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Yashiki created a topic of Aren't You My Type

I'm fine with the current group scanlating this cause if another group takes over with shit translation then we're going to be left with crappy quality and I can guarantee the group that's currently doing this series justice with quality scans and translation and typesetting will drop the series.

Just read the raws and wait lol

Oh wow, the bottom in this manga marks off all my favorite tropes

-Buff, beefy, and bulky
-Banchou/delinquent type
-Gap moe from super scary to deep down very innocent and shy sometimes
-Has a beautiful top to ram him all day


The bottom is 100% my type and he gets rammed by crossdressing shorter top? Phewwwww

My kinda story

Yashiki created a topic of Yours to Claim

There's a difference with wanting the endgame with Jooin and Cain and not wanting it after ch100 now which Yawhi stans don't even understand.

Jooin pre chapter 100: He's moving on from both relationships. He's focusing on himself and healing. If they both met up now, Jooin and Cain would start a relationship on equal footing. Cain wanting Jooin for who he is now, not what he was in the past, and Jooin being with Cain when he isn't vulnerable and hurt and looking for comfort.

This. This is the Jooin we wanted for Cain to end up with.

Jooin chapter 100: He's able to confront Yawhi without letting his past feelings get in the way... or so we thought. He decides to forget everything Yawhi's done to him, immediately rushes into relationship without even knowing if Yawhi has changed.

This is not the Jooin we want for Cain.

Yashiki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain deserved better and thank fucking God it wasn't Jooin.

Yashiki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Man even with the timeskip this story moves at a snails pace. I know it's pointless to complain about this but I need to vent. Why does every character sound like they're reading word for word from some poetic book about life? I know this is fiction and all but man, does every character have to have thoughts deeper than the titanic? It's been like 10% plot, 5% art, 5% characters, and 80% pointless dialogue.

Yashiki created a topic of Error Free Life!

Already loving this story. Love Naono-sensei and hee tendency to draw buff ukes. Also thank the lord she didn't draw 4 ears lol

Yashiki created a topic of Hitorijime My Hero

Can't stop laughing at everyone complaining about the age gap like they've never seen a piece of media where teacher/student relationships happen in their life. You're reading Yaoi, a genre that fetishsizes gay men having sex of all things.

Yashiki created a topic of Jinx

Wow, Heesung and Potato is so cute I hope we have more of them

Yashiki created a topic of Aren't You My Type

Honestly, I love this angst. I'm not taking either sides since both are valid but man, loving what we're seeing from Joo Geon.

What Joo Geon may have started for fun eventually turned into something real. He started developing genuine feelings for Hyun Dal so why wouldn't he be afraid to reveal the truth during their time on call at the risk of losing him forever? Was it wrong? Of course, but he's only human.

In the first chapters we know when it comes to him and someone he likes, they break it off and he just accepts it then moves on. This is the first time where he's desperate to hold onto a relationship that he's willing to do anything.

He may be a relationship counsel but when it comes to his own love life, it's at the bottom of a pit.

Damn, notifications are blue balling me. I want to read the threesome already *-*

Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

Now what I say may be copium but after sitting down and drinking my sorrows away after what the ending did to me, I think we have hope guys.

This is a side story but it's exceeded up to 30 chapters. You can't call this a side story anymore. Maybe the author was restricted to ended this series seeing how fast paced the last few chapters have been so they can start serializing a main series for this.

The side story has been very popular and received a lot of good reception by both Korean and Western fan so I don't think they'd leave such an open ending like this.

Maybe the start of the main series will be a time skip when Dohyeok comes back to Korea. Dohyeok did say he'd return and the fact that Siwoo walked off on some random dude with no face while the other side characters (Siwoo's coworkers) have one is clear cut that the author could have clearly drawn a face on the nameless NPC to make Siwoo ending with someone permanent to close off the ending.

The author needs to complete this story main series. It can't just be finished in a side story. With the time skip there's going to be a lot to explore as well if it became it's own series.

The couple is very popular so from a marketing perspective, they wouldn't throw money down the drain but profit off it. Maybe next week or whenever we get the author notes we'll get an announcement?

-Copium over.

Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

Some comments are saying this is realistic but when has this relationship ever been realistic between Siwoo and Dohyeok honestly.

This truly is the worst ending and it's actually a general consensus that even Korean and Western fans are sharing right now. Not because it's a sad ending but the execution towards it is pointless.

I genuinely wonder what on earth the author wanted for this side story by giving both characters problems that are in the end never resolved?

Dohyeok now has PTSD for no reason. The people that gang raped him are living free still. The punishment he received in the main story is better than this.

Also really? A mob that doesn't even have a face? The author clearly doesn't care at this point, huh. Siwoo is clearly taking advantage of this mob as well cause he knows Dohyeok is standing there. Even Suha told him he bounces lovers so I guess the narration of the story for his character is that Siwoo will continue doing so? Nice character development.

If it showed the feelings from Dohyeok's side were one sided then I wouldn't have minded the sad ending and rejection at all but the author made Siwoo open his heart his heart to him and he was kind of gradually showing them to Dohyeok as well. Another problem that also went nowhere.

Every comment I see in Korean/Western forums is that they hope Dohyeok goes abroad and meets a hot foreigner lol. I agree I hope so, too.

Yashiki created a topic of Lucky Paradise

*chapter updates*
Focus on main couple: I sleep
Focus on Woojin: Wide awake

I'll be honest... I didn't bother finishing the main story midway. I did try though since I thought the uke was my taste but it was too hard cause I started hating him and wanted the seme deserve better.

Who knew though that Woojin would come out as the the type of uke I liked more. Can't wait to read his relationship, his feelings seem unrequited and so pure.

Yashiki created a topic of Under the Green Light

I love how fucking unhinged Matthew, it's so hot. Also lmaoooo readers who try and bring morality and try to force their own sense justice down peoples throats in a story filled with drugs , murder, and two fictional guys having sex will always be so funny cause it's pathetic.

Yashiki created a topic of That Sexapparition

Lmao imagine ignoring the trigger warning TWICE, reading about it, and then proceeds to go to the comment section complaining about it? Purity culture is so retarded and annoying at this point.

Yashiki created a topic of Devil on Top

Here for the smut and art. Brain is turned off, I'm just going to enjoy the story as is

Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

Dohyeok is trying so hard to confess his feelings but doesn't even know how to express it properly without threats and being pushy and insistent

Can't wait till ch 32 gets TL'd gonna be such a treat

I'm here for the good art and toxic story.

Warning to readers that are bothered by the drugging should quit while they're ahead cause it doesn't stop there.

Yashiki created a topic of Admiration and Longing

The translation is abysmal. Full offence but why not take the time you put into "trying" to translate to actually learn how to properly TL? If people upload shit TL's it gives less motivation to the people that actually wanna TL works because it's already been "done" in a half-assed way.