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Elda created a topic of OUROBOROS:ウロボロス

I save up chapters to read for this. I think it's still one of the most realistic looks at a possible and very common aftermath of rape. I have liked all 3 main men so far. Looking forward to more.

Elda created a topic of Yours to Claim

*sigh* I knew when tho chapter rolled out that there would be Yahwi stans acting like him feeding him a pill cuz he was sick is the same as raping him when he was drunk.

You can like Yahwi and his rapist ass but don't act like this makes Cain just as bad as Yahwi. Just own up to liking a rapist and don't try to make this seem like the same situation.

Elda created a topic of Positively Yours

This is why you press criminal charges so that she can be in a treatment center with maximum security and not escape and try to kill the MC like I bet will happen. Also the enabling dad would not be able to see her and help her like he probably will.

Elda created a topic of Happy Shitty Life

I've always liked Harada because she always shows these relationships as toxic, even if there's a comedic undertone or there seems to be some "happy" resolution (color recipe and nii san for example). I think the "sweetest" one is Yatamomo, and even that deals with some extremely heavy and terrible themes. Her stories are not meant to romanticize rape or creepy relationships, rather they explore them and most have a open/ambiguous end.

Elda asked a question

Looking for the cutest, sweetest, most romantic BL series you guys have read.

Please no sexual assault while one character is drunk tho, just them getting together and being cute.

Elda created a topic of Yours to Claim

Oh great we get his "woe is me" sob story.

Loving how he's like " wait the drunk guy I raped didn't have a deep emotional connection with me? He was just genuinely drunk???"

Finally a bdsm manhwa with proper safewords and aftercare? As well as a non toxic relationship that actually gradually turns into love??? Amazing.

Elda created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Shitty cliquey bullying work culture. I think it's a lot harder to switch jobs in Korea, so poor MC has to put up with it.

Elda created a topic of Snowman

Oh yikes this actually made me sick to my stomach. I feel so bad for the poor girl.

Elda created a topic of Mimori's Naughty Mouth

Same complaint as others. I cannot believe that his sexual assault wasn't addressed and it turned into a pudding contest between the two "tops". I can't believe the disgusting coworker had the audacity to say he was waiting in the wings, or that the uke kept apologizing. He was the fucking victim in every single way!!!!

Elda created a topic of Otoshi-Ai

We're all monster fuckers on this glorious day.

As an asexual person, their relationship and lack of communication is bugging the hell out of me. They seem to have a queer platonic relationship but they haven't talked about it at all! Like Daniel seems to be allosexual but won't ask Wyatt about sex. And yes Wyatt was born sheltered but he successfully lives in society, he knows what a typical marriage looks like. Have a fucking talk. If that means that Wyatt is a sex repulsed asexual and Daniel is fine and happy with never having sex or sharing a bedroom, then fine, they talked about it and know that's how their relationship is. But this, whatever they have right now, it isn't a relationship dynamic that started because of clear communication and it seems more like Daniel not pushing Wyatt, than it does a relationship they both are satisfied in.

Elda created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

Please cut off the rapist cousin's dick.

Elda created a topic of Heat and Run

So based on the raws, matthew is most certainly gonna disrespect that and go after him regardless. He'll make a sweeping romantic gesture and promise never to be so possessive and manipulative again, and they'll officially get together and never think about the pesky time that hayoung tried to leave and asked Matthew to respect his decision and Matthew didn't. So predictable.

But whatever, at least it's fictional.

Elda created a topic of Yours to Claim

This is the dumbest bet ever. What, does Cain lose if he respectfully asks Jooin out? And Jooin goes back to "yeah I raped you while you were drunk and used you for sex" Yahwi? I mean it's clear that's what Jooin probably wants but it's so bullshit that he is gonna set a double standard of how he will evaluate these two.

Elda created a topic of Your wish is my command

The way these BL authors/artists act like the asshole is self lubricating,,,
PSA, the asshole is dry, precum and spit is not enough. It requires lube and a lot of preparation to have anal sex safely. Also, be prepared to deal with shit unless you do a thorough enema. It ain't like how they show it here, my loves.

Elda created a topic of Heat and Run

What TF is up with the moose symbology?? Both couples have abstract wooden moose heads mounted on their walks and now some moose figurines?? What does it mean???

Elda created a topic of She may not be cute

Playing the world's tiniest violin for the homewrecker. You reap what you sow.

Elda created a topic of Yours to Claim

Yahwi just wants him back in his orbit so he can fuck around with his body and his emotions. It's like when you like someone and they just use you but as soon as you try to move on, they're back trying to keep you hooked *rolls eyes*

Elda created a topic of Fushigi Yuugi: Byakko Senki

These are all the chapters available. The mangaka has been in poor health since 2018 and the story has been on hiatus since 2018. Chapter 5 was the last chapter released.