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Frenchfries created a topic of Liveta

Ok so I stopped reading long time ago cuz I wanted to wait till it was done lol but can someone tell me if Victor knows Yohan is a spy yet or is that shit still ongoing?!

Frenchfries created a topic of My Suha

I might get downvoted for this lol but to be honest I don’t totally hate how the story ended… I didn’t like those two together to begin with and throughout the story showed it just showed that they bring out the worst in each other so I do feel that it’s more of a realistic ending where they don’t end up together. What I wouldn’t mind tho is if the author created another story focusing on Dohyeok and how he changed and him finding another love because I think he needs at least some happiness

Ok so usually I hate love triangles but tbh this shit seems like it’s gonna be super funny so I’ll trust it for now lmao

Frenchfries created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Got me kicking my feet, twirling my hair, giggling

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed
Frenchfries created a topic of Hadakeru Kaibutsu

So I’m rereading this and in chapter 3 when he went to the reunion does anyone know what he hoped to accomplish cuz before it he was like i have to remember and then after he was like this isn’t gonna help raise my confidence… i think i interpret as he was feeling insecure and thought that going to the reunion would boost his confidence if he kept getting praise from the people who used to love him but then he soon as someone said that he was their ideal he realized it was pointless because it’s not Hayashida whose saying that but im not sure

Frenchfries created a topic of Devil on Top

I haven’t even read this yet but the comments are sending me LMAO

Frenchfries created a topic of Cry Me a River

I knew something was suspicious the first time i saw that blondie!! IT WAS A GUY THE WHOLE TIME thought i was crazy

Frenchfries created a topic of Hate Mate

If you guys want spoilers to ease your painful feelings just go down a couple pages and you’ll find a summary for the entire second season

Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim


Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

I would not be surprised if this author made fucking 300 chapters with still no progression like cmon move it along already

Frenchfries created a topic of Red Mansion

Although the plot is crazy and it’s psychological I love it because there IS consent!! Kinda crazy right? Maybe other authors should take notes that consent is sexy even if it’s between two unhinged characters LOL

Frenchfries created a topic of Shutline

Season 2 just ended today in Korean!!! :(

Frenchfries created a topic of Red Mansion

Stories where both the main character and the main lead being equally crazy is my guilty pleasure

I haven’t started reading this yet… should I start it is it worth the read?!

Frenchfries created a topic of Full volume

DOWON is so funny…. If someone doesn’t love me like that I don’t want it

Frenchfries created a topic of The Origin of Species

I saw the raws and their baby is actually one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen

Frenchfries created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung needs a roundhouse kick to the face (preferably more) and Dan needs to pack his bags and leave without a word and make him suffer case closed everyone’s happy

Frenchfries created a topic of Dreadful Night

They are both so sexy it should be a crime