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bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i had a crush on this one guy for 3 years and then in our last year of middle school my friend started liking him so she asked me to be the matchmaker in high school i liked another guy for 3 years, turns out another friend started dating him two weeks ago without knowing i liked him. was super pissed but kinda went "oh well u didnt know its ok
one of these mfs is chronically ill the other one keeps dying and the last one is a stem major i dont think we have a chance
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
try living like a crazy rich person then id probably get bored and donate it all lmao
bishounensupremacy answered question about being single
respectfully they do not care
bishounensupremacy answered question about sad times
i understand the guilt of having to be the one to cut them off but trust me you'll be a lot more miserable if you take her back into your life
bishounensupremacy followed question about made a thing

Last year I made a collection of my favorite pieces since I’ve started drawing. I love seeing my improvement and stylistic choices. Now I’m wondering if anyone else is willing to share theirs! (Haven’t rlly drawn this year like at all though) I’ll post mine first ofc~

26 03,2024
bishounensupremacy answered question about made a thing
my mom once wwnt through my old middle school notebooks and manually cut out and glued every single embarassing anime drawing (including very questionable ones) to suprise me w an art book. i pretended to like it but i dont think i managed to process that trauma yet im so ashamed to sven look at them lmao
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i pine after someone so hard that i feel like im going to lose my mind thinking abt them but then they actually start liking me and it all goes poof
bishounensupremacy answered question about being single
looking at only one person when you're telling a story to a friend group (even worse if you're a group of three. that shit hurts)
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i mean id agree if its been 2 weeks or something but 2 months is a long time (i guess it depends on how long you guys dated) i dont really think you need to feel guilty honestly
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i think the joke isnt the posts themselves but the ppl who reply to them acting like theyre new lmao ive seen someone giving love advice on a thread thats been there since 2018 OP is probably married by now
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
the literal definition of a train wreck you cant look away from
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
killing stalking is peak midness. i was like "omg theres a story with all my favorite tropes??" then i read it and the tropes are there yeah but they took away everything that makes them interesting when i first saw that it was a stalker x killer story i was expecting them to try to one up each other, mindgames and all but its just the blond guy d......
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
probably singaporean. i wanna say turkish but the accent has that slight 'gay cousin spilling the tea' sound to it
bishounensupremacy answered question about drawing
are we gatekeeping fiction now? as long as they dont go around making real people uncomfortable i dont care
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
if there were no consequences het men who wouldnt choose a minor over a 30-40 yo woman would be a minority theres not a woman i know who hasnt been harassed by older men when they were between 5-17. its even worse when they get to be anonymous. what is the most popular corn category? barely legal. what is one of the most popular doujin tags? l@li......
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
why cant yall just read whatever the hell you want and move on whys there always someone writing whole essays trying to justify their shitty taste
bishounensupremacy created a topic of Dear Sa-chan

youve known her since she was a baby??? dont give me that 'whatever will be will be'