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I don't get it....prisoners get to have sex with a beautiful robot because...? They're in prison so why would they get to have some kind of pleasure?

Jules created a topic of Lily of the Valley

Lily just being a hoe okay. I guess this plot is something like the fear of being abandoned makes a person do things. Like rose hiding the letters. Anna pushing lily away because she's a servant and they're not on the same class. Lily being a hoe cause she don't wanna be alone. Weak ass female characters.

Oh so jias in love with her adopted sister x_x

Jules created a topic of Kill Me Now

I always wondered if they met when Mina lived with haegus parents. Does haegu know who Mina is or is that memory of her blacked out because of her witnessing her parents death? I wonder if Mina will kill someone in the end.

Jules created a topic of Lily of the Valley

So the whole time they've been there, lily and Anna hasn't had a chance to talk? Wtf lily is so dumb. This plot or whatever is so frustrating

Jules created a topic of Kill Me Now

Nasang is truly ride or die with Hague. I wonder how they met and why their relationship is so strong

Jules created a topic of To My Neighbor Angel!

Alright I'm out. Girl with a penis has nothing to do with the story besides made just for sex scenes.

Jules created a topic of Talk Dirty to Me

I didn't realize that high schooler was a stalker like thief lol besides chapter 41, when did she steal before?

Jules created a topic of Lily of the Valley
Jules created a topic of Kill Me Now

Omg that was a story about mian and Haegu LOL I thought it was Mina and someone else

Jules created a topic of Beast of Blue Obsidian

I'm just gonna wait and see why the doctor betrayed emi. I mean she wrapped emi up in those strings so they wouldn't have to fight. The doctor is just a soldier for the king right?

Jules created a topic of To My Neighbor Angel!

Well this shit turned weird

Jules created a topic of Lily of the Valley

It's weird the same chapters were uploaded again but after rereading them, I realized lily is just sexual frustrated LOL

What....? I hope this storyline and plot isn't about sex sex sex.

Jules created a topic of Manipulate my heart

Okay don't give me any hate about this because the names are hard keep up with but the girl who got kidnapped and injected with whatever is the same girl from the beginning that's the detective? Because I'm so confused.

Jules created a topic of Lily of the Valley

How does lily love someone she just met and even says it during sex? Wtf

Jules created a topic of Lily of the Valley

Ah so it seems the maid loves her mistress. That's sweet

Jules created a topic of Snowhite's Doorbell

I thought this story was so weird first 3 or 4 chapters but now it all makes sense. It was a repeating cycle for medae to see snow white until snow white went rouge and did something differently. Now medae has to stay in that timeline since her soul is too weak to perform another spell.

Jules created a topic of You Look Better Crying

Well that was kinda depressing kinda cute