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royal_otaku April 27, 2018 5:03 pm

i remember reading this manga before but i don't remember the name of it (it's not yaoi)
i'm not sure but i remember that there were i think a married couple and the story was funny but it has a sad ending because the husband commit suicide
the drawing wasn't like the typical shoujo manga
the husband wasn't handsome and i think it consider a Josei

royal_otaku April 25, 2018 12:02 am

i remmember reading a yaoi dojin
it was harry potter dojin and it was so twisted

royal_otaku April 17, 2018 8:19 pm

can anybody recommend for me a yaoi manga with single father or brother who is looking out after his younger brother or whatever baby???
i want a cute fluffy one ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

royal_otaku April 1, 2018 6:58 am

a manga about an uke who fell in love with the seme but the uke can't confess because when he was in high school he got rejected and now he is scared to confess
he wear glass and he is i think a boss in the company and the seme is younger than him and work in the same company and he is handsome and everyone love him...the uke find out that there is a rumor that the seme got engaged...the seme told the uke that he want to drink with him
then the seme told the uke that he know that the uke loves him
and in the end the seme turn out to be a sadistic
sorry for my bad explanation

royal_otaku March 22, 2018 12:40 am
if you want to have nightmare just read this manga (=・ω・=)

    Loner March 22, 2018 12:45 am

    O-Oh... E-Er... I have no words..

    imbecile testicles March 22, 2018 12:51 am

    why would anyone create this

    justme March 22, 2018 1:02 am

    was alright

    Cupid March 22, 2018 1:04 am

    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days

    royal_otaku March 22, 2018 1:07 am
    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days Cupid

    i've read it before (°Д °;)

    NekoNani March 22, 2018 1:09 am

    Jesus. Yaoi knows no bounds

    mint March 22, 2018 1:09 am

    What did I just see? =_=?

    229 March 22, 2018 1:15 am

    I've looked at worse

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 1:18 am

    I wonder how many of the readers expressing shock and outrage over this would be the first ones to complain if someone shamed them for the rape-as-love kink.
    Where is the 'It's fiction' logic? Only works when it's your fucked up kink being called off?
    This is obviously way more fictional than all that shit with rape that you all enjoy. ... at least this is really, really unlikely to happen as opposed to real situation of rape.
    Still you all have no problem with yaoi romanticizing abuse and rape.
    If you ever whined about people pointing out how stupid and sick all the 'rape in yaoi is okay because it's fiction and stop kink shaming me just because I get off by watching a guy being raped in fiction' then you come here saying how sick this is, you are just a hypocrite.
    Go read your pedophile, 'rape is cute' Yaoi and lecture people about kink shaming --- while kink shaming something else.
    What a bunch of hypocrites.

    Kissjen March 22, 2018 1:21 am
    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days Cupid

    i cannot believe that there is something that disgusting

    FoolishKook March 22, 2018 1:25 am

    My eyeballs ;-;
    I like angst and occasional psychos but I do have a line that the two linked stories crossed x( Now to burry myself in yaoi family fluff :3

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 1:26 am

    I guess every kink has its fans .... and every kink is bound to leave nightmares to readers who find them sick.
    Do you really think this is worse than rape? I don't. Even more because this is way more unrealistic and inconsequential that portraying rape as a valid starting point for a romantic relationship.
    If anything gets me nightmare is how comfortable rape and abuse relationship are seeing as cute and romantic in Yaoi.

    chizaman March 22, 2018 1:28 am


    Anonymous March 22, 2018 1:31 am

    Where are all the girls screaming about kink shame??

    Rape-as-love is cute and all about fiction but suddenly a ridiculous story with bunnies crosses the line?

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 1:36 am
    I wonder how many of the readers expressing shock and outrage over this would be the first ones to complain if someone shamed them for the rape-as-love kink. Where is the 'It's fiction' logic? Only works when... @Anonymous

    ok but did it fucking occur to you that the people above arent speaking for the fucking community?? its not like theyre the spokespeople so can you please hold off the generalization

    holy fucking shit i spent so long thinking of a polite way but fuck it

    Hypocrisy March 22, 2018 1:38 am

    Oh, the horror!!!
    Look all the rape-as-love-story kink lovers riding their high horses and crunching their pearls!
    I suppose a story with bunnies is nightmare but the usual pedophilia/shotacon or yaoi rape is alright .... okay.

    chizaman March 22, 2018 1:39 am
    Oh, the horror!!! Look all the rape-as-love-story kink lovers riding their high horses and crunching their pearls! I suppose a story with bunnies is nightmare but the usual pedophilia/shotacon or yaoi ra... @Hypocrisy

    Ironic, rather than hypocritical; yes.

    Loner March 22, 2018 1:40 am
    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days Cupid

    That was not enjoyable.

    NekoNani March 22, 2018 1:48 am
    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days Cupid

    Actually i rather enjoyed orc bride. True it has a fucked up story line, but it isn't plotless and the art is amazing. Like i said, yaoi knows no bounds lol.

    Roooiodnsks March 22, 2018 1:49 am

    Gotta love how all the anons freely hate on whoever. Like no member has brought up an argument on this thread but anons are flowing in like crazy to shame and call out the MangaGo community when anons aren’t rlly a part of it. I rlly can’t take anon comments srsly on any platform, and I know scanlation teams LOATHE them.

    Hemorrhasan March 22, 2018 1:50 am

    Well..............okay then.

    RapeShitIsWorse March 22, 2018 1:50 am

    Don't know how many that are voicing 'OMG' reactions to this story are readers who enjoy the popular yaoi rape stories ...
    In what world do these readers think that enjoying rape as romance in fiction makes them any more normal or selective than anyone who enjoys this?
    Enjoy abuse and rape makes you more normal than enjoying sex with bunnies? No, I don't think so. If you gonna call this kink twisted while jerking off to your rape-is-so-sexy favorite yaoi plot, then take a look at the mirror.

    Fukessu March 22, 2018 1:50 am

    See you guys in hell

    Cupid March 22, 2018 1:51 am
    Actually i rather enjoyed orc bride. True it has a fucked up story line, but it isn't plotless and the art is amazing. Like i said, yaoi knows no bounds lol. NekoNani

    Everytime I see the manga I just cringe lmao.
    But I agree, the artwork is great and the authors other works are just as good, in relation to the horror and gore theme, which are a nice change from all these fluffy stories

    Cupid March 22, 2018 1:55 am

    Another fucked up story for you all lmao.
    I actually quite like Gengoroh's work but this one is a big YIKES!

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 1:56 am
    Gotta love how all the anons freely hate on whoever. Like no member has brought up an argument on this thread but anons are flowing in like crazy to shame and call out the MangaGo community when anons aren’t ... Roooiodnsks

    Gotta love a person who feels entitled to say who belongs to a community or not, especially in a public forum.
    If mangago allows for readers who don't have an account to express themselves, it's not really for you, my dear, to decide who is the 'community' or not.
    As per taking anons seriously, it seems you do since you take your precious time to talk about them.
    Gotta love too the hypocrisy of kink shaming one fantasy while enjoying your own. What is the point here? My kink is better than yours?

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 1:56 am
    Gotta love how all the anons freely hate on whoever. Like no member has brought up an argument on this thread but anons are flowing in like crazy to shame and call out the MangaGo community when anons aren’t ... Roooiodnsks

    I actually had to re-read the earlier comments cause I was trying to see which one the anon got offended by. XD
    They felt more "meme" than insulting.
    I thought they got insulted by someone saying something like "The people that enjoy this must want to get fucked by bunnies" but there was no one like that.

    FoolishKook March 22, 2018 1:56 am

    Everyone’s got their own taste in everything and I believe part of being an empathetic human being is understanding that everyone is different and not looking down on them for their opinions but being able to comprehend and understand why or how they think even if you don’t think the same. Not saying everyone has to have the same ideals but I’ve always been taught to ask the 5 W’s vs rush to my own assumptions. I dunno. I like reading what I like and I’ll respect others if they respect me. Mutual understandings ;)

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 2:03 am
    Gotta love how all the anons freely hate on whoever. Like no member has brought up an argument on this thread but anons are flowing in like crazy to shame and call out the MangaGo community when anons aren’t ... Roooiodnsks

    As if every anon were really worried if you particularly take them seriously or not.... you are giving yourself too much credit and importance.
    "Mangago community' is everyone who uses and posts here ... this is an open site, in case you haven't noticed.
    If you wish to have a 'community' where no anons can post, maybe host your own? This way you can brag as much as you want about how you LOATHE all the inferior people who don't belong with your superior shit or whatever you think you are.

    Fukessu March 22, 2018 2:03 am
    I wonder how many of the readers expressing shock and outrage over this would be the first ones to complain if someone shamed them for the rape-as-love kink. Where is the 'It's fiction' logic? Only works when... @Anonymous

    Although i dont want to start a keyboard war or anything I just wanted to say that rape is often used at a plot device in yaoi and unfortunate plot device but it's not as if people are jumping with joy when a character gets raped. Some plots with rape can be unrealistic but I'm pretty sure that the readers can tell the difference between a story that uses the rape plot device well and a story that uses it badly.

    I for one am only speaking for myself of course and those of us who might agree with me

    Nope March 22, 2018 2:08 am

    Eh, this is weird but not exactly the kind of nightmare.
    Rape and pedophilia kink in fiction ( as in being portrayed as something normal/sexy/romantic) is way more disgusting and repulsive to me because they actually relatable in real life.

    Cupid March 22, 2018 2:08 am

    How has this gone from showing a messed up manga into a fully blown arguement ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯
    I don't understand how people get so offended over a work of fiction

    Nope March 22, 2018 2:32 am
    Gotta love how all the anons freely hate on whoever. Like no member has brought up an argument on this thread but anons are flowing in like crazy to shame and call out the MangaGo community when anons aren’t ... Roooiodnsks

    Gotta love stupidity and irony.
    A random person in the internet with a made up name and a default avatar lecturing about how she ( or he?) LOATHES anons.
    I'm sorry but what difference exactly does it make for 'identity' if you create a lame ass user account in any free site?
    Are you going to take someone more seriously if they put a name and an avatar in here? Why is that? Because suddenly you 'know' them? WTF do you think you reveal by creating a made up name in a free site? Do you think you suddenly became part of some circle and get magic knowledge of your fellow 'anons with a user account' pals?
    Here is a simple concept to you: we are all 'anons' in here, even your stupid ass. Having a random user name and an avatar doesn't make you any more part of a 'community' just because you put a cute avatar and a stupid little name to hide your 'anon' internet identity.
    Fucking stupidity. Go check the concept of internet, you random anonymous internet user, 'mangago community' user called 'Roooiodnsks' who may or may not be a man or a woman. LOL.

    Cupid March 22, 2018 2:39 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Random Stories

    Hahaha I apologise!
    Even I get creeped out by the stories I posted. I find it amusing to witness other people's teactions lmaooo

    Kat Phisher March 22, 2018 2:46 am
    Gotta love stupidity and irony. A random person in the internet with a made up name and a default avatar lecturing about how she ( or he?) LOATHES anons. I'm sorry but what difference exactly does it make for... @Nope


    AstrudCrescent March 22, 2018 2:50 am

    Wow that was disturbing but exciting! It has almost everything on the plate! OMG! Am I a super pervert now?! This made my day! Crazy! hahaha (●'◡'●)

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 2:52 am
    Although i dont want to start a keyboard war or anything I just wanted to say that rape is often used at a plot device in yaoi and unfortunate plot device but it's not as if people are jumping with joy when a c... Fukessu

    I'm sorry but we must be seeing different comments. Plenty of readers here enjoy the rape-as-love as plot and find it sexy. That in itself is their own business but my point is how many of them are here kink shaming this particular story. I find it hypocrite.
    Other point is that you really need to take a look at the discussion and comments that goes when someone dares to point out that a particular scene is rape or abuse. The amount of users who go out of their way to excuse the rape in the story as okay because the guy 'cares for the other' is what makes the whole thing disturbing.
    Don't be so sure about how the readers can tell a difference or even admit that what they are enjoying qualifies as rape or abuse.
    It doesn't even need to be rape. There is a very popular shounei ai here ( and therefore no sex really) with a 'cute' pair of characters. One of them clearly bullies, beats and forces the other into submission and they have a owner/pet relationship. One chapter depicts the stronger guy arm twisting the other and forcing him to wear earrings for him and readers find this 'cute'. Every comment or topic ever posted in there calling off how abusive the relationship is and not a love story is shut down by fangirls. The abuse somehow got translated as 'care' and cute. And this goes for many rape stories here where the 'rapist' is the love interest. So, please, don't tell me readers know or even admit that they enjoy rape and abuse as such. I actually have respect for a reader who flat out admit enjoying rape/abuse but I can't help but find disturbing the readers who insist in denying or portraying rape/abuse as anything other than that.
    To my original point, for this particular post, I am calling off people who enjoy rape kink and came here thinking they are any better or normal than whichever reader that may enjoy this bunny weird orgy kink.

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 2:57 am
    Gotta love stupidity and irony. A random person in the internet with a made up name and a default avatar lecturing about how she ( or he?) LOATHES anons. I'm sorry but what difference exactly does it make for... @Nope

    YES! Finally someone with basic knowledge! The users on this site are always quick to shit on anonymous users acting all entitled to their avatar and funky names. "You're anonymous so you're irrelevant to the discussion" "Go make an account you coward" HAHAH it doesn't make sense! We're all anonymous on here! How about you reveal your face and personal social media accounts, then we will talk again lolol coward anonymous 'users'

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 3:02 am
    How has this gone from showing a messed up manga into a fully blown arguement ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯I don't understand how people get so offended over a work of fiction Cupid

    I think the point of the discussion is that Yaoi most common plot is rape and it's hugely popular ... what brings the question on why sex with bunnies is considered 'messed up'.
    It's a valid argument after all .... why is rape kink any less fucked up than bestiality (or bunny kink)?
    And who exactly is offended? It seems the people getting offended are the rape kinkers that suddenly got offended for being called hypocrites for kink shaming other fantasy with their 'OMG, this is messed up'.

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 3:05 am
    Wow that was disturbing but exciting! It has almost everything on the plate! OMG! Am I a super pervert now?! This made my day! Crazy! hahaha (●'◡'●) AstrudCrescent

    Kudos for assuming your kink with pride!!
    Be bestiality, pedophilia, rape, incest ... what makes someone hypocrite is thinking that their kink is any less disgusting than the others.

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 3:08 am

    I don't know, I think I would enjoy more if the kid was raping the bunny.... or maybe a big guy dressed in bunny costume was raping the child.

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 3:23 am

    I gotta be honest. I think this is being blown out of proportion. I think there's a difference between actual shaming and someone reacting. Let's take a few examples from the earlier comments. "eh, I have no words." and "bunny no pico." Both of these are just the persons reactions to it.
    They're not saying "The people who read this are messed up."
    It's okay for people to have different taste and to be shocked by something they're not into, or haven't heard of. As long as you don't belittle anyone while reacting.
    The only comment I see that could be taken that way is "why would anyone create this?" Which I assume from what this user usually post, that this is said "jokingly" or it's "not serious."

    fucking stfu March 22, 2018 3:25 am
    I gotta be honest. I think this is being blown out of proportion. I think there's a difference between actual shaming and someone reacting. Let's take a few examples from the earlier comments. "eh, I have no wo... Pacgirl

    no that person likes rape but not this. it's their reaction. they dont like this but will read rape. dont defend that bs

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 3:33 am
    no that person likes rape but not this. it's their reaction. they dont like this but will read rape. dont defend that bs fucking stfu

    Rape and Beastiality are two different tags.
    For example, there is rape in some beastiality mangas but the person may still dislike it due to the Beastiality it in, and that's fine.
    I've seen plenty of people saying they don't like rape, etc. And I'm fine with that, as long as they don't insult anyone while stating there dislike for a genre.
    It's simply just different taste.
    Personally, I read plenty of stories like this bunny one, it's quite common in hentai.
    You can't like everything.

    fucking stfu March 22, 2018 3:34 am
    Rape and Beastiality are two different tags.For example, there is rape in some beastiality mangas but the person may still dislike it due to the Beastiality it in, and that's fine. I've seen plenty of people sa... Pacgirl

    sorry bitch am not here to read your paragraphs.

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 3:36 am
    sorry bitch am not here to read your paragraphs. fucking stfu

    Well, that escalated at sonic speeds, I guess you didn't care as much about this subject. If you did you'd read my "paragraphs."

    Sad aftermath. March 22, 2018 3:37 am

    I'm gonna have nightmares

    fucking stfu March 22, 2018 3:38 am
    Well, that escalated at sonic speeds, I guess you didn't care as much about this subject. If you did you'd read my "paragraphs." Pacgirl

    yeah i don't. the drama is fucking hilarious. its just a bunch of idiots arguing. this is pure entertainment and the only good thing about this forsaken site.

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 3:43 am
    yeah i don't. the drama is fucking hilarious. its just a bunch of idiots arguing. this is pure entertainment and the only good thing about this forsaken site. fucking stfu

    Whelp, I would ask why bother to continue to involve yourself. But I guess I'll say I'm glad we've entertained you.

    fucking stfu March 22, 2018 3:44 am
    Whelp, I would ask why bother to continue to involve yourself. But I guess I'll say I'm glad we've entertained you. Pacgirl

    no need to ask why. entertainment is entertainment.

    Hemorrhasan March 22, 2018 3:50 am
    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days Cupid

    That was actually a really interesting story. The art was beautiful as well, despite the subject matter. I prefer stories with characters I can become invested in, unlike the bunny story.

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 3:55 am
    no need to ask why. entertainment is entertainment. fucking stfu

    Whelp, I guess I won't entertainment shame you.
    I wanted to make a pun, but my daily pun skills are lacking today.

    Sad aftermath. March 22, 2018 6:32 am

    If you think that isnt fucked up enough for you read Feeding The Lamb

    FJ-Anya March 23, 2018 12:03 am


    Hemorrhasan March 23, 2018 4:01 am
    Lmao you should try reading this if you want to have nightmares for days Cupid

    I really have to thank you now for introducing me to Nishin. It's a whole new world, and I'm loving it. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Cupid March 23, 2018 9:57 am
    I really have to thank you now for introducing me to Nishin. It's a whole new world, and I'm loving it. ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Hemorrhasan

    No problem! Their other work is great! Enjoy reading the rest (⌒▽⌒)

royal_otaku March 17, 2018 4:06 am

can anybody recommend for me a yaoi manga with a cute relationship between the uke and the seme
but the uke brother doesn't accept their relationship?
like ?

royal_otaku March 10, 2018 5:56 am
i just finish reading this manga
and it's my first time seeing a cute stalker
so please can anybody recommend for me a yaoi manga with the same uke s personalty?? (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Sloth March 10, 2018 6:40 am

    That was reay cute

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