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Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

I tell myself every week that I’m going to stop reading this and wait till it ends to pick it back up but every week I find myself reading another chapter of this dumpster fire because I have no self control and need to see what dumb shit the author is gonna have everyone do

Frenchfries created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

I want whatever the authors having cuz how can you be sober and make something like this???

Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

Once again in this new chapter Yahwi gets on my nerves like nobody’s business… like he wants Jooin to like him but he’s going around once again being extremely selfish and kissing him while he’s sleeping… ALSO THE FACT THAT CAIN SAW MY HEART IS BROKEN

Frenchfries created a topic of Under the Green Light

Update for everyone! I emailed the official website and they responded saying that the series is set to return soon so fingers crossed that it releases sometime next month

Frenchfries created a topic of Dreadful Night

I think it’s super interesting that there’s so many theories about what’s really going on and all of them could be right in one way or the other…i love plot twist stuff so I hope it’s something like that

Frenchfries created a topic of Cry Me a River

Hmm I was just thinking… regarding the girl in some previous chapters i’m trying to think if he actually slept with her cuz the way they were talking after made it seem like they were more like friends or family of some type rather than fuck buddies and he also said he had no lube with him in the room… I could also just be delulu too lol

Frenchfries created a topic of Waterside Night

The author said season 3 will be uncensored!

Frenchfries created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

If you were like wtf now just wait till next chapter where the ml literally turns into a fucking crocodile chimera with gills or some shit LMFAO

Frenchfries created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

I feel like i’m reading a fever dream lmaoo

Remind me of the movie where the main couple didn't worked cause both were top and they didn't knew. None of them was ready to be a bottom. They tried things but didn't worked. Unlike the movie , this story is so wholesome . How yamato was ready to be a bottom at the end.

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed

Kartein is a clown I love this man so much he’s just so unserious

Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

No matter how they try and portray yahwi reflecting on his actions I will not like him

I’m fucking crying I can’t do this I’m laughing so hard… Like how did we go from Reiji just saying not right now to the MC saying it’s an unwanted baby and PACKING HIS BAGS AND LEAVING.. like the mental leaps and bounds this kid has gone through in a span of 30 seconds

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed
Frenchfries created a topic of Dreadful Night

He is 100% right… chopping off those pigtails should be illegal they’re so adorable

The way that friend screaming NO WAY would literally be me if that happened

Frenchfries created a topic of Dreadful Night
Frenchfries created a topic of Don't Be Nice To Me

Rereading it again but I’m still confused as to why the seme stopped the first time and said “I don’t think I can” when he went into the bathroom