND a green flag. People hype up such ugly ass semes who are asses, but men like this go under the radar. It's a crime. Ash from Define the Relationship has one of the prettiest designs ever The male lead from Smyrna and Capri Itsuomi from Yubisaki to Renren hits differ......
bishounensupremacy answered question about dating