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No nickname answered question about discuss a movie
No nickname answered question about discuss a movie
I’m not really a horror fan but I really wanted to watch triangle. Ended up watching with my friends and it was so funnn I mean I guess it’s not the best film out there but I was not disappointed
No nickname answered question about question
project sekai? I love project sekai!
No nickname answered question about question
I just know shimanami tasogare is gonna hit hard
No nickname asked question about question

I’ve always been obsessed with piercings, especially tongue piercings. For a long time I really wanted to get one but I’m really scared because it’s a sensitive area and could hurt like hell. So scare me to the point I wouldn’t want to do it or convince me we live only once and I should get one. Just help please

No nickname answered question about question
There are a few I like better but my sketchbook isn’t here rn
No nickname answered question about question
This is the best picture I could find of myself (*≧∀≦*)
No nickname created a topic of Yama No Susume

Does anyone have anything similar to it?

No nickname answered question about compulsive lying
The artstyle is pretty but the story is just.. bad