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Frenchfries created a topic of Lover Boy

So I haven’t read this yet but would someone tell me the difference between the original and remastered version?! Or is there barely any difference at all?

Frenchfries created a topic of Devil on Top

In the most recent chapter mans literally gets fucked by these macho men? Sumo wrestlers? Are we surprised? No

Frenchfries created a topic of Star Struck

I saw the raws till chapter 33 and trust me it does not get any better at all still very much anger inducing

Frenchfries created a topic of Blind Play

Damn it finally ended today what a rollercoaster ride it was

Frenchfries created a topic of Rivalry

Should I read this?! I’ve been waiting for it to finally end and now that it has is it worth it? I see a lot of positive comments

Does anyone that’s read the novel have spoilers for what’s coming next?

Frenchfries created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I read the raws and I actually really like the new art but that’s just me tho to each their own… but even if you don’t like it complaining won’t make the artist change it

Frenchfries created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

The author is releasing a side story with what if chapters and it’s a 3p with taeseung and minhyuk

Frenchfries created a topic of Tasogare Outfocus

If I don’t find a love like this I don’t want it

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed

I’m so excited for Pluton to hopefully teach Jiwoo a new skill it’s been long overdue

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed

I’m so excited for Pluton hopefully to teach Jiwoo a new skill it’s been long overdue

Frenchfries created a topic of Dreadful Night

They are both just so sexy someone help me

Frenchfries created a topic of Full volume

When Dowon said emotional damage anyone else read it in the meme guys voice lmao

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed

Anyone else think Jiyoung is starting to get suspicious with all of Jiwoos animals? Like he just happens to roll up with another animal right after pluton was seen looking for Kayden just like how that happened with Kartein too? No? Just me, ok.

Frenchfries created a topic of Paper Flower

So I just came across this story and was gonna read it till I read the comments LOL can someone spoil me what kinds of things the crown prince does to the MC to make everyone hate him so much?!

Frenchfries created a topic of Devil on Top

The raws LMAO I can’t take this shit seriously anymore

Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cains ring he gave Jooin is literally the title of the story…like I've read enough damn stories with this kinda plot which usually points to them being endgame but I never know with this story so I’m anxious

Frenchfries created a topic of Eleceed

Pluton seems like a Himbo so I hope we get another cat form that shit would be so funny

Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

Someone on twitter said Yahwi is the most selfless character in the manhwa…

Frenchfries created a topic of Yours to Claim

Ok so after these two chapters there has to be a time skip because after Jooin rejected Yahwi, both Cain and Yahwi lefty?? Unless Jooin is gonna be left single but I doubt that I seriously have no idea where this is going…