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Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Mad Dog
Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Love in Reprise

He's annoyed because he thought Chaewoo knew he's Paolo and purposely trying out for Tinto role. Because apparently, kinda everyone knew about it except for Chaewoo of course.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Senshun Kansoku

Feels like he's gonna get taller than Haruka. I don't wanna get there but I guess he's the seme?

In the novel, Dachang and Huaishan both has the same number of cricket cages, so they compare who makes them better, and Huaishan's cages is unique and each of them has different shapes. The people are saying it will be good to decorate their house. That's why there are people who willing to buy them.

Just want to share something...

In the novel, Shen Li is the one kissing her and it's straight french kiss. When Zhou Qing think he wants to help her, she hugs him and that cause Shen Li's little brother to react. So, he becomes more intense and intimate with the kissing, they practically almost make out with each other in front of the people.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Love in Reprise

First of all, I've read the novel, so to a certain extent I kind of figure out his personality. He is both rude and caring. Like he is rude with his words but his actions speaks otherwise. (I like him but it's not to the point where I support his actions). And I feel like due to his upbringing, even though he doesn't like something he'll do it when he notice he is the only one who can.

This is from his pov (only till chapter 19)
The reason he 'dislike' Chaewoo is because Chaewoo is the one who hates him first. At first he never pay any attention to Chaewoo at all.
He starts to notice and pay attention to Chaewoo after they meet at the contract meeting. It increased after their first sexual activity.
From his pov, Chaewoo hates him but he keeps bumping onto him (maybe because he is now aware of Chaewoo), and he founds that a bit like a stalker. He is quite annoyed by that.
He actually try behave as they don't know each other but every time, Chaewoo calls out to him.
For this chapter 19 bit where he ask Chaewoo to leave ASAP when he wakes up, it is largely duebto Chaewoo drunken behaviour. Chaewoo actually is the one who broke the cafe window.

Euigeon is actually very insecure. Because of how he was raised with practically absent parents, the way he shows he care is by money. That's also why he doesn't want to get married and has a different view about relationships.

One of the thing I like about him is the intimate actions. He never forget foreplay. Even when he is angry he never forgets them. (This will be in later chapters)

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Eden's Zero

Ziggy was supposed to be Shiki right? So how does Ziggy knows he is Shiki in the future. Did I forget about it?

I'm still waiting for this series to reach the end. All because I want that last scene to be picturised.
I called it 'The Wedding'

Are you going to progress in the wrong way? It's like he purposely trying to kept uncle from going out.

And everyone agrees with it. He's too pure in this pandora for a thousands years vampire devil turned human.

Is it possible for her to be the one to turn back the time and not her mother? Maybe in her last moment, she wishes for everything to turn back and she got her wishes, but instead of her keeping the memories, the person (mother) she wishes to get back is the one who keep it.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Eden's Zero

More Weisz-Hermit moment. I love this couple so much, second to Shiki-Rebecca.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Love in Reprise

Because Chaewoo looks a bit mature, like a sunbae should be.
But recent chapters (i mean in the raws), his design is gradually become cuter and petite

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Once Again Idol

All three of them are lightweight.
But I love their drunken antics, especially Yoojoon. He's just so full of love.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Banana Fish

I can never finished, both the manga and the anime, not because I hate or dislike it but because I like it so much that I could never reach the end. It hurts so much.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Three Little Pigs

Right now, it's up to chapter 11

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Kakegurui

Yumeko will avenge her sister and punished the fake friend

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Night Song

The confession that we need.

Gh0stG1rl created a topic of Once Again Idol


The actor ohm.