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I have tried countless times to understand and follow along with this story but I'm basically lost at sea. It's so confusing.

Jules created a topic of Cadenza

The hell? There was no plot there LOL and the ending is x_x like why

Jules created a topic of Kill Me Now

Yall hating on Banwoo LOL You do know Mian has brainwashed him with promises of killing Haegu since they met right? And that was the only hope he had of happiness since he was raised to be a killer. I mean I'm not saying he's right in the head or anything but all his life he thought he was going to be a family with mian. Then mian throws the idea of kicking haegu out basically throwing him away too. I feel bad for him.

On another note, I always though Haegus parents were the same ones who the dick crusher or whatever her name is were the same. After the chapter that talked about her past, I was even more sure. But it's weird that as children, they never met IF it was Haegu's mom who took her in. This plot is so good though. Everyone's story is slowing falling into place and the pieces are intertwined with one another. Next time we'll find out is grandma park banwoos grandmas sister in law (that's a joke don't kill me).

Jules created a topic of Relationship Users Manual

Cute but short. No drama, no triangles.

Jules created a topic of The Witches' Isle

I'm confused. Who wants who?

Jules created a topic of On A Leash

Man she really kicked her in the face lol

Jules created a topic of Immoral Parody

Damn some of these comments are crazy lol pretty sure it's not over so don't throw stones until the end.

Jules created a topic of Lee Doona!

Bruh I'm confused af. With this story AND the netflix story. Is it true in Korean kpop or idols will get death threats and boycotted by fans if they are found out dating? And dating a non celebrity makes it 10 times worse? If it's true, I understand why he broke up with her but at the same time I don't. If they get a place in the same apartment, no one would know they're dating cause they wouldn't be able to follow them inside.

Jules created a topic of Immoral Parody

Oh damn. Ji-na got some issues. But toxic relationships are fun to read about. Just not to be in LOL

Jules created a topic of Drizzling Night

I'm confused what's the plot

Jules created a topic of On A Leash

Ummm WHAT?! is that a BLACK WOLF?!

Alcohol triggers another personality huh? That's about right lol

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

Umm is that Dr lily girlfriend? I forgot who it was but she about to get spanked.

Jules created a topic of Kill Me Now

The sex scenes are cool and all but the plot is so interesting. I can't wait until the big boss fight. Since grandma released all her pawns, I wonder if this is where they a find happiness.

Jules created a topic of Pet's Aesthetics

I don't even understand but okay cool

Jules created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

Jesus Christ. I can already this love triangle is going to go round and round and round until it's flat.

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

I think the doc is setting up a date for Yuri and her friend. It's obvious her friend loves Yuri but she's confused. Either she's confused or she's insane cause she's jealous of the doc.

Jules created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

What is going on anymore? It's already chapter 31 and I'm confused cause it can't be a love triangle since no one's in a relationship with anyone. The pink hair and brown hair girls are just letting the blue hair girl touch or sleep with them whenever she wants with no damn plot. Is it a love triangle or is this a polygamy thing? The eff.

Jules created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

I'm confused. Is the main couple blue and pink or blue and brown? Cause the blue haired girl kinda got a player vibe right now.

This kinda relationship would never happen in real life cause Jay is toxic and crazy af. BUT it does have qualities for a good manga story lol