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Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of Contradict

Outburst was valid but I'm with the mc on this. His past relationship obviously did a number on him, which made him self-blaming. Also, back in the old chapters, you can see how terrified he was when the love interest fell with him in the ravine and blamed himself too hard, thinking he might be the reason why the love interest might have to quit. Pretty sure his reaction was connected to what he experienced in the past as well.

It obviously taken him a lot of courage to open up about his vulnerability in this chapter and it's sad that he was met with anger. To me, his confession about his worries was more focused on how his actions drove his ex away and might do the same to the love interest too, not compare how the love interest might potentially react like the way his ex reacted. It's like the mc and love interest are looking at different ends of the lens.

Idk man, I wish I was more eloquent to explain how my mind understood this chapter.

Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of Renchin!

Always love it when old manga series gets suddenly updated like ore to joushi. Remember first reading this story back in college. Good to see it being revived again.

Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of Steel Under Silk

So does that mean the mcs father was killed simply because he saw through the grand prince's plans? Also, man... choosing the "lesser evil" often fails because most of these power-hungry politicians don't stay "lesser evil" for long as evidenced by real world events. Once they are given the power, their greediness wins, which pushes them to shed other people's blood for their own gain.

Blonde dude! What an adorable guy. Ngl, when he was cornered between the mc and love interest, it got me wishing some 3p between them, consensually of course. He'd be sandwiched between em yum.

Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of Shintan Kairou

Ending prepared for Nagisa after all he's been through. I'm scared that the conclusion to his story will be tragic. I wish he gets to live, have the chance to heal, and experience a wonderful life with people whom he can safely confide in and who truly cares for him.

Although his experience was painful and uncomfortable to witness, at least the author kept things real and did not sugarcoat it in any way.

I'm genuinely curious if there's a big difference in feeling/sensation between doing it raw and using a condom.

The baseball theme is giving me flashbacks of one of my favourite BL mangas, Kikoenai Koe. I wish someday the author will be given a chance to publish the last volume in English. I'll save up money to buy it.

Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of Gig of the Day

Serves you right asshole. I just hope the mc maintains his friendship with the guy even after he will be in a relationship with the love interest. I'm so tired of the trope where the love interest shoos any guy that gets close to the mc.

Yaguchi and Tamura but all I get is crumbs. I miss the manga format of this story man. The webtoon format has so little panels.

Taking nearly half of the page. Imagine painstakingly drawing and colouring each scene page by page only to be covered by a big white censor. It's an insult to the hardwork the artist have put into their art at this point.

Bring back the lightsabers man, at least with that not a big chunk of the panels are white.

Out in a crazy rapey way, I'm glad the author is exploring the psyche of the characters, esp. the love interest. They're not just placing those SA scenes as a 'quirky' trait of their main lead and then just brush it off.

This is probably the first webtoon format manga that really got me binge reading it. Cause most of the time, formats like this are just filled with pwp.

I skimmed the new updates and then started reading chapter 1. What the hell happened with the premise?

To longtime readers of this manga, please share what chapter does the SA wear off in this manga because it seems like they're such a cute couple during the recent chapters. I tried to power through reading the first few chapters but I just can't lmao so I'll just skip them.

Spots for me. My eyes are more set on Yasu. I wonder if the author has plans for him.

Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of Private Call

The love interest mentioning how he got vasectomy isn't a mistranslation. I'm interested how the author will go about things, especially when in aboverse, omega and alpha pairs are often expected to have kids.

But sometimes the uke, seme dichotomy is so tiresome like even to the point that certain physical features are associated with a certain label. Like in here, the love interests nips are flat (in some mangas they are even non existent) but the mcs are out and plump like huh? Same goes for smol dicks often assigned to those who bottom and big dicks to those who top. I really wish authors were more diverse with how they draw bodies man and stop associating certain body features with annoying neko/tachi labels.

Please make sure to support the artist by purchasing their work!...

  • Author: Haruko tarafuku
  • Genres: Josei / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut

Butthole is definitely a first lol. Anyway, it's so funny how the love interest was such a big simp for the past version of the mc. He waited for thousands of years but he still hopes for the guy to be his wife.

He's never gonna live that down. It will be a core memory for those kids, especially when they tend to have no tact at an age like that.

Ciki•Syndrome created a topic of One Side in Room

Sleep with the girl? Man... I can't wait for the love interest to find out what he did.

Is playing that kind of game. Really reminds me of creepy old men that target younger people. Like yes, he might be dating an adult but an adult that's like years younger than him. It's still a questionable choice. It gets worse when we get to read how his mind works.

Honestly, in a way, this manga is good at letting you get a glimpse of the inner thoughts of old men who have a taste for younger people. But I just know their relationship is gonna be potrayed in romanticized way.