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Zy⁷ created a topic of Love Interest Zone

I think the MC leaving and breaking Yeonwoo's heart is something only Myungha worries about. Cuz this chapter really doubled down on the fact that Yeowoon is aware he will inevitably get hurt, that what he has is nothing short of a miracle and he knows it might not last. Regardless, for someone who isn't aware that there's a time limit to their time together, he sure is acting like it. Gotta hand it to the ml for the sheer dedication of showing Myungha his love and affection cuz it's definitely working lol. I have a feeling MC isn't only worried about hurting Yeonwoo but also himself cuz he's definitely in love and would be heartbroken in turn when the time for parting comes...

Zy⁷ created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised



Anyways, enough about me losing my goddamn mind I wanna talk about how glorious this chapter is. Literally one of my favorite chapters in the novel, and even moreso in the webtoon ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I just really love Yoojin and Hyungjae's relationship dynamics. The banter is so good and its development is so delicious. Starting from treating each other as someone convenient, basically a tool, to someone you can trust with your troubles. Mind you, they're not exactly what you call friends or even comrades but the fact that they trust each other speaks volumes of how they see the other as a person. Yoojin definitely thinks Hyunjae isn't trustworthy but damn it, he knows Hyunjae will get the job done. If that isn't trust then I don't know sht lmaooooo Yoojin's just too stubborn lol

This is the type of unhinge I like lol. The things that I typically side eye in stories such as a large age gap, raising/acting as the guardian for the other, and dubious consent are so good when it makes perfect sense for the story to have these elements. The ml definitely isn't a kind man, the only thing holding him back from full on becoming a monster is his obsession/love with mc, so of course the way he acts reflects it. He's actually pretty tame too... the licking and stuff honestly wasn't such a surprise for me lmao

(Reading stories with the 'Dead dove do not eat' tag on AO3 gave me a bit of armor when it comes to yanderes ( ̄∇ ̄")

His insecurity is making a reappearance, he's putting up walls and once again downgrades his role in Marin's life... Mah boi you ain't her minder, you're at the very least a very close friend ╥﹏╥

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae treats Seyoung the way one should treat a kitty. They'll be skittish and would bite and scratch if provoked but consistent interaction and plenty of treats will get them to be putty in your hands. Seyoung is basically tamed at this point, he's still fighting but only because it's a habit lmao he keeps giving in after a while (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Ml is somehow naive while having a dirty mind (≧∀≦) he keeps jumping to the most extreme conclusions (granted, the slave thing is indeed sus) but geez they had a perfectly normal conversation that he managed to turn into a threat. The fact that his perspective was so different from the MC that even when he was talking about it, he didn't realize it was awfully familiar and something that happened to him recently ╥﹏╥ they're hilarious

Zy⁷ created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

This is definitely one of the chapters that keeps the threesome tag alive in fanfictions about this story lol

Honestly, prior to reading the novel, I was quite confused with a lot of the pairings for this fandom. Most of the characters haven't been introduced in the webtoon at the time but now that I read the novel, it's understandable lmao the potential ohmygod (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae only needed the realization that he's doing all these things cuz he's in love to achieve enlightenment lmao he went in looking for revenge and ended up doing his best to make Seyoung fall in love with him. His actions ain't the smoothest and he was way too forceful at times but I guess that's exactly what's needed to make someone as oblivious as Seyoung to fall in love.

He looked so happy and satisfied seeing Seyoung blushing and reacting to him. It was honestly so adorable. I can't wait for the next season uwu

Zy⁷ created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Wait, if Maomao's father did this before, then shouldn't the information be basic knowledge now? The fact that it isn't implies that someone deliberately erased information vital to the survival of the infants in the rear palace. That could be one of the reasons why hardly any heirs survived despite the large amount of concubines available.

But Kawakami stirring things up will definitely add some spice and help our favorite couple make some more progress in their relationship. Also, it would be fun to see them from the perspective of someone who never saw them interact. She's gonna be one of us frustrated with the slow burn (≧∀≦) but slow burn is the best though hehe

Zy⁷ created a topic of The World’S Best Engineer

The way Lloyd/Suho's appearance continuously becomes the reason for discrimination got me a bit upset for the last few chapters ╥﹏╥ cuz this time he wasn't even thinking about making a profit. He's genuinely doing all this to save the people he loves and yet something he was born with became a hurdle in accomplishing his truly noble goal. Anyways, enough sulking lol.

I just realized this but it feels like his friend from when he was Suho influenced the way he acts now. Very arrogant and blatantly flaunts his wealth but actually helps you in his own way. It may look like he's power tripping but there's no abuse done. If we ignore his words, it's just a touching scene of friends hanging out, and he even went out of his way to pick up Suho, it's so sweet (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Define The Relationship

Lyle's biggest enemy really is himself. I'm enjoying the fact that there's no other love interest involved but the source of conflict now stems from his insecurities. It's actually sad how much his childhood affected him, he's made a lot of progress though, since despite Ash's request not to come, he still went to him. He wouldn't have done that before.

I do wonder why Ash seems so closed off regarding what's happening to him. I think his rut is coming, is he not aware that that's what's causing him to act differently? Or is there something else going on? I'm so excited for the next chapter (≧∀≦) ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Sousou no Frieren

The prevailing theme in this story is truly time. How it heals wounds, how it erases history, how it changes people and how lonely it is for your time to be longer than others, forcing you to be the sole witness of all that has changed.

Reading this always makes me a tad bit sad. Cuz even though Frieren is embarking on a new journey, this too, will only be memories in a little while.

Chapter 125 really made me think, cuz the old man's life's purpose is to kill her, but he so easily let that goal go because time has made everything insignificant in its might. The people who made that order probably already died, forgotten or deemed it nonsense after a typical lifetime passed. I guess that quote that says love isn't the strongest thing in the universe, but time, is true.

If I was rich af, I'll definitely use the money to adapt many of the books I read. I wanna see the words written on the page brought to life either through animation or live action. There'll be no such thing as a budget, only the the most accurate portrayal will be allowed.

Ugh why are the billionaires a bunch of psychopaths, why couldn't they be nerds and weebs lmaooo

Anyways, will the orange haired CEO hottie not be acting anymore??? It's a crime for that face to remain in the office and not onscreen. Bless the world with your gorgeous being pleaseeeeee

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


He was so adamantly in denial and delusional in his "revenge", that us readers continuously clowned him all throughout his POV. I'm so glad he finally graduated from the school of delulu lol the comments are full of congratulations for Heejae too (≧∀≦) everyone's tired of his shenanigans.

Zy⁷ created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Codependency is honestly one of my favorite tropes and this story nailed it so good, it actually got me sobbing. Their scene in the ocean scared me so bad, I really thought they're gonna do a double suicide in that moment. I didn't even realize how attached I was to Amane and Rindo til that chapter, it left me in such a mess my brother was concerned lmao. I was absolutely devastated with the thought that all their hard work to get where they are now will end in vain, especially Amane who was only now getting to know what it means to be happy. But wow, the vow of dying together was mind-blowing. It's such a perfect solution to their biggest issue, I love it so much. It's so fcked up and twisted but it's such a beautiful representation of the love they have towards each other.

I can't believe I finished reading all the available chapters within two days lol. I was sleep deprived while at work, doing my best not to fall asleep, suffering from a sore throat and irritated as hell cuz I didn't sleep to read this but it's all worth it. It's been a while since I cried so hard, it's cathartic. I recommend this as a 10/10 ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Zy⁷ created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

He's just a babyyyyyyy he's a lil babyyyyy (≧∀≦)
Contrary to his looks and stature, he's a shy guy who's parents spoiled a bit too much and are now having headaches cuz their son can't function properly in society lmaoooooo

Also, I'm getting the vibe that the mc perceives the ml as a kid. Or maybe I'm projecting cuz everyone younger than me is automatically baby in my eyes lol. Anyways, if so, that's another conflict in their relationship when things starts to develop


Anyways, we're really getting highs and lows this arc huh. Gojo had a really hard time making that cosplay, he was agonizing creating his ideal and when he finally did it to his satisfaction, suddenly he's depressed. Is it because it made him realize the difference between him and Marin? Perhaps, he's started to realize his feelings may not be as platonic as he thought? Or something else? I dunno but I'm so excited to find out (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

We should all think the way the straights do lmaooooo.

Vehement denial that anything gay is going on because the genre doesn't say it's yaoi/bl/shounen ai. So what if there's something suspicious going on, if there's a huge amount of homosexual undertones? The genre didn't specifically say it's gay so it's not gay lol.

Anyways, I'm reading the manga and watched the anime of My new boss is goofy, and wow, the utter confidence to say that it isn't gay despite the scenes depicting typical romantic moments is astounding. Just because the genre didn't include some gay tags, it's like we're supposed to be blind with the way they act with each other. It's filled to the brim with romantic cliches!!! What am I supposed to think of it but romantic?

Anyways, I'm just thinking, for Papa wolf and puppy, it would be better to just adhere to the genre tagged so it can't cause us any headaches lol. Adult potato is absolutely sus but we turning blind to it and automatically converting the admiration into something ~familial~ maybe even a bit of hero worship and like meeting your idol. God knows I'm not in love with my faves but damn, my heart's definitely gonna be pounding so hard if I interact with them (≧∀≦)

Zy⁷ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Revenge is the furthest thing in Heejae's mind. It's full of thoughts of sleeping in the same bed as Seyoung, if Seyoung likes him, if he misses him, what is noona doing, I wanna play with him, wanna be with him, wanna come home to him. It's basically full of Seyoung!!! (≧∀≦) he's so in love and so oblivious, I can't wait to see his reaction the moment he realizes his feelings lol