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hugo :) February 27, 2024 6:13 pm


hugo :) February 23, 2024 4:34 pm

Why the fuck are you choosing to not try a new medicine for ur gma FOR FREE yet you don’t wanna sell out your raping asshole of a boxer

    Blue February 23, 2024 4:36 pm

    Imagine if the granny takes the medicine and she dies instantly

    hugo :) February 23, 2024 4:39 pm
    Imagine if the granny takes the medicine and she dies instantly Blue


    sho~ February 23, 2024 4:47 pm
    Imagine if the granny takes the medicine and she dies instantly Blue


    Sleepy... February 24, 2024 2:01 am
    Imagine if the granny takes the medicine and she dies instantly Blue


hugo :) February 23, 2024 12:02 am


hugo :) February 23, 2024 12:00 am

At this point I don’t think the creator even knows what they doing cuz this story is so ass

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! February 23, 2024 12:12 am

    Says the one that never paid to read their work. Shame on you for cursing one that brings top class entertainment into your life.

    hugo :) March 25, 2024 9:18 pm
    Says the one that never paid to read their work. Shame on you for cursing one that brings top class entertainment into your life. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    bro I’m glad I didn’t have to spend money on that shite

hugo :) February 21, 2024 1:36 pm

The blood is absolutely disgusting and disturbing. Why do yaoi creators always have to have a form of incest and rape. Like is consent just not a thing anymore???

    Sleepy... -=- February 21, 2024 6:28 pm

    PREACH PREACHHH!!!! I only stuck around to see the hot mom for a bit but then I really just had to go.. Like ick no and I fr cannot understand why people are disliking this bc is it not the objective truth!?!?? Like???

    hugo :) February 21, 2024 7:04 pm
    PREACH PREACHHH!!!! I only stuck around to see the hot mom for a bit but then I really just had to go.. Like ick no and I fr cannot understand why people are disliking this bc is it not the objective truth!?!??... Sleepy... -=-

    Fr some people weird lmao

    Sleepy... -=- February 21, 2024 7:09 pm
    Fr some people weird lmao hugo :)

    They're in their delulu incel era ig Not my problem tho, I just get embarrassed for them sometimes

    JulyInAugust February 21, 2024 11:43 pm
    PREACH PREACHHH!!!! I only stuck around to see the hot mom for a bit but then I really just had to go.. Like ick no and I fr cannot understand why people are disliking this bc is it not the objective truth!?!??... Sleepy... -=-

    I think it's because you and I are not the target audience of this kind of yaoi but you're here complaining as if this is the only one available out there. "Is consent not a thing anymore" bs as if stories like that don't exist.
    Like maybe read the summary first to see if it's your kind of story ?
    Wtf are you doing here complaining when you should have been gone after the first few pages.
    Go to the freaking shonen ai section idk, let people enjoy their freaking fantasies in peace and shove your "objective truth" about taste up where it came from.
    You're forcing me to defend this manhwa I didn't even like, seriously.

    hugo :) February 22, 2024 12:27 am
    I think it's because you and I are not the target audience of this kind of yaoi but you're here complaining as if this is the only one available out there. "Is consent not a thing anymore" bs as if stories like... JulyInAugust

    not you trying to justify this disgusting ‘fantasy’ please wake up and realise how disgustingly worrying that is. If shit like this turns you on go seek therapy because what the fuck

    lesbian February 22, 2024 2:44 am
    not you trying to justify this disgusting ‘fantasy’ please wake up and realise how disgustingly worrying that is. If shit like this turns you on go seek therapy because what the fuck hugo :)

    so true these ppl r weird asfk… if u find rape in any form sexy u need to be put in a mental hospital

    Sleepy... February 22, 2024 4:44 am
    I think it's because you and I are not the target audience of this kind of yaoi but you're here complaining as if this is the only one available out there. "Is consent not a thing anymore" bs as if stories like... JulyInAugust

    I can't even read this all the second hand embarrassment is so real.. Istfg I'm trying so hard..

    You act like I'm not allowed to have my own opinions I'm not saying anyone can't read this I'll just think you're weird for it Also no I didn't read the summary bc I'm a lazy bitch and forgot those exist what I have a problem with in this story is that there are no trigger warnings on the chapters for non con which as a sa victim is very triggering for me sometimes and just down right uncomfy. Also you act like I didn't leave, I did and honestly I wish I left earlier when they first met and I smelled smt fishy. I never said that there aren't stories w/o rape and incest in them either idk where tf you got that from buddy, personally I'm just annoyed that there was no tags or warnings mentioning the rape and incest. Also I never forced you to defend it I literally said that I stuck around for the hot mom then left when I got the ick bc I personally don't like rape and incest. (WOW!! Now was that really so hard to get?) If you do fine, I just think that's yucky and I'm allowed to voice that as are you.


    Sleepy... February 22, 2024 5:27 am
    not you trying to justify this disgusting ‘fantasy’ please wake up and realise how disgustingly worrying that is. If shit like this turns you on go seek therapy because what the fuck hugo :)

    FR thank y'all for backing me up bc fr HUH??? Like bro fr was acting like I was "forcing" their hand to "defend" the story likeee FYM?????????

    hugo :) February 23, 2024 4:38 pm
    FR thank y'all for backing me up bc fr HUH??? Like bro fr was acting like I was "forcing" their hand to "defend" the story likeee FYM????????? Sleepy...

    anytime bro. I will not stand to watch freaks like that defending such a monstrosity

    JulyInAugust February 23, 2024 4:58 pm
    not you trying to justify this disgusting ‘fantasy’ please wake up and realise how disgustingly worrying that is. If shit like this turns you on go seek therapy because what the fuck hugo :)

    Well I'm worried about you all being incapable of differentiating between fantasy and real life.
    Not everyone have trouble separating the two like you.

    hugo :) February 23, 2024 5:15 pm
    Well I'm worried about you all being incapable of differentiating between fantasy and real life.Not everyone have trouble separating the two like you. JulyInAugust

    That isn’t an excuse? That’s like saying having fantasy’s about being a pedo etc is different from reality? You’re still fantasising about something that is bad and illegal.

    JulyInAugust February 23, 2024 5:21 pm
    I can't even read this all the second hand embarrassment is so real.. Istfg I'm trying so hard.. You act like I'm not allowed to have my own opinions I'm not saying anyone can't read this I'll just think you're... Sleepy...

    You said : "PREACH PREACHHH!!!!" To a comment that said "is consent just not a thing anymore?" When talking about yaoi in general. You agreed strongly with the person saying things like rape and incest are the only kind of yaoi out there, that's where I got that you were saying you agree with that sentiment ?
    Did you... Not read their comment to the end like you didn't read the resume ? Not judging or anything but this whole argument we're having is totally pointless if that is the case.
    Because you're saying a lot of stuff that have nothing to do with what even you were saying about "objective truth" and all and I'm starting to think you didn't realize that the people you agreed with and are agreeing with you are very judgmental and trying to shame others for their kinks.
    I mean one even said that those who enjoys rape in fiction should go to a mental hospital. I mean I understand the disgust, I have my own triggers that others enjoy, but I do recognize that fiction and real life are two different things and won't go insulting people for liking what triggers me in fiction.

    JulyInAugust February 23, 2024 5:37 pm
    FR thank y'all for backing me up bc fr HUH??? Like bro fr was acting like I was "forcing" their hand to "defend" the story likeee FYM????????? Sleepy...

    Because you (or just the people you're talking to here since you seem confused) are not talking about the story being trash but about people being wrong for liking it.
    You are forcing me to take the defense of a story that I find bad, trashy and disgusting because you are disrespecting the people that do enjoy this kind of things. By calling you out on your bs about tastes having an objective truth I'm sadly in a position where I'm defending something I don't want to.
    The fact that you all thought this is the kind of stories I like being proof that I'm telling the truth, you all attacking my "liking" of the story when I was calling out your attitude.

    JulyInAugust February 23, 2024 5:51 pm
    That isn’t an excuse? That’s like saying having fantasy’s about being a pedo etc is different from reality? You’re still fantasising about something that is bad and illegal. hugo :)

    I don't know how to explain to you something your brain doesn't do. I could go on about everything that makes fantasy and reality separation clear cut to my brain but if yours can't do it would you understand ?
    If you can only enjoy fictional things you also enjoy in real life how do I explain to you that not everyone does ?
    There's also the fact that not everyone enjoys the same thing for the same reason... What can I even try to explain to you ?

    hugo :) February 23, 2024 6:48 pm
    I don't know how to explain to you something your brain doesn't do. I could go on about everything that makes fantasy and reality separation clear cut to my brain but if yours can't do it would you understand ?... JulyInAugust

    You’re the one who came here first spitting your opinion no one asked for

    Sleepy... February 24, 2024 1:53 am
    You said : "PREACH PREACHHH!!!!" To a comment that said "is consent just not a thing anymore?" When talking about yaoi in general. You agreed strongly with the person saying things like rape and incest are the ... JulyInAugust

    ...Are you blind or just dumb. I give you an actual argument and points and I feel like I'm reading the exact same regurgitated rephrased shit No one was talking about all yaoi or all manga EVER,(quite a lot rn that are popular here are though and that's what we mean but no one said the whole ass genre, you're just taking silly statements and twisting them into something that made you "forced to defend it." ..?) and I never said that this was the objective truth you're making proplems where there aren't any and putting words in people's mouths?? Like... did you... read ANY of this thread?

    I do not kink shame anyone but I will ALWAYS shame someone if their kinks are illegal. Bc it's not a kink it's a crime<3 Fiction or reality. And I'll always stand by that. If you don't, ok, like I said I think that's weird ass shit personally.^^ And boo hoo if you don't like what I have to say. I'm not going to waste my time replying to you further hope you had a nice valentine's

    Sleepy... February 24, 2024 1:56 am
    You’re the one who came here first spitting your opinion no one asked for hugo :)

    Sleepy... February 24, 2024 1:57 am
    anytime bro. I will not stand to watch freaks like that defending such a monstrosity hugo :)

    JulyInAugust February 24, 2024 7:15 pm
    ...Are you blind or just dumb. I give you an actual argument and points and I feel like I'm reading the exact same regurgitated rephrased shit No one was talking about all yaoi or all manga EVER,(quite a lot rn... Sleepy...

    Talking to you feel like talking to a wall. You talk about me not reading the thread but you can't even remember your own words, it's pathetic.

    I stopped reading your bs when you said you do not kink shame anyone but will always kink shame kinks you hate. Like at least wait a sentence before proving you're lying.
    Turns out you're as much as a judgmental freak as the others, you could be a religious with the way you want to shame people for their personal thoughts.

hugo :) February 19, 2024 10:23 pm

Lol why does he give me will Graham vibes when he re-acts the murder scenes hahaha

hugo :) February 18, 2024 11:27 pm

We waited ages for an upload and it’s literally just them in game

hugo :) February 18, 2024 12:42 pm

MC took the break up better than me cuz I would’ve fucking hit him icl

hugo :) February 18, 2024 12:40 am

manhwas like this are always sketchy to me cuz it feels like an excuse for incest but try make it ‘ok’ by making them ‘not related by blood’

    J&THaterNo.1 February 24, 2024 6:09 am

    This is my thinking as well.

    elfiemouse February 24, 2024 8:43 am

    What? In what way is this manwha portraying incest as a good thing? It is clearly written to portray incest as messed up and the characters involved are obviously the villains. Depiction doesn’t equal endorsement.

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