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Ireally❤LeviAckerman followed a list


=also mother
= she also has brothers
= she (or her father) has magic
= from an abusive household to a caring one-TW: for abuse the first couple chapters
= wholesome father daughter moments 
= annoying/dumb main character 
= bad art style/translations 
= personal favorite of mine!

 Check out the hidden gems on the later pages! Newer releases are there. 


01 06,2022
Ireally❤LeviAckerman followed a list
17 04,2022
Ireally❤LeviAckerman asked a question

Looking to read some straight manwhas!! I really liked Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess. If anyone can give me recommendations equal to that, and father-daughter relationships*—like Who Made Me A Princess (*NOT romantically )— I’d REALLY appreciate it! Ty!!!

Ireally❤LeviAckerman asked a question

If anyone had recommendations similar to Who Made Me a Princess and Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess, I would really appreciate it!!

Is this story worth reading?? I’ve been trying to get back into these type of manwahs.
If anyone had recommendations similar to Who Made Me a Princess and Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess, I would really appreciate it!!

Callisto is honestly my favorite male leader (besides the knight). It honestly got me sad when the female questioned the gifts that he received from others—it was pretty obvious that he probably didn’t get any. Wether romantically or not, I feel like they’d be great together. They have somewhat of a same childhood. I’m sure the only reason he’s so aggressive is to get his position there; like the villainess did. I hope to see more chapters of them together~!

The curled toes was my favorite panel

Personally didn’t enjoy this story as much as I hoped I would. The black-haired guy got on my nerves immediately. I’m guess that’s what the author wanted, but I just can’t seem to actually like the character at all—even after they became boyfriends.
It just seems unreal to me. He moved on too fast to the MC. Like immediately after getting his heartbroken, he hooked up w MC. He showed no interest in the MC throughout the chapters leading to the hookup either.
However, I’ll admit that this story did have some funny panels. I really enjoyed those. I especially adored the reason behind them being naked in bed together! Made me laugh; I honestly didn’t expect it LOL.


I like the way they ended things really maturely. But I’m not going to lie, it made me shed a tear.
I feel so bad for her. Although it’s obvious the secretary has feelings for her, he just feels insecure about what he has compared to her. And she doesn’t even care about that at all. I just can’t

Tbh I’m not really liking the black-haired guy. I’ve never been a big fan of “slutty” ukes. Most of the time the author always tortures the poor top w these types of ukes, and although I’ll admit I sorta favor this genre, some of the times it just makes me want to rip my hair off.
The only thing keeping me on the thread is the feeling the black-haired guy will soon get jealous—then he figures out his feelings. Cant wait for it!

Wtf is it so long. He literally gets an erection every freakin panel ☠

And just when things were going smooth, too. That mental bitch is such a pain in the ass Istg. Just eat your damn pills and get over w life already

Sorry for ruining the mood, but I personally don’t like that Jihyun is coming back to Yohan just like that. I get, and I’m glad, that he’s finally realized his feelings…but I just feel so bad for Yohan. He literally got his heart broken and the person who broke it just comes back into his life saying “Oh, I want to know more about you because I realized after a long ass break away from you, I like you.” It just doesn’t sit right for me.

Alright so I ended up lurking and finding Chinese’s raws…I’m not fluent but I’ll try my best to interpret by the actions of the characters.


First off, next chapter I believe Poo will actually crap all over the blondie due to him losing— mr. Shen did help Poo after all but ended up putting it backwards. Mr. Shen began to compliment and laughing at the Blondie, however, Shen was not please at all. He honestly just wants them to cooperate with each other, so I’m guessing that’s what he says to Mr. Shen. Anywho, he takes the Blondie to the restroom to clean him up; the blondie interpret it as “omg he chose me” and kneels down to give him a blowjob; of course Zhen declines immediately, pushing him off him. I’m not too sure what happens to the blondie after that, but this incident really attacks Mr. Shen so he starts pushing away; I THINK.

As he starts pushing Zhen away, he gets an assistant. He takes care of all the things Zhen would be doing and this gets him really pissed/jealous. From the looks of it, he doesn’t get to help around with Poo or the little dog (who I forgot the name). Mr. Shen knows exactly what he’s doing too.
Now don’t quote me at this, but I believe his real motive is to kick Zhen out of his home—but without being so mean about it. I think he eventually does, but this affects them both mentally? But Zhen keeps trying and trying to gain his attention again; yes, Mr. Shen still has feelings towards him.

There was a chapter of Zhen getting sick and I think this is where development happens?? I sorta forgot…but they almost end up having sex; or I think it was all a fever-dream of Zhen’s. But before he went to the house, he was at the dentist for some reason. The daughter was present while he was asleep and recorded him saying something. I’m not sure what it was, but Mr. Shen ends up seeing it while snooping through Zhen’s camera roll. I can’t quite remember if it affected the positively or negatively—or I think a cliff hanger ended up at that chapter. The other few are some weird game development thing?
Idk the plot is somewhat all over the place, so it’s honestly every confusing.

The blondie also ends up punching Mr. Shen in the face and says something that really shocked him, while being choked (mr. shen was choking the blondie; not the other way around LOL). I believe this was the action that REALLY made him want to kick him out—but I’m also guessing it involves lies. To my belief, Blondie lied telling Mr. Shen that they ended up having sex, or just telling him stuff like “oh he thinks you’re too old, too mean, too pushy/etc.”. ((Honestly I think this is actually correct—I’ll try getting the link again BTW))

Lastly, Poo ends up being with them for a long time actually. There’s not a chapter yet of the mother returning; there’s also over 100 chapters in the raw.

Again, I was NOT fluent on the raws language, so DO NOT trust all of this please. The actions should be right, but the dialogue should not be. That’s all.