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Jules created a topic of Exit's That Way

I'm so heartbroken about this. Dropping a series after so many people read it is mean. Now there's no ending and we'll never know what happens.

Jules created a topic of Hateful Lady

Is season 2 out? I don't want this to be suddenly dropped

Jules created a topic of Talk Dirty to Me
Jules created a topic of I'm More Dangerous Than You

Not gonna lie, that speaker in the keychain was so smart. Not only does she stalk her, she can hear her too. Teacher Ren is a perfect assassin.

Jules created a topic of Kill Switch

I don't get it. Are the two short hair girls together??????

Jules created a topic of Relationship Guidelines

I feel like they're both gonna overthink each other's confession and they'll end up confused again..

Jules created a topic of Relationship Guidelines

God. I bet I was just this naive and clueless when I was in high school too. I'm so glad I never made out with a friend lol

Jules created a topic of APPROXIMATE

I just want to see them together

Jules created a topic of Opium

Doesn't matter who translates it to me. I'm grateful I got to read it from beginning to end without being in limbo. Both of yall are great!

Jules created a topic of Would you? Could you?

Super happy about this ending. Even though it was weird and confusing at the beginning, everything got sorted out nicely.

Jules created a topic of Bai Lijin Among Mortals

Bruh not gonna lie but the second couple is pissing me off with their sucky communication skills.

Jules created a topic of Opium

Oh shit my baby is about to get shot

Jules created a topic of Soul Drifters

Omg even as a "human" now, Claire STILL calls her 359. My God. Why can't they just sit down and decide on a name. Theia won't work cause that's the name of a skank but 359 is so....long. at least just say 3.

Jules created a topic of Sadistic Beauty: Side Story

Juyeon is so perfect. If I ever found anyone like her in real life or similar to her, I'm gonna wife her real quick.

Jules created a topic of Kill Switch

How is having sex with their clothes on in the shower comfortable

Jules created a topic of Relationship Guidelines

Damn. Jiwon is so stupid lol

Jules created a topic of Relationship Guidelines

What kinda fight was that? They just pulled hair and scratch. It wasn't even a big scratch to go see a nurse over. Myeongin made it seem like Jiwon got her ass beat lol

Jules created a topic of Opium

I hope Jini doesn't get hurt somehow. I don't think she cares about her husband much since she suspects he's doing something shady but I feel bad for her.

Jules created a topic of Would you? Could you?

Damn she's so desperate it hurts