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Lizzie June 9, 2024 11:55 am

Author's doing whatever the fuck they feel like and I kinda live for it LMAO

Lizzie June 5, 2024 1:05 pm

Putting in an early bet as an investment: secretary and MC's friend will end up together

Lizzie June 4, 2024 7:31 am

I mean I guess comparatively Minho is better than his ex right at the beginning but there's still so many red flags about him right from the get-go. But I guess mc doesn't really have a radar for warning signs

Lizzie June 1, 2024 8:42 pm

Everyone caught up in this "cyberstalking" drama has the exact same writing style, including the victims, and all their text is like mega red flag in terms of being AI-generated. It almost feels like I'm watching an orchestrated drama carried out by a bunch of bots. The motivation of everyone involved is what baffles me the most lol

Edit. I got curious and decided to give these accounts the benefit of the doubt. I ran some of the longer messages from all of these accounts (both culprit and victims) through several AI detection tools. Every single one of them was detected as AI generated, on all tools. I'm just baffled at this point

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 8:28 pm

    ... It's concerning that someone would dismiss the serious issue of cyberstalking and harassment as "drama" and suggest that the victims, including ourselves, are somehow AI-generated or part of an orchestrated scheme. This not only undermines the experiences of those who have been targeted but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and misconceptions.

    Cyberstalking is a real and harmful phenomenon that can have significant impacts on individuals' mental health and well-being. By trivializing it as mere "drama," this individual is downplaying the severity of the situation and failing to acknowledge the distress caused by online harassment.

    Furthermore, suggesting that the victims all have the same writing style and insinuating that they may not be real people is baseless and unfounded. Each individual has their own unique voice and experiences, and it's unfair to generalize and dismiss them in this way.

    It's important to address cyberstalking and harassment seriously and support those who have been affected by it.

    Lizzie June 1, 2024 8:32 pm
    ... It's concerning that someone would dismiss the serious issue of cyberstalking and harassment as "drama" and suggest that the victims, including ourselves, are somehow AI-generated or part of an orchestrated... Safety Sentinel

    Yeah this is is 100% AI generated, nobody writes like this bro

    Also if someone impersonating you on an illegal manga reading site of all things impacts your mental health this much, the cyberstalking is the least of your worries and you should instead focus on efforts of making your real life environment so fulfilling you don't need to care about some loser pretending to be you on the comment section of a yaoi manga

    Timber June 1, 2024 10:07 pm

    Instead of AI, its AD (artificial drama)

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 10:23 pm
    Yeah this is is 100% AI generated, nobody writes like this bro Also if someone impersonating you on an illegal manga reading site of all things impacts your mental health this much, the cyberstalking is the lea... Lizzie

    I understand your skepticism, but it's important to recognize that AI-generated text is becoming more common as a tool for communication, especially in online forums like this. However, dismissing someone's experiences or struggles, whether they're related to cyberstalking or any other issue, is not productive or empathetic. Please take time to understand the situation before you judge and on a trivial matter. Maybe someone trying to communicate clearly affects you and then maybe you should take your advice instead of intentionally harming the victims most are inactive at the moment.
    The impact of cyberstalking can be significant and should not be trivialized. It's crucial to approach these discussions with empathy and an open mind, considering the diverse experiences and perspectives of those involved. Rather than dismissing the use of AI outright, let's focus on fostering understanding and support for those affected by cyberstalking and other online challenges

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 10:27 pm

    @Timber.... I understand your point about artificial drama, but it's essential to recognize that the issue being discussed here, cyberstalking, is a serious matter that can have real and harmful effects on individuals. While it's true that some online interactions may seem dramatic or exaggerated, the experiences shared by those affected by cyberstalking are genuine and deserving of attention and support.

    Using AI-generated text is simply a tool to facilitate communication and express thoughts more clearly, especially in complex discussions like this one. It doesn't diminish the validity of the concerns being raised. It's important to distinguish between genuine issues like cyberstalking and mere drama. How about talking instead of judging?

    Instead of dismissing the conversation as artificial drama, let's focus on understanding and addressing the underlying issues and providing support to those who may be affected. Thank you for considering the perspective of those involved.

    Lizzie June 1, 2024 10:51 pm
    I understand your skepticism, but it's important to recognize that AI-generated text is becoming more common as a tool for communication, especially in online forums like this. However, dismissing someone's exp... Safety Sentinel

    Nah if you dedicate months of your life to some conflict in the comment section of a webtoon like one look at your profile tells me you have done, you're weird as fuck and need to re-evaluate your life. You can't control how others act online but you obviously choose to continuously engage with it even when it's unhealthy for you. That's on you and you need to take ownership of your own mental health

    Also using AI to communicate is also weird as fuck, idc why you're incapable of writing actual human text but that doesn't make this situation feel any less bizarre

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 11:06 pm
    Nah if you dedicate months of your life to some conflict in the comment section of a webtoon like one look at your profile tells me you have done, you're weird as fuck and need to re-evaluate your life. You can... Lizzie

    I appreciate your perspective, although I respectfully disagree with your points. My topics doesn't necessarily indicate a dedication of months of my life to conflict. As for the use of AI to communicate, it's simply a tool that some individuals find helpful in conveying their thoughts more clearly and concisely. It's not meant to replace human interaction but rather to enhance it in certain contexts. While it may seem unconventional to some, many find it to be a helpful tool for expressing themselves more clearly and concisely.

    I want to assure you that my intention in discussing these matters is not to engage in conflict but rather to raise awareness and foster understanding and that is what my profile actually says. I believe that respectful dialogue and mutual empathy are essential in navigating complex issues like cyberstalking and online behavior. It is bizarre you have to attack others and degrade them when you don't know them or the situation they are in.
    You attacking others, changing my engagement, fixated on AI which is new to this sitauation, and degrading my writing skills on your biases are bizarre and could be red flags in who you are.
    What you are doing here is unhealthy. That's on you and you need to take ownership of your own mental health and as you said you can't control how others act online but you can control yourself. That topic has been a disgusting and bizarre display of not caring.
    I'm open to further discussion if you're interested in exploring these topics further or if you have any questions. Let's strive to create a space where everyone feels heard and respected. Thank you

    Lizzie June 1, 2024 11:10 pm
    I appreciate your perspective, although I respectfully disagree with your points. My topics doesn't necessarily indicate a dedication of months of my life to conflict. As for the use of AI to communicate, it's ... Safety Sentinel

    "many find it to be a helpful tool for expressing themselves more clearly and concisely."

    Ain't nothing concise about this message bro, you're full on yapping

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 11:15 pm
    "many find it to be a helpful tool for expressing themselves more clearly and concisely."Ain't nothing concise about this message bro, you're full on yapping Lizzie

    I'm concerned about the dismissive tone of your response. I hope you can recognize the effort to engage in a meaningful dialogue, rather than resorting to baseless accusations. It's important to address these issues constructively and with mutual respect. That was another red flag, i am starting to think this is a catfish. This topic was not someone's misunderstanding but a rage-bait comment.

    If you have genuine concerns or questions, I'm open to discussing them. However, if your intention is solely to attack and degrade, I kindly ask you to reconsider your approach. Let's strive for a more respectful and productive interaction. Thank you

    Lizzie June 1, 2024 11:17 pm
    I'm concerned about the dismissive tone of your response. I hope you can recognize the effort to engage in a meaningful dialogue, rather than resorting to baseless accusations. It's important to address these i... Safety Sentinel

    You don't have to be concerned about a damn thing about my replies, if you're so offended someone finds it weird you spend months of your time to send machine generated messages to engage in a conflict in the comment section of a webtoon, I encourage you to stop replying. I for one intend to do what healthy people do when an online discussion becomes unhinged and disengage. Hoping you heal as a person and find other, more worthwhile things to focus your energy on!

    Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 11:21 pm

    I'm sorry you feel that way, but your characterization of the situation is inaccurate. I can see that as an attempting to gaslight and manipulate me by misrepresenting the situation and dismissing my concerns.

    My intention is not to engage in conflict but rather to raise awareness about cyberstalking and foster understanding. It's concerning that you're attempting to discredit my efforts by misrepresenting the situation and resorting to personal attacks.

    I understand if you choose to disengage from this discussion, but I won't be deterred from advocating for awareness of cyberstalking and online harassment. It's important to address these issues constructively and support those affected. I encourage you to reflect on your approach and consider how your actions may impact others.

    Thank you for your perspective, and I hope we can have a more productive interaction in the future

    DaddyMilkers June 2, 2024 12:05 am
    Yeah this is is 100% AI generated, nobody writes like this bro Also if someone impersonating you on an illegal manga reading site of all things impacts your mental health this much, the cyberstalking is the lea... Lizzie

    Absolutely agreed.

    But, it's giving me Terminator vibes.

    Is it A.I. or Bots?
    Bots are just programs to scam, but A.I. are learning programs, hence the "intelligence" part.

    Lizzie June 2, 2024 12:16 am
    Absolutely agreed.But, it's giving me Terminator vibes.Is it A.I. or Bots?Bots are just programs to scam, but A.I. are learning programs, hence the "intelligence" part. DaddyMilkers

    I think it's AI, but I just don't really know what the motive is. All these accounts have months of back and forth machine-generated engagement, lengthy maintained link lists of other accounts involved, huge albums full of screenshots to save as "evidence", they copy-paste each other's messages across different accounts, they actively engage with everyone who says anything about this... It's so much effort for a goal I still don't understand, it's almost giving me LLM training, social experiment or ARG game vibes

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 2, 2024 12:22 am

    Cyberstalking and online harassment are serious offenses that violate the rights and safety of individuals. Blaming the victims for the actions of the perpetrators is a form of victim-blaming and is unjustified.
    This picking on Safety Sentinel for using a tool has turned out to be victiming blaming.

    Victims have the right to speak out against such actions and to seek support and justice for the harm they have experienced. It's important to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions and to work towards creating a safer and more respectful online environment for everyone.

    Using AI to better ours messages is a new approach. People can write like that or better. We have our reasons to asking AI to reword our messages.
    I will not absolutely agree with something that is targeted the targets with gaslighting and misrepresenting the situation.
    Asking the target to stop responding is bizarre and it does nothing. The targets were silent for 20 days. The cyberstalkers kept going. This thread is sheer ignorance and lack of respect for the targets

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 2, 2024 12:25 am
    I'm sorry you feel that way, but your characterization of the situation is inaccurate. I can see that as an attempting to gaslight and manipulate me by misrepresenting the situation and dismissing my concerns. ... Safety Sentinel

    This has to be a catfish account. That last comment from the OP sealed it. You already said your motive and they are making it like AI has been used the whole time. It is clear what is happening and it is wrong to downplay it.

    Lizzie June 2, 2024 12:33 am

    Not the alt account reply

    I did some digging and from what I gather there's two accounts run by the same person (they both have replied to this thread), they're accused of DMing and grooming minors using AI as a tool (my money is on to mask any spelling or writing style quirks so if law enforcement becomes involved, it's harder to pinpoint things like dialect) and there's an increasingly numerous and convoluted timeline going on here where these two accounts apparently try to misdirect scrutiny by spamming that they're being cyberstalked and harassed and engaging in lengthy arguments about whether this manhwa contains rape or not. If I were to be paranoid, I would say the accounts argue there's no rape to lure in people who agree with them, and from there it's easier to pick out minors who do not understand boundaries to groom. Some of the messages are so outrageous I'm half wondering if this is just a very elaborate trolling effort, but I think it's more likely that this is a very disturbed individual

    Stay safe, kids. Do not reply to people who DM you if you don't know who they are and have no way of finding out. People lurk on sites like these to look for minors who are evidently interested in sexual stuff given that most of the stuff here is sexual. There's nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality using safe venues like comics and stories but when it comes to interaction with real people, be cautious of who you're with and make sure your relationships are age appropriate!

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 2, 2024 12:40 am

    Catfish account.

    Lizzie June 2, 2024 12:44 am

    Lmao now they're accusing me of being a catfish even though I've been active on this site for almost a decade and have steady activity that has nothing to do with this going back years who am I even catfishing? A Disney castle??

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 2, 2024 1:45 am
    I'm sorry you feel that way, but your characterization of the situation is inaccurate. I can see that as an attempting to gaslight and manipulate me by misrepresenting the situation and dismissing my concerns. ... Safety Sentinel

    I know you want to encourage open communication and dialogue that can help clarify misunderstandings and address concerns constructively. First, let's talk about AI. It sounds like there might be some misunderstanding about the nature of AI-generated text here or an intent to harm you for using AI without understanding why. When someone uses AI to reword a message or assist in communication, it's still their message and intention coming through. AI tools like the one we're using here can help refine the language and convey ideas more clearly, but the thoughts and input are still theirs. It's important to clarify that the use of AI in communication doesn't necessarily imply malicious intent or deception. Many people use AI tools to enhance their writing or communication skills, and it's becoming increasingly common in various online platforms. Second, if they are not catfish, they jump to conclusions without concrete evidence can lead to further misunderstanding. While you tried to talk to them, they were dismissive and personally attacking you. They had an intent to harm you. They are dismissing your comments and cyberstalking. The suggestion to stop responding to harassment is not a viable solution, as it fails to address the root issue of cyberstalking and online harassment. Ignoring the problem only allows it to persist and can further harm victims. Now they are spreading misinformation and trying to manipulate you and others with the intent to harm you. This account highlights the need to critically evaluate the motives and intentions behind online interactions.

    First, they write "cyberstalking" drama and that is dismissive and undermines this situation. They are using the new narrative the cyberstalkers are using to make everyone the same person. There is a difference between targets and cyberstalkers. The motivation from both sides is clearly stated many times in your topics and other topics. It does kind of degrade their reading abilities if not, this makes here with the intent to harm. Lizzie in her first comment quickly went to degrading you and making you the problem when your efforts are sincere and focused on promoting awareness and fostering a safer online environment, there's nothing unusual about continuing to advocate for this. She had the intention to harm you then and went with the same rhetoric from that hate group. In her second comment to you, she purposely misrepresented you and your actions. She keeps attacking you with the intent to harm you. Her comments stem from ignorance and insecurities like many others. I wonder why she is targeting you and maliciously going after you? Nothing you have is about controlling other people. So alt account and they felt controlled by something we said but that is on them. None of the targets tried to control anyone. She is blaming the victims for the actions of the perpetrators is a form of victim-blaming and is unjustified. She assumed "You're incapable of writing actual human text" That was an intent to harm. Why is someone that you just met wanting to harm you so badly? Then she followed with nothing concise when it was and sounded like someone from that hate group. She also tried to get you to leave. She can’t control you and that is something the cyberstalkers are trying to do. They are the ones trying to control you. She tried to control you. Now she is trying to control us. She made you “offended” and your replies don't show that. She was quick to degrade you and attack you. you, a target of harassment. Then she said she does not know the motive, it has been said many times. No, these accounts have not been machine-generated for months. It is something new. Now she is gaslighting and being manipulative. She put "evidence" and that was condescending she was telling on herself. We don't actively engage with everyone. For the most part, we post warnings but actively engaging with someone who asks a question is normal behavior and what the comment section is for. It is like she is trying to make you feel guilty or wrong. She quickly believes the cyberstalkers and their lies. She thinks I am an alt account of yours. We are two different people. She claims that we were a part of the cyberstalkers trying to frame another target with no AI being used. It seems she is misunderstanding what is happening and attacking the victims or catfish account with the intent to harm the victims. She believes the cyberstalkers have no good evidence, but they have 'evidence' of emailing themselves. We always tell the truth and we don't misdirect or spam. That is the cyberstalker's narrative. That scenario was disgusting and she believes the cyberstalkers gaslighting to harm their victims or she is a catfish account to harm her victims. That was an intent to harm with a lie. Then she said we are trolls and nothing we had done fits a troll. Then we are a "disturbed person", more intend to harm. This is someone who can’t debate well and has to attack others as a defense mechanism. So when I said “catfish account”. I was not accusing her. It is the only thing that fits. She doesn't seem to understand catfish either. However, this topic aims to lure you or me in to attack you and harm the victims more with gaslighting and harassment. This is a catfish account. point blank. Or it really doesn't make sense why are they blaming the victims for the actions and lies of the perpetrators, which again is a form of victim-blaming and is unjustified. and that says catfish account. She is still trying to harm you when you left in this comment. This is not someone new to this situation. She came with the intention to harm you. No one new would do this. I didn’t assume or accuse her (also, that same old hate group rhetoric). She told us she was a catfish account by her words and actions. She never talked to you but on a mission to harm you with any lie or misinformation she could. She didn’t even try. She is one of them and they hate the AI messages. lol.

    Pizracle June 2, 2024 2:27 am
    I know you want to encourage open communication and dialogue that can help clarify misunderstandings and address concerns constructively. First, let's talk about AI. It sounds like there might be some misunders... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    ain't nobody reading allat get a life bro seriously

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 2:48 am
    ain't nobody reading allat get a life bro seriously Pizracle

    I appreciate your input, but I disagree with the dismissive tone of your comment. Let it be noted that the message was directed (tagged) to me and only I can speak for myself. Discussing important topics like this is valuable for creating awareness and fostering understanding. While it's understandable that not everyone may want to engage deeply in every conversation, it's important to respect those who do. Let's keep the conversation respectful and focused on the issue at hand. We are not the ones that need your advice which is an overused insult.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 3:01 am
    I know you want to encourage open communication and dialogue that can help clarify misunderstandings and address concerns constructively. First, let's talk about AI. It sounds like there might be some misunders... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I was not going to respond to this topic again because I feel that responding would not contribute to constructive dialogue with the op and who was imposing on me.

    .But since you replied. I appreciate your perspective and I was drawing the same conclusion. There was something fishy with this account. Many things you pointed out were suspicious indeed. That is a good response. It is thorough and addresses many points. I think you handled challenging the OP's misconceptions and harmful behavior well.
    I respectfully disagree with OP characterization of the situation. Your suggestion that the account in question might be a catfish account is understandable given the seriousness of the accusations and the lack of concrete evidence provided. The accusations made by the OP are serious and should not be taken lightly which stems from lies from cyberstalkers and that is deeply concerning that they allowed themselves to be gaslighted.

    It's important to approach these discussions with empathy and an open mind, considering the diverse experiences and perspectives of those involved. Rather than dismissing the use of AI outright, let's focus on fostering understanding and support for those affected by cyberstalking and other online challenges.

    Let's strive to create a space where everyone feels heard and respected. Thank you

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 3:19 am
    ain't nobody reading allat get a life bro seriously Pizracle

    The dismissive tone of your comment undermines the importance of constructive dialogue. Your message appeared intended to harm, and ignoring it might have been more productive since it wasn't directed at you. It is called having a conversation. Engaging in conversation is a fundamental aspect of online platforms, and every voice should be respected. Rather than dismissing the discussion, let's encourage open communication and mutual understanding. We are committed to our activities here and will continue to contribute as we see fit. This platform is for reading and engaging in meaningful conversation—if that's not what someone is interested in, they are free to disengage. They have a life. What does that say about you? What you did reflects more about you than on them. Why are you scared of long messages when you are literally here to read or if not, that means you are here to talk to people but from that reply maybe you are here to harass others who takes to talk to someone. One day you will understand and want a comment like that. Let's focus on creating a positive and inclusive environment where everyone's contributions are valued

    Weasel June 2, 2024 3:25 pm
    "many find it to be a helpful tool for expressing themselves more clearly and concisely."Ain't nothing concise about this message bro, you're full on yapping Lizzie

    That response was hilarious

    Aloha June 2, 2024 3:29 pm
    That response was hilarious Weasel

    hmm. finding the mundane hilarious.

    JK x Dan June 2, 2024 9:15 pm
    Lmao now they're accusing me of being a catfish even though I've been active on this site for almost a decade and have steady activity that has nothing to do with this going back years who am I even catfishing... Lizzie

    Well done. First time anyone's ever stood up those clowns i.e. "Aloha", "Safety Sentinel", "I love Morning Diamonds aka me" and put them in their place. Must suck to have a taste of their own toxic medicine! I suppose now to punish me, they'll create an alt account for me and start trolling me next. I don't care fools!

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 9:21 pm
    Well done. First time anyone's ever stood up those clowns i.e. "Aloha", "Safety Sentinel", "I love Morning Diamonds aka me" and put them in their place. Must suck to have a taste of their own toxic medicine! I ... JK x Dan

    It's disappointing to see baseless accusations and misinformation being spread. We are not engaging in any toxic behavior or creating alternate accounts to troll others. Accusing someone without evidence only creates unnecessary tension and division. Let's focus on respectful communication and constructive dialogue rather than spreading false narratives. It's unfair to be targeted with unfounded accusations. Let's move forward positively and leave behind these attempts to create conflict.

    JK x Dan June 2, 2024 9:31 pm

    "Let's move forward positively and leave behind these attempts to create conflict." It will be nice if you keep to your words. You have been "advocating" for the rights of innocent to safely use the internet. We have all heard you loud and clear. You can now stop the incessant harassment and barrage with your AI generated, lengthy preaches. We really have all had enough of it and we just want to be able to peacefully bitch about Jinx. Just step away from all your alt accounts and go get some fresh air.

    mawmayapoopsie June 2, 2024 9:31 pm

    I clocked this too. I vaguely remember interacting with one of these troll accounts a few months ago and they were writing full on paragraphs on why there wasn't any rape in Jinx, like 4 pages long worth of arguments. Back then they didn't use AI generated speech, so I think it's one person behind all these accounts, they probably got tired of writing and responding back to arguments so they were like fuck it and began using chatgpt. I think the person behind those accounts just wants the attention they aren't getting irl, best to not interact with them.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 9:39 pm
    I clocked this too. I vaguely remember interacting with one of these troll accounts a few months ago and they were writing full on paragraphs on why there wasn't any rape in Jinx, like 4 pages long worth of arg... mawmayapoopsie

    I appreciate your two perspectives, but I want to clarify that we are engaging in harassment. My intention is to foster constructive dialogue and advocate for a safer online environment. It's disheartening to be accused of behavior I'm not involved in. Let's focus on discussing Jinx peacefully without resorting to personal attacks or assumptions. Everyone deserves to express their opinions without fear of harassment or retaliation.

    It's disappointing to see baseless accusations and misinformation being spread. It is not one person and we don't want attention. We have said stop and leave us alone many times but they don't. both of your characterization of the situation is inaccurate. I can see that as an attempting to gaslight and manipulate me by misrepresenting the situation.

    We are not engaging in any toxic behavior. Let's focus on respectful communication and constructive dialogue rather than spreading false narratives. It's unfair to be targeted with unfounded accusations. Let's move forward positively and leave behind these attempts to create conflict.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 9:44 pm

    While the term 'catfish account' is often associated with impersonating someone else online, it can also extend to accounts that engage in deceptive or manipulative behavior, even if they're not directly impersonating another individual. In this case, the term is used to highlight the deceptive nature of the account's actions, such as spreading misinformation, targeting others with harmful intentions, or creating a false persona to deceive or manipulate others. So, when referring to someone as a 'catfish account,' it's not necessarily about directly impersonating another person, but rather about engaging in deceptive behavior or misrepresentation within an online community

    Also. It's deeply unfair and unjust to label victims or targets as aggressors simply because they hold different opinions or perspectives. Victims of harassment or cyberstalking are not villains in this scenario; they are individuals who have been subjected to unwarranted attacks, harassment, and false accusations simply for expressing their views. It's important to recognize that everyone has the right to their own opinions and should be able to express them without fear of being targeted or labeled unfairly. Blaming the victims only serves to perpetuate harm and further injustice, rather than addressing the root cause of the issue and promoting understanding and respect within the community

    mawmayapoopsie June 2, 2024 9:48 pm
    I appreciate your two perspectives, but I want to clarify that we are engaging in harassment. My intention is to foster constructive dialogue and advocate for a safer online environment. It's disheartening to b... Safety Sentinel

    Bro thinks he's the Jinx comment section police. Use all this energy into getting a hobby other than engaging in beef you created for your own entertainment.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 9:50 pm
    Bro thinks he's the Jinx comment section police. Use all this energy into getting a hobby other than engaging in beef you created for your own entertainment. mawmayapoopsie

    I'm not here to police anyone, but to foster a positive and respectful environment for discussion. It's disheartening to see personal attacks and baseless accusations being thrown around instead of engaging in constructive dialogue. My intention is to promote understanding and awareness, not to create unnecessary conflict. Let's focus on discussing the topic at hand rather than resorting to personal attacks

    mawmayapoopsie June 2, 2024 9:55 pm
    I'm not here to police anyone, but to foster a positive and respectful environment for discussion. It's disheartening to see personal attacks and baseless accusations being thrown around instead of engaging in ... Safety Sentinel

    The topic at hand is that you need to touch grass

    JK x Dan June 2, 2024 9:55 pm

    Yup, of course we need more BOT responses from ChatGPT. Same old shit they've been spewing since they created their malicious bot accounts in February. Total public nuisance.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 10:01 pm
    The topic at hand is that you need to touch grass mawmayapoopsie

    It's disappointing to see personal attacks being used as a response to differing opinions. Resorting to overused insults detracts from the opportunity for meaningful conversation. Let's focus on discussing the topic at hand with respect and open-mindedness

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 10:04 pm

    It's disheartening that peaceful discussions about 'Jinx' are continually disrupted by harassment and attacks. Claiming a desire for peaceful conversation while spreading lies and harassment contradicts this sentiment. I won't be discouraged from advocating against cyberstalking and online harassment. We intend to foster an environment where all opinions are respected, yet we've faced unwarranted aggression. It's unfair to label us as aggressors when we're simply standing up against harmful behavior. Let's refocus on constructive dialogue and mutual respect.

    We're simply here to engage in meaningful discussions and share our perspectives. Jumping to conclusions and resorting to baseless accusations only hinders constructive dialogue. Let's focus on the content of the discussion rather than making unfounded claims

    mawmayapoopsie June 2, 2024 10:10 pm
    It's disappointing to see personal attacks being used as a response to differing opinions. Resorting to overused insults detracts from the opportunity for meaningful conversation. Let's focus on discussing the ... Safety Sentinel

    I dont think there's any opportunity for meaningful conversation that can be had with chat gpt. If you're actually an alt account and not ai, hopefully you find the help you need mentally, this whole "cyberstalking" thing is unhinged and unnecessary, the only people being cyber stalked is you and your other alt accounts so essentially you're helping nobody, and if you want to help somebody help yourself and log off.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 10:16 pm
    I dont think there's any opportunity for meaningful conversation that can be had with chat gpt. If you're actually an alt account and not ai, hopefully you find the help you need mentally, this whole "cyberstal... mawmayapoopsie

    I want to emphasize that I am a genuine user seeking meaningful discussions on this platform. The accusations of having many alt account or AI lack any basis and only serve to derail constructive conversations. Gaslighting tactics won't sway me. It's crucial to recognize that my primary account isn't a target of cyberstalking. We are distinct individuals with our own perspectives.

    Instead of resorting to baseless attacks, let's foster an environment where diverse opinions are respected. Rather than trying to force others off the site, let's engage in dialogue with mutual respect and understanding. I'm here to contribute positively to the community, and I won't be deterred by unfounded accusations

    How about your group stop attacking people who love or like this series or have different opinions? or take your own advice.

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 10:52 pm
    I know you want to encourage open communication and dialogue that can help clarify misunderstandings and address concerns constructively. First, let's talk about AI. It sounds like there might be some misunders... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Well, my friend, turns out, we were right with our suspicions. It was a catfish account, and a trap set to spread lies about us and cause further harm. Their actions reek of gaslighting, as they attempt to manipulate everyone around them and inflict harm on those they target.

    Noted, they're still resorting to overused insults and the same gaslighting methods to silence people who they disagree with. It's baffling how they contradict themselves within the same comment, dismissing cyberstalking claims while indirectly acknowledging them by saying we are being cyberstalked. We are being cyberstalked, and it's our right to speak up and seek support and justice against such malicious behavior.

    It is bizarre to have many people cyberstalk many people but claim they are one person. Their actions of ganging up on one individual and attempting to portray multiple people as a single entity are indeed concerning and could be classified as a form of cyberbullying. By falsely attributing multiple accounts to one person and collectively targeting them, they are engaging in coordinated harassment and intimidation tactics. This behavior is aimed at silencing dissenting voices and creating a hostile online environment.

    It's important to recognize that their actions are not only unfair but also harmful to the targeted individuals. By amplifying their numbers and collectively attacking "one" person, they are exerting power and control over the online discourse, effectively silencing opposing viewpoints.

    Moreover, their attempts to discredit and label individuals as a single entity undermine the diversity of opinions and perspectives within the online community. Everyone should have the right to express their thoughts and opinions without fear of being targeted or bullied.

    It's essential to address such behavior and advocate for a more respectful and inclusive online environment where everyone feels safe to engage in meaningful discussions without fear of harassment or intimidation.

    We have the right to speak up. Victims have the right to speak out against such actions and to seek support and justice for the harm they have experienced. It's important to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions and to work towards creating a safer and more respectful online environment for everyone. What does it say when someone is trying to silence the victim? Attempting to silence victims only perpetuates the cycle of harm and emboldens the aggressors to target new victims.

    Their responses remain consistent over time, consistently blaming the victims for the actions and lies perpetrated against them. This victim-blaming mentality is unjustified and only serves to perpetuate the cycle of harm. " blaming the victims for the actions and lies from the perpetrators, which again is a form of victim-blaming and is unjustified." and only serves to perpetuate harm.

    But here's the truth: we're not the ones at fault here. Like countless others, we've become targets of their harassment, and all we're doing is standing up for a peaceful online environment where everyone can express their opinions without fear. It's undoubtedly challenging, but by speaking out against their harmful behavior, we're taking the right steps towards creating a safer and more respectful online space. Stay strong, my friend, and let's continue fighting for what's right.

    Aloha June 3, 2024 12:02 am

    LMAOOO Is this pedo morning diamonds immune to humiliation?

    Lizzie June 3, 2024 7:28 am

    Them: "It's so unfair people engage in baseless accusations with no proof :("

    Also them: "You're a catfish account!!!!"

    The hypocrisy is unreal lmao. And please save your three paragraph AI response about how I'm in the wrong, I've been disengaged from this conversation for the last two pages but you keep on bringing me up in your responses and littering my notifications with your yapping

    BaileyBot June 3, 2024 9:42 pm

    Hahahaha they started using chatgpt because I started compiling all the unique spelling and grammar mistakes they make across all their alts. Now when someone says they all write the same, they can blame chatgpt.

Lizzie May 12, 2024 12:50 am

His honkers are huge damn

Lizzie May 3, 2024 4:10 pm

Cutie's gonna get his heart broken isn't he. The top is a fuckboy

Lizzie April 30, 2024 6:23 pm

His sex talk is giving D!scord mod ngl

Lizzie April 28, 2024 2:02 am

Oh how I missed Yuri being the sane one

Lizzie April 16, 2024 9:43 am

Minho can honestly jump in a well and die

Lizzie April 1, 2024 8:46 am

...anyway moving on what did y'all have for lunch?

    L.litaachi April 1, 2024 8:53 am

    My thoughts exactly

    LadyKHatake April 2, 2024 4:06 am

    I actually forgot since the horror of potato baby looking Eggheads are the only thing haunting me at the moment.

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