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Jules created a topic of My Dear Enemy

Oh I thought the nerd was a quiet timid girl. But she's feisty.

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

Dude she wasn't even sitting close to Yuri lol they were sitting across each other wtf

Jules created a topic of Beast of Blue Obsidian

The doctor doesn't deserve emi. I can't believe she betrayed her and then attacked her. The hell is wrong with her? Lilith is so cute in human or elf form. I hope she turns the doctor into dust for treating Emi like that.

Jules created a topic of Kill Me Now

Mina got a crush on haegu or what?

Jules created a topic of Glass Flower

So there's an age gap? How old is the wife cause the fake daughter is already 28 lol

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies
Jules created a topic of Ruthless(Yuri)

What is going on...? They like each other and kiss but can't be together? Wtf

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

Eun hye is so frustrating. She doesn't listen to Yuri because she's too busy jumping to conclusions on her own.

Jules created a topic of Beast of Blue Obsidian

I'm confused. Is the doctor a good or bad guy? Cause if she ain't helping Emi, she deserves to sleep on dirt.

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

I'm so confused. The scenes change without a notice and I'm lost. Where are they!!!! Is the amusement park a flashback or is the convenient store the flashback!?!?!?!?

Jules created a topic of Manipulate my heart

I'm confused. Is this going to be an incest story? Cause that's so gross lol

Jules created a topic of Beast of Blue Obsidian

I kinda want Amy to end up with the doctor. Since the doctor is clearly obsessed with her.

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

Eunhye is being so stupid right now. She's letting her girl get away because she doesn't understand her own feelings.

Jules created a topic of My Dear Enemy

Damn she's not the basic nerd friend. She's the protector type.

Jules created a topic of APPROXIMATE

I've invested so much time in waiting for an update is it dropped??

Jules created a topic of Beast of Blue Obsidian

Do these characters not remind anyone of Natsuki and Shizuru from Mai Hime? Maybe it's just me cause they were my favorite ship but I'm seeing them in this story.

Jules created a topic of Chasing Lilies

Eun hye is just in denial right now. I don't think she's manipulative or controlling. She's just trying to make Yuri famous while protecting her from negative feedback because it could ruin Yuri. Also I think she just doesn't realize the love she feels for Yuri isn't friendship but as a significant other. I ship them and so does Dr Lily!

Jules created a topic of The Witches' Isle

What if the gay couple is the MC and the pretty ghost? Lol