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Chapter 1: Literally has a trigger warning and explicitly states it's fiction, not reality. Has the word "Assault" in the title.

Crybaby Readers: Waaaah why is there rape!!!! Why do I have to subject myself to this! It's the authors fault for making me read this. They should make a story with consensual sex just for me!

God, entitled readers that whine about rape are so annoying. They think it's their job to police the content that authors create and publish instead of curating the things they choose to consume. If you don't like rape, why the fuck would you read it? Fiction is a safe space to explore kinks and whatnot.

Yashiki created a topic of The Hunter's one night

Phewww that was spicyyy. Can't wait for the next update.

Loool the conflict between Theo and Momo is jokes considering they're fighting who's closer to him in totally different ways. I hope it's a running gag cause it's cute.

I really love that Avald didn't let his jealousy take over and hit Banys before assessing the situation instead of making his own conclusions.

Also I loooove the threesome fan service. If Lute didn't end with Avald, I'd be fine if he ended with Banys. It's also pretty obvious it's the drugs talking. This is a fantasy fiction in a BL world. What do people expect lmao? It's not out of this world for an aphrodisiac to cause you to choose pleasure over logic.

And we know Lute is head over heels with Avald, it's not gonna end in a threesome so you don't have to worry.

Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

I genuinely love this toxic ass relationship. Of course it makes me sad to see them this much at each others throats this chapter but it'll make be worth it once they makeup.

Also Dohyeok going from power bottom "fuck me" to melting in Siwoo's hands makes me feel things.

Yashiki add manga to list Fav

A skillful secretary by day and choosy cruiser by night, Suha is a young professional who’s in...

  • Author: Chahyun
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Webtoons / Smut / Mature / Adult
Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

How did I get to this point, damn? Everytime I read BL, I think the bottom is my fav of all time but the moment Dohyeok appeared, he knocks them all out of the park. He meets all the requirements I never knew I was looking for when it comes to my type of uke.

Dohyeok is just so, so cute, especially when it comes to his interactions with Siwoo where his tsun side his dialed up ten-fold. When he drowns in jealously and tries not to subtly show it or when he's throwing empty threats is super adorable.

And when he was gangraped but he's still trying to put on a strong front like that trauma didn't phase him but he finds solace with Siwoo's presence is just so... HNNNNGGG!!!

Side note, that one scene where he's cornered in the men's stall was so hot. I feel bad for my boy but phew.

I don't care what anyone says, Siwoo seems to care a bit for Dohyeok and Dohyeok seems to like Siwoo which is enough for me. I hope they get their happy ending.

Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

Dohyeok doesn't have me fooled.

- Uses threats to try to keep Siwoo by his side
- Constantly asking how far Siwoo's gone with any guy within 1meter of his vicinity cause he's jealous
- Calls Siwoo when he's feeling vulnerable cause he feels safe with him without knowing
- "Investigating" Siwoo's background cause he's interested in him as a person

Dohyeok be more honest!

Yashiki created a topic of My Suha

God, Dohyeok is so my type of uke. I love him so much, especially seeing him trying to act tough when vulnerable.

Loool this author and her fetish with guys with vaginas. Art is nice and story is fine but I had enough of that trope in their other story "Boy meets Girl" so I'm prob gonna skip this one.

Yashiki created a topic of Unfinished Business

The bottom omega is totally my type. Can't wait to see more.

Art was great, story was nice though I wish the seme suffered a little more haha.

@ the readers whining about the rape

If you can't handle reading fiction without it affecting your moral values, you shouldn't be allowed to consume fiction let alone be old enough to read BL. It's common sense to know what's right and wrong, but it seems some readers just lack that ability.

Yashiki created a topic of Kyuuso Inu wo Kame

Westerners who can't separate reality and fiction and reads for free: *whines about rape for the millionth time instead of moving on to read stories they actually enjoy*

Japanese readers that buy the book to support the author: Praises how nice the art is. Some finds the characters cute and some finds valid and polite critism with "not my taste but I gave it a try"

Yashiki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Is it just me who ships Yawhi and Cain's little brother?

Yashiki created a topic of Off-Track Crush

That was soooo hot. Makes me wonder if the uke is a virgin both ways.

Laughs @ the readers who whine about "muh consent" go read the fucking Bible or some shit.