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Zy⁷ May 31, 2024 12:29 pm

Im honestly impressed with the artist's versatility, they definitely have range cos the way they can make the scenes hilarious as intended and scary when it matters is amazing. It really cements the fact that despite being born "human" and getting treated as Yoojin's babies, these beings he's raising are monsters in sheeps clothing. Damn Yoohyun you're so fcking scary when you're off your hyung's leash, have mercy on the actual baby monsters please ╥﹏╥

    KPMD00 May 31, 2024 1:42 pm

    Yeah, the artists (the main one is Biwan) are something else. IMO they’re one of the best in the Webtoon industry rnx

Zy⁷ May 25, 2024 5:22 am

If I had known the chapter is gonna attempt to kill me, I wouldn't have read this at work lmaoooooo I was fighting for my life not to scream and giggle hysterically ohmygod everybody blushing and now me too aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Zy⁷ May 24, 2024 12:34 pm


Been reading this for 8 years now, not that long compared to some of y'all ohmygod, but I'm still as enamored as I was when I started reading this. And I wouldn't even mind if it continues for longer cus I love this story that much. I can't believe I'm about to be older than Ren in a months time, even though the story's timeline has only been over a year ╥﹏╥ thank god for fanfics, that way I could actually read about them acting together, married and successful (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ May 16, 2024 2:00 pm

My heartbreak with the censoring aside, it's amazing how such a fcked up story, with a convoluted start, has one of the most beautiful portrayals of love I read. There's so many moments where I thought they wouldn't last but oh god they did, and it was so good. So many compromises and sacrifices done for the sake of remaining together, and still there's no regret. It actually true love ohmygod. I'm honestly so happy for this couple jfc and then they keep making these decisions to make their significant other happy, mc made a death pact just so he can assuage the mls fear, talk about dedication. Likewise, ml literally changed his entire outlook in life just to be with mc cuz he knows if he continues down that path he'll die early/commit something irreversible.


Zy⁷ May 10, 2024 10:21 am

I know for sure the author desperately wanted this story to be bl but unfortunately can't, so they're doing the best they could to make everything seem "platonic", even though they've got the subtlety of a stampede. They can't help but put tons of scenes reeking of innuendos. It's basically mpreg with a twist ohmygod ╥﹏╥ and the artist is definitely in cahoots with the gay agenda cuz why is a scene where Yoojin is suffering looks so sexy? Umm!??? Choking ans chains jfc the men are out to get him

Anyways, I wanna read some fanfiction now featuring yoojin getting it

    Mars May 10, 2024 11:22 am


    ashyelly May 10, 2024 6:58 pm

    Lemme know if ya find good ones >:) I want all the s classes wanting him except his brother so if ya find em share >:))))

    JoyJoyJoy May 11, 2024 2:10 pm

    Omg i remember this one fanfic where yoojin gets preggy with hyunjaes child before his regression then goes back in time for his brother and to get his baby back

    Mssi May 12, 2024 1:11 am
    Omg i remember this one fanfic where yoojin gets preggy with hyunjaes child before his regression then goes back in time for his brother and to get his baby back JoyJoyJoy

    Ermmm link?

    TaesBoxySmile May 12, 2024 12:41 pm
    Omg i remember this one fanfic where yoojin gets preggy with hyunjaes child before his regression then goes back in time for his brother and to get his baby back JoyJoyJoy

    pls we need the link ╥﹏╥

    CokMan May 12, 2024 12:45 pm
    Lemme know if ya find good ones >:) I want all the s classes wanting him except his brother so if ya find em share >:)))) ashyelly

    wanna know a fun fact: it was confirmed by the author that his brother does have romantic feelings for Mc

    ( ° ʖ °) May 12, 2024 10:00 pm
    wanna know a fun fact: it was confirmed by the author that his brother does have romantic feelings for Mc CokMan

    wait huhhh u mean by the actual author of s classes?? or the fanfic author

    CokMan May 13, 2024 12:04 am
    wait huhhh u mean by the actual author of s classes?? or the fanfic author ( ° ʖ °)

    The actual author

    Leiyanna the fujoshi May 13, 2024 5:27 am
    wanna know a fun fact: it was confirmed by the author that his brother does have romantic feelings for Mc CokMan

    Nauuuuur that's whack bruh may all the other S classes drown in the gay agenda with their feelings for our MC but not the brothaaaa ?!???!!!!!

    Min May 13, 2024 7:53 am
    wanna know a fun fact: it was confirmed by the author that his brother does have romantic feelings for Mc CokMan

    source for this? i hear a lot of "fun fact: author actually comfirmed [blank]" but never actually see any source.

    CokMan May 13, 2024 12:13 pm
    source for this? i hear a lot of "fun fact: author actually comfirmed [blank]" but never actually see any source. Min

    Idek man I also got it from a fun fact

    KPMD00 May 16, 2024 9:23 pm

    it's canon that Han Yoohyun said ~ "there is no one i like more than you, hyung. hyung is the only person i like. i don't need to like anyone else" ))

    ALSO I can't find the exact Q&A link to save my life, but I assure you that Han Yooohyun's perfect romantic type is Han Yoojin.

    Min May 17, 2024 7:18 am
    it's canon that Han Yoohyun said ~ "there is no one i like more than you, hyung. hyung is the only person i like. i don't need to like anyone else" ))ALSO I can't find the exact Q&A link to save my life, bu... KPMD00

    not to be a dick but it's always "i swear guys, trust me, i just don't have the link anymore" etc etc whenever you ask for sources for claims like this, but no one's actually ever able to provide one. it's almost always word of mouth.
    i don't deny that yoohyun gives incest energy with his obsession towards yoojin, but i really can't see the author actually going on to say that in an interview/Q&A.
    if anyone's able to show a real source i would be happy to stand corrected.

    KPMD00 May 17, 2024 6:05 pm

    I actually found the tweet about "ideal partner", good God (note: the Twitter OP is not the author, just a fan who shows us Q&A)

    Min May 17, 2024 6:41 pm
    I actually found the tweet about "ideal partner", good God (note: the Twitter OP is not the author, just a fan who shows us Q&A) KPMD00

    thanks for the link! the author does indeed *not* confirm that "his brother does have romantic feelings for Mc" like someone above claimed. but they do at least confirm the incesty vibes i guess. you were right, yoojin would be yoohyun's "ideal type"
    if anyone's curious, the auto tled version says:

    Q) I would like to know the ideal types of Nas-level characters.
    (Han Yu-jin, Han Yu-hyeon, Park Ye-rim)


    > Since Han Yu-hyeon has no human interest in anyone other than Han Yu-jin, her ideal type is also Han Yu-jin, whatever that means.

    cottonbubs May 25, 2024 9:10 pm
    thanks for the link! the author does indeed *not* confirm that "his brother does have romantic feelings for Mc" like someone above claimed. but they do at least confirm the incesty vibes i guess. you were right... Min

    I feel like it's because Han Yoohyun himself, being (spoilers) an actual fire turned into a human, could only feel one form of unconditional love that couldn't be categorized as platonic, romantic, familial, or anything. Everything in his life is revolved around Han Yoojin, in whatever aspect that is. Just like you said, this is not a confirmation that he has romantic feelings—it pisses me off when people spread out of context "facts" like that around when they don't even know the full context or the source. At least read the whole novel first before commenting.

    cottonbubs May 25, 2024 9:16 pm
    it's canon that Han Yoohyun said ~ "there is no one i like more than you, hyung. hyung is the only person i like. i don't need to like anyone else" ))ALSO I can't find the exact Q&A link to save my life, bu... KPMD00

    I feel like it's because Han Yoohyun himself, being (spoilers) an actual fire turned into a human, could only feel one form of unconditional love that couldn't be categorized as platonic, romantic, familial, or anything. Everything in his life is revolved around Han Yoojin, in whatever aspect that is. The ideal type in the QnA is not always based on romantic attraction alone, check out the other's answers, because the concept of ideal type by itself in the novel can be interpreted differently. It is never explicitly said that Geunseo was talking about romance-only in this context. The first dialogue that you said also does not indicate romantic attraction too, please understand and learn about Han Yoohyun's backstory so that you could understand the complex dynamic of Han Siblings–or any other relationships in the novel. None could be described in such shallow interpretation.

    cottonbubs May 25, 2024 9:18 pm
    Idek man I also got it from a fun fact CokMan

    Please, I insist you to look for the sources or attach a strong proof before you spread around bits that are taken out of context to people who don't even read the novel.

    KPMD00 May 26, 2024 1:12 pm

    @cottonbubs I‘ve read the novel until ch 450, I think I have a fair share of knowledge about Yoohyun’s raw nature that burns everything indiscriminately. and, for God’s sake, I quoted Yoohyun and the Q&A part to fuel yhyj shippers (like myself). we know Yoohyun never said “I want to fuck you, hyung” or “I love you romantically and I wish us to be romantics partners” - it’d be a different novel altogether.

    but readers would be foolish to believe Geunseo doesn’t ship yhyj even platonically. they just don’t explicitly state it.

Zy⁷ May 4, 2024 11:07 am

Mc is getting dragged by everyone (as he should) but I'mma defend my boi even if I'm alone in doing so. HE'S JUST A DUMMY, PRACTICALLY A BABY WHEN IT COMES TO LOVE, HE DOESNT KNOW SHT PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON HIM (/TДT)/

Honestly though, it's really cruel of him to make ml hope for something more that he can't and won't give. But he literally isn't as emotional as a regular person. He never even thought of himself capable of feeling love. It's actually already a huge progress on his part to acknowledge that he does feel something for Juheon, he just isn't aware that it's love.

I always eat it up when a character is a newbie at love, bonus points if they never thought they're capable of it. It's so relatable, I live vicariously through them cuz I've never fallen in love myself ╥﹏╥ go get y'all's mans!

    dan_fun4321 May 4, 2024 11:57 am

    Right he is inexperienced in crushes or dating. He just seems smooth cause he writes bl stories

    May 4, 2024 2:32 pm

    I'm literally fighting for my life here defending him

    Ace May 4, 2024 4:13 pm

    Me when I lie :D

Zy⁷ April 29, 2024 12:47 pm

I need mc and the psychic to meet, as well as the bl writer cmonnnnnnn I've already read fics with them as friends and the dynamic is so good cuz they're all meta in some way, people who in some way or another, aware of how this world works. Mc who knows the truth and does his best to escape it, the writer who's wish already came true and the psychic who suffers from knowing way too much and too little at the same time. Plus, I just want them to have their own people who can understand them, they've been lone wolves all this time and I honestly feel so bad for the psychic, he's been taking damage after damage ever since his introduction ╥﹏╥

    kikyobashing101 April 29, 2024 12:53 pm

    What's the sauce boss!? I need sustenance, please!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Butterflew April 29, 2024 1:35 pm

    Don't be shy drop the name

    Ash April 29, 2024 1:46 pm

    Bro drop the link man don't leave us just like that

    natsuhi April 29, 2024 1:57 pm

    I need to know as well

    TanyaDegurechaff April 29, 2024 3:16 pm

    you drop this and no links for the fanfics ?? that is a crime

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) April 30, 2024 1:21 am

    I’ll just leave my comment here

    Zy⁷ April 30, 2024 1:30 pm

    I was honestly so starved of Zettai bl content that I scoured everything that AO3 has to offer, the trio's friendship is usually not the focus of the story though (it's mainly hatano x mc) but the glimpse and pieces I was blessed to read made me want more. Poly or friendship I don't really care, I just want to see them interact ╥﹏╥ so I'm sorry I can't really recommend any particular story, but there are stories there that has them three actually knowing each other, jfc my standards are so low it's so sad

    kikyobashing101 May 1, 2024 2:57 am
    I was honestly so starved of Zettai bl content that I scoured everything that AO3 has to offer, the trio's friendship is usually not the focus of the story though (it's mainly hatano x mc) but the glimpse and ... Zy⁷

    Crumbs are better than an empty plate when you're starving.

Zy⁷ April 25, 2024 11:41 am

Adult mc is definitely gonna beat the crap out of his younger self if they ever meet. He's his own enemy ╥﹏╥ all his efforts to avoid flags only to be fcked over by baby mc establishing the first chapter of his own bl manga. He can win against the bl world's machinations but he ain't gonna win against himself (≧∀≦) honestly though he's really charming and adorable, I get why the universe is trying so hard to pair him up with basically all the tropes lol

Zy⁷ April 25, 2024 11:29 am

Paljae may not instinctively know feelings and emotions, but he certainly knows Ryeong. That part where he looked like a child and tried to hug Ryeong only to realize it's just clothes left and he's alone, I'm sure he felt that the person he loves is about to disappear. He knows he went too far, that's why he backpedaled and was content with just having his feelings acknowledged, nevermind reciprocated. He was truly hurt when his feelings got disregarded by the person who has it.

He may have just recently found the name to describe it, but all along, love has been what it is.

Zy⁷ April 18, 2024 4:14 pm


A tsunderes shenanigans ain't gonna work on him, he also got impenetrable boundaries damn he's not playing around with the in game relationship lol, he shuts down any hint of flirting. I'm honestly enjoying the slow burn cuz we're seeing so much personality and depth from the characters, I need me some more loreeeeeee. I'm so curious how the mc got his attitude and sass, I aspire to be as no nonsense as him lmaoooo

    10Person April 19, 2024 4:06 pm


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