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Moonbeam created a topic of Fangs

The painting you can kinda see on the wall behind Aogiri when he is examining Ichi is "Love and Pain" (popularly known as "Vampire") by Edvard Munch ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Moonbeam like the experience about your pets
A little provocative even

To be fair to Yujin, it really sucks to have guys assuming they get to own you because THEY think you're pretty. It's the Gaston problem. You don't get a choice; you're pretty, and you're a girl so it's not like you're a PERSON. I don't really blame her for being fucked up, tbh. It feels like a hollow victory and like she was just here to give the audience a character to hate. Instead I just find her a teeny bit relatable instead.


Oh wow, what a gift, thanks whomever

Moonbeam created a topic of Access All Areas

"N-no, Seong Eun, we can't! We're not thinking straight!"
Well, that's for damned sure

Moonbeam created a topic of Kiseki to Amedama
Moonbeam created a topic of Black Mirror

That last text on Hyun Ju's phone though!! Gave me absolute CHILLS

Please, Jitae, don't be foolish enough to fall for this creepo's bullshit. Seems like he already suspects something is odd. Follow those instincts!
I'm digging the side couple hints, that should be satisfying ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Moonbeam created a topic of Vampire Library

Why is the best vampire in a series always named Louis. I know who is responsible.

Moonbeam created a topic of Deep Bloody Night

Little vampire in a boyfriend shirt doesn't like the taste of revolutionary blood. I guess it's too democratic in flavor! This manhwa is basically a giant disappointment to us anarcho-communists; meh out of ten, I wouldn't overthrow the system with you again.

... for I have the solution to all of that vampire-related angst and irritability:
A.) vampires are SUPPOSED to be inhuman monsters who make ridiculously self-defeating (and stupid) life choices involving performative dumbassery, and
B.) multi-shipping solves every other possible problem, you're welcome

Moonbeam created a topic of Vampire And Hunter

There are so few actually good vampire series out there (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Whyyyyyy (/TДT)/
I hate everything

Moonbeam created a topic of Love Jinx

I just started this and the beginning is sending me.
"Welp, we all wanna go home, so it looks like YOU'RE responsible for this just-dumped hot mess of a drunk-as-fuck office worker, Bartender McPerfectstranger. Good luck!"
This setup never fails to result in marriage, it's the unbeatable trope of love.

Ohh this series has my heart... the art is wall-smackingly gorgeous and the characters are intriguingly mysterious yet beautifully repellent; I want to spend all my time now in this dazzling world of dark and sinister loveliness while its atmosphere of slowly creeping wonder and horror consumes me down to the bones like feasting butterflies. Don't you??

Moonbeam created a topic of Love So Pure

He always carries two umbrellas, you guys--no, wait... now it's three umbrellas. I can't with this kid.

Moonbeam created a topic of Crush and Burn

I love all these side characters.
Yes badass old lady, I'm here for you and your eccentric accessories collection.

Moonbeam created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

...stop ruining my life

Moonbeam created a topic of Dance with the Devil

Got that "I haven't been crying all wrecked n' shit enough lately" feel, so per usual, find myself coming back here for that sweet torment. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Let's fuckin' cry our asses off people

Moonbeam created a topic of ENNEAD

I would say, everybody needs to stop being so goddamned gorgeous n' sexy because it is TOO distracting, but then I would be outing myself as the world's biggest hypocrite so... carry on

Moonbeam created a topic of The Woodsman and the Stag

Always here for deconstructing fairy tales... sexily