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chickenpotpie created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

HELLAURRR how dare he ruin theo’s beautiful face omg imma strangle him myself

chickenpotpie created a topic of The Royal Bridegroom

Thank you so much for the translation omg i can finally understanddd i hope somebody will pick this up

chickenpotpie created a topic of Exotic Love

Ok but i think with this chapter it’s clear heegyeom isnt being sus? I think hes waiting for jaehan to just be honest and say that he likes heegyeom. But i think at this point jaehan cannot bring himself to say it because he doesnt think he deserves to love heegyeom.

Ohhhh euijoon baby hunnyyyyy ahjussi was just too focused on what happened to your forehead thats why it seemed like he wasnt focusing on your date :( but i understand euijoon tho i tend to overthink a lot so i would probably think the same as him

Man imagine getting greeted by a man like that first thing in the morning to go to work. Like i’d actually be excited to go to work everyday ╥﹏╥ and purple haired cutie knows whats up, noa cannot keep holding on to her pathetic ex forever forreallll

chickenpotpie created a topic of Exotic Love

IT’S BACKKKKK AHHH. but yeah hee gyeom being hella sus rn is he gonna break jaehan’s heart? Cos like i’ve already forgiven his toxic ass when last season ended

That last panel gave me mcqueen vibezzzzz

chickenpotpie created a topic of Payback

Idk the photographer is kinda right…he looks plain…BUT HES ALSO NOT. Especially his eyes dont know how the author did it, but his eyes are just plain but at the same it like sparkles? The sorcery.

chickenpotpie created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Ughhhh love the smut in this series seriously top tier shit

Amagaddd i’ve waited ages for this chapter to be translated like have you ever seen a sex scene so sensual and sad all the same time???? But that last line from seme - stop being an idiot fool

chickenpotpie created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

yooo somebody pls tell me what happened in the latest raws i barely understand koreannn

chickenpotpie created a topic of Ways of Parting

I only agree with kwon regarding the things he said to taejoo. Taejoo needs to back off for real. Based on the previous chapter after he broke off with youngwoo he seems to think now is his chance to win joyoon over but bro that train has left and it’s a little too late for you. But kwon on the other hand...that last line was just so uncalled for and spiteful. He knew how much that would hurt joyoon, as if yoon didnt already know. I really think joyoon need to leave these two assholes behind and go back into the field and focus on himself. I feel like endgame would be kwon and joyoon right but kwon needs to reflect before he should even end up with yoon


chickenpotpie created a topic of Mad Dog


OMYGODDDD it’s the aftercare for me. And when ahjussi slows down when euijoon asked him to, even tho ahjussi would prefer pounding the hell out of euijoon lmao!!! And a date? Ugh hell yes im so ughfhdhhdhd

Fuck that professor omg. You have no idea what kind of life he’s living atm sigh and having seen the raws UGH I SHOULD HAVE WAITED TIL IT’S COMPLETED

chickenpotpie created a topic of 19 Days

Wait wtf it was literally shits and giggles two seconds ago wait where did the angst come from??????