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Picasso answered question about question
I feel like if you look through my comments you're gonna think I'm an incel mega nonce loser
Picasso answered question about question
Oppenheimer definitely, because Richard Feynman is my husbando. I will watch Barbie if my friends wanna go see it tho.
Picasso answered question about answer question
Once I did it for like a week straight, non-stop, porn playing in the background. Only stopped to piss, eat or sleep. Had to cancel plans cause I was too busy watching porn.
Picasso answered question about question
I'm cringing at my old posts lowkey but I also haven't changed or matured at all since the forums closed??? I'm stuck in an infinite cycle of deep depression and childishness. In fact, I even believe at some points I got worse. Ah, I have changed in one aspect though (for the better). I got a job.
Picasso answered question about question
Idk man. Maybe no surprises by radiohead.
Picasso asked a question

Was from myreadingmanga but it might be on here as well. It involved lots of school students being locked up in the school gym, then it ends with them all forming a sort of fuck-train. I used to send the images to my school mates to terrorise them, but I've lost the images now and I can't find it anywhere.

Picasso answered question about read doujinshi
Nothing surprised me anymore. I actively seeked out sonic yaoi djs and now nothing surprises me anymore.
Picasso answered question about saddest anime scene
The whole of episode 46 of inazuna eleven. Also any scene that shows fubuki shirou's backstory. Can't think of anything else rn that people haven't already said. Maybe the scene with momiji talking bout his sister in furuba.
Picasso answered question about question
Aot, horimiya, maid sama, death note, naruto, beginning after the end and omniscient reader's viewpoint. (For the people who don't know the characters).
Picasso answered question about question
Sometimes, if I can't sleep.
Picasso answered question about question
Tobenai mahoutsukai by yanagi nagi.
Picasso answered question about tell you greatest secret
I don't do this at all. I can only really do this in video games/visual novels. But usually i see the main character as their own character. That's why is bothers the shit outta me when the main character has wonky character/is a bland as a cardboard box. I don't watch a lot of harem/isekai anime, clearly. (Though, in the case of harem, sometimes i......
Picasso answered question about question
Spite. Im convinced that the universe fucking hates me, but if the universe hates me then like hell am i going to die. Fuck the universe, i will live.
Picasso answered question about question
Thanks for all the facts/advice/whatnot. They've been very interesting. I have to go sleep now but this is a nice fact(?) to end on. I guess it'd be good to know in case i ever get a girlfriend.
Picasso asked a question

Please give me more recs of bl manga where the uke/bottom has black hair. It'd be great if he also wears a black trenchcoat and if he's also a doctor. It'd be even greater if there was a little age gap between him and the seme/top. Thanks again.

Picasso answered question about question
I guess this is saying that i should steal more panties from pregnant women.
Picasso answered question about question
I never looked into what happens after/during childbirth. Probably because i hate children. This is quite interesting, thank you.
Picasso answered question about question
Does that mean they can experience double the arousal if... Yknow...?
Picasso answered question about question
Ah... What a nice fact. Now i gotta get a ruler.