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Zy⁷ created a topic of Meteor Orbit

I'm hoping that the bonus chapter is a clue and the pairing will end in harem lmaoooo I know Taewon is a walking talking red flag but my god his chemistry with the mc really can't be denied. Honestly, the author did well developing everyone's relationship with mc, I have no complaints. Taewon's a hard pill to swallow cuz he truly was an asshole but I can kind of tolerate him in this loop since he's just a kid. He's stupid af but what would a child even know about how evil adults can be.

I think Woojoon is my favorite out of everyone though, especially when we got a glimpse of his adult version. Wow.... He's hot.

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He keeps being on the verge of a monumental realization and keeps pulling back as well because he's such a goddamn moron. Man's seriously so delusional, he can't even see he's in love even though he's aware how absolutely weird his actions are. When you Google the word denial, Heejae's face will definitely pop out. This is honestly the first time I laughed so much cuz the character is such a dummy dumb dumb but it's so frustrating as well lmaooooo I can't wait to see him when he realizes that he's in love with Seyoung (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Skip Beat

OHMYFCKINGGOD I feel like this arc is a prelude to Ren's closure as well as the revelation of his identity as Kyoko's Corn. I'm just so happy he's healed enough to visit Rick's grave and to come back to the place where he experienced his darkest memory. It's truly amazing to see the development our main characters has made. I'm honestly getting emotional because we've all seen just how much they struggled to get where they are now. There's still much work left but the progress they've made is absolutely beautiful!

And I'm so happy we got an update with great translation and really clean pages ╥﹏╥ I'm so happy. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart

Zy⁷ created a topic of Dreadful Night

I know Doha is suspicious as hell with the way he killed someone who isn't a killer or a villager who allegedly tried to kill him, but I actually wasn't surprised lol. There's no one else more capable of murder but Doha. Though I can also see Bada being able to do it if given enough reason, especially if it will unlock a new ending. They're similar that way, both willing to do anything to accomplish their goals despite how ridiculous or immoral it may be. They also treat the situation they're in as not reality where Bada can easily disregard the NPCs being brutally killed and where Doha can throw away his morals and do the killing himself without batting an eye.

I'm hoping Doha's reason for doing this is only because he doesn't want anyone else "waking up" and infringing on his Bada time but if there's a more nefarious plan on work then I'm excited to find out what it is. I'm leaning towards Doha who found out something important when Bada got killed first and there's no one holding his leash throughout that round. I wonder if we're gonna get a flashback for that. I have this fantasy though, where he panicked when Bada died cuz he doesn't really believe yet that they're in a game and Bada will live again. Like he just snapped and went crazy on the others and that's why he's so assured with his actions now. He knows the consequences of such acts so he's aware of just how low he can go. Anyways, let a girl dream lmao it's fun to imagine one of my favorite tropes happening (≧∀≦)

Thank you to the artist for putting such great care on illustrating how gorgeous the CEO is. He's honestly my favorite and I'm so happy the artist seems to like him as well, I mean gosh, what's with all the lighting and sparkles when he's simply existing lol the artist obviously has a favorite too mueheheheheh he was so hot when he was floating about getting his info through not so legal means ughhhhh

Zy⁷ created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

I know this chapter is provided to give us a glimpse of what's going on with Oushi and to basically make us sympathize with him but jfc all it did is make me double down on my views on him, which aren't really good. It's all so self-absorbed. His way of showing his affection/crush is akin to a kid pulling a girl's hair and he never stopped being like this all the way to college. It's such a turn off. I'm actually contemplating if it's really love that he feels cuz his way of expressing it is so convoluted. Did he really think being mean, his constant infantilization of Yuki and acting like he knows better than the person who actually lives her life are things a person who likes a person will do? No. It's more like the things who secretly hates someone will do.

I would also like to point out that he's aware, he knows that "actions speaks louder than words", aren't just a simple saying for Yuki but a large part of her communication. And yet he continues to act in a way that make it seem like he doesn't like her that much. Ugh I really don't like him. And now he's purposely ignoring the fact that Yuki is in love, happy and living her life to the fullest for his goddamn feelings. As if Yuki wasn't already aware that he likes her, does he really need to double down and make it explicitly known? Once again, he knows this is gonna cause drama and unnecessary grief, and yet he's gonna do it anyway. Even in his own arc, he's doing the things that got him in this situation, making himself and his ego the priority, disregarding the person he apparently "loves". His character development was a circle, he's back exactly where he started, he's only aware he's been a jerk, but he's still a jerk lmao. He should have swallowed back his feelings, left Yuki alone, moved on and stayed as a friend instead of bullsht like this. He's got a chance next chapter, for the love of god please do better than this.

This is the kind of accidentally heard conversation that I can get behind! Not those that cause misunderstandings and unnecessary drama, it's cute once in a while but it's honestly so frustrating when it happens.

Zy⁷ created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I'm not even a gamer but I'm actually having fun reading the gameplays. I get that real life interactions are much preferred but the banter they have online is fun too. I guess a lot of people are used to a fast paced story but personally, I prefer slow burn ╥﹏╥ I don't understand how it feels to fall in love so I need it to happen slowly in excruciating detail so it won't seem impossible. It's why I really like romance as a subplot more than romance as the main story, I'm not so clueless at the former lmaooo

Zy⁷ created a topic of Dreadful Night

Bada and Doha are gonna fuck in the next game, continue fcking even when the killer comes, and basically making him an unwilling participant in the sex as a voyeur... they'll definitely get killed and not only because this is a horror game but because who wouldn't be pissed with the audacity to fck when I'm trying to kill you lmaoooo

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Woohyeon got his sht figured out. Ohmygod I'm so glad there's someone in the story who's clowning the ml as much as the readers do lol. Heejae is seriously so weak against Seyoung. He's doing his best to be a toxic red flag but he's so in love all he's coming across as is annoying. I really like this portrayal of love, cus I honestly believe that if you love someone, intentionally hurting them would be downright impossible. Look at how much Heejae is struggling to accomplish his "goal" lmao. Man made himself fall deeper in love, what a dummy (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

It's not even been a day since his resolution to exact revenge and yet he's already compromised lmaooooooooo bro's thoughts are all projections of his own feelings. "He's lonely" you say and it's true but all us readers know that you are too. He's thoroughly digging himself his own grave with this "plan" ohmygod he's hilarious (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Dreadful Night

Doha is definitely trying to make Bada a masochist AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ohmygod imagine when he succeeds, the sex scenes are gonna be unhinged

Is that the creator of the character Marin cosplayed??? I hope they get in touch with him and somehow, the experience can get Gojo out of the state he's in right now. Ma boi is sad noooooooo I thought he was gonna be overjoyed cuz the outfit he made made such an impact and he actualized his ideal. I guess his talent backfired on him huh

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae's goal is revenge (just like Seyoung), HOWEVER I have a feeling it's about to backfire (just like Seyoung, again lmao) both wanted the other to fall, but both fell in love instead (≧∀≦) or atleast some feelings were developed ahhhhhhhh these two really suit each other they're both dummies I love them

Zy⁷ created a topic of Dreadful Night

I know for sure Doha will be giggling and sht too if he can (≧∀≦) he finally got what he wanted for so long

~edging is over~ lmaooooooooo

Zy⁷ created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

He's so nasty, I'm so glad it's at least the chibi version cuz imagine if it's a full size illustration ewwwwwww

Ugh I can't wait for the next chapter, I hope mc rejects him by turning on the voice chat or something lol.

Zy⁷ created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Yoohyun is basically feeling absolutely devasted that all these fcking strangers gets told "I love you" by his dear hyung and yet he hasn't heard it for himself. The poor boi just wants to be loved lol. Yoojin pay more attention to him! (≧∀≦)

The jealousy's understandable though, cuz Yoojin really has been busy running all over the place, unable to reassure Yoohyun that he's still his family even with all these people he adopted. It's like he got replaced and he can't exactly demand attention from his hyung cuz that would be embarrassing, it's better to just kill them all lmaoooo

Zy⁷ created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

It's honestly such a hopeless situation, I have nothing but sympathy for mc even with all his decisions the past few chapters. The responsibility of being a mother is truly heavy and he doesn't even know what else he can do since it's a basically a different world. He's surrounded by people who's keen on manipulating him, and he's honestly not aware of it. What seems to be good will is nothing but a trick. 'Ignorance is bliss', really isn't true at all.

If only they a have a better communication with each other.... it's so in character for them to not know how to though. They both came from ruined families, with no basis on how to properly be a family, only now discovering what's it's like to have one. Of course there's gonna be mishaps and hurt feelings involved, I just hope it wouldn't be to the point that the relationship ends up in shatters, just like what happened with their parents...

Zy⁷ created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

They're in the same PC cafe lol, I guess we're about to have a ton of almost meetings before getting to the scene from the first chapter (≧∀≦) it's a slow burn babyyyy

Zy⁷ created a topic of Our Sunny Days

It's hilarious how the blob still hasn't got a name lol. But tbh, it's better for her to be unnamed for now than be named something ridiculous like spaghetti or a bunch of numbers (the examples are actual names too jfc it's like the parents wants their kid to be bullied) I think him carefully choosing her name is lovely, especially when he didn't have the chance nor time to do so during the pregnancy.