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Elda created a topic of Solo Leveling

Any other manhwas that match this kind of energy?

Elda asked a question

Looking for a kind of fucked up DJ for bnha where deku turns into his middle school self and forodroki convinces him they were lovers

This could easily be a psa by the japanese government to encourage ppl to get married and have babies, lol

Elda created a topic of Positively Yours

I hate the mom. Like I really hope it's not some redemption arc where it urns out the mom was actually caring. She really did a number on daughter if she cannot imagine her mom showing even a lick it affection for her.

Elda created a topic of Blind Play
Elda created a topic of Banana Scandal

Is the top ever gonna get decent? I think I'm just gonna come back after the story is complete and see if he stays an asshole.

Elda created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

How many months pregnant is he, supposedly???

Elda created a topic of Big and Beautiful

I think the translator team is on the right track with the comments they make but they are far kinder to top than to the bottom in terms of acceptable ignorance. I think they both need to learn a lot about queer relationships and each other.

Elda created a topic of OUROBOROS:ウロボロス

Fucking 2 yrs for kidnapping and rape....
And his parents still thinking he's a good kid.

Also I saw some comment regarding the MC now seeking out sex with men despite his trauma and calling it unrealistic. It's really not. I got raped at 17 and was a devout christian who thought sex before marriage was impure. After I was raped, I basically saw myself as worthless and sought out sex I didn't want with other men because I thought I was worth nothing. Years and years of therapy and leaving the church later, I understand now that I was being hypersexual after my rape in a way to punish myself but also to take control of my own sexual acts. I don't think it's unrealistic at all that the MC is like this. Not all sexual assault victims act the same. I definitely agree he needs therapy but he obviously lives in a society with zero resources for a (male) sexual assault victim so idk how many resources he has.

Elda created a topic of Heat and Run

I read all the raws so far and I gotta say, these mofos are rich AF. Like they all live in penthouses in california. I'm so jelly.

Elda created a topic of Your wish is my command

I thought I was gonna have second male lead syndrome from this story but his bf being weird and shady means there's a chance for my purple and pink haired boy! Yesss!

Elda created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

This story was barely clinging to any sort of coherent plot but damn they just gave up this chapter. I feel like I need to hit myself with a rock too.

Elda created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I really feel for the MC. People like the other team lead stress me TF out. And he is basically harassing him with all the work and by repeatedly greeting him like that every morning.
Buuuut I'm saying, maybe they should fuck it out haha

Elda created a topic of Blind Play

I'm a bad person but I'm fine with the selfish boyfriend getting offed. I think this is gonna be a shit show like killing/stalking but at least that guy being killed wouldn't bother me lol

Elda created a topic of A Doting Relationship!

Kids, don't shit where you eat. Meaning, do not start a workplace romance. They rarely work out and when they fall apart you now have to work with your ex

Elda created a topic of Lady Baby

I can't tell their ages anymore. how old is she now??

Elda created a topic of K's secret

Has anyone else re-read from the beginning??? The way the main character's looks change is wild. He goes from being plain with almost black eyes to cute with blue eyes. The author even retconns this in the pre series extras.

Elda created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

Idk whats more unrealistic, a white cop in florida who is both gay and kind to an immigrant or the leader of a Russian mob casually pulling a gun on said cop onna public beach.