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ZEEZEE asked a question

bro what is wrong with mangogo

ZEEZEE asked a question

Is it just me or are the pages of mangas or stuff not loading?? like everything is having that weird picture thing

ZEEZEE created a topic of Naruto

no one can convince me that Sasuke doesn't romantically like Naruto. Because in Boruto he doesn't even like Sakura. I can go further into it but it just makes sense in the Manga.

ZEEZEE created a topic of Betting on You


ZEEZEE created a topic of Backlight

Not trying to say this in a good way but this BL does a great job of showing manipulation and toxicity bro..

ZEEZEE created a topic of The Duke's Debt

ong this another griffith guts copy bro

ZEEZEE created a topic of Irreversible

why are these artists hated by the world bro

It's sad to see these fucking artists sexualize women and the worst thing that could happen to them. you can see it in every panel, from her body to her actual scenes where she's always getting sexualized. Sad and Horrible writing, some mangas do women good but most do it like this and they don't deserve the right to draw

ZEEZEE created a topic of Risky Vice

bro whats wrong with the hands in this story

ZEEZEE answered question about confused bout my crush
I mean if you find yourself seeing a future with him then go for it lol, don't let a friendship stop you from finding someone you like. Before going after him though you should talk to your friend. I mean she does have 3 other guys which is unusual, but anyway, if she is a true friend she will be happy for you to find someone you like. You just hav......
ZEEZEE created a topic of Plaything

Isn't this Guts and Griffith??

ZEEZEE asked question about play games

For me personally, I would love to date Ryan from Scent Of A Witch

ZEEZEE answered question about character obsession
ZEEZEE created a topic of Radiant

why the fuck it gotta end on a cliffhanger

ZEEZEE created a topic of Irreversible

Damn, every good author getting killed off, why???

ZEEZEE created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

I don't know what to say, the fact that every single person in this world is an asshole to Phos, or the fact that this is the most amazing thing I have ever read. The message is big and truly if I were to dissect this manga piece by piece I would find myself lost in its philosophy (get it? phos, philosophy (▰˘◡˘▰)) The character Phos first starts off as a young child/gem who knows nothing of the world and is pushed down by his peers for being too weak and useless. In their journey to become better, phos is put through some traumatic injuries. where they start to lose limbs of themselves and become stronger in that fact. now that is the basis of the plot, there is a lot more trust me. But let us dissect just this part. Gems each time they lose a limb lose a piece of memory, the bigger the limb, the more memory is lost. Phos is basically sacrificing EVERYTHING, to become stronger including his innocence, his memories, his feelings, and everything above. Because in general without memories we become husks of who we once were, with goals that were utterly useless to our former selves. Phos does all of this for his friends and sensei, in the end, Phos is left to rot for 10,000 years to become the next god to save the world. They do this for 10,000 years and their friends don't even fucking care, they quite literally say it in the manga "Do you feel bad?" "No" that is quite literally the fucking dialog. can you guess what happens in the end??? PHOS FORGIVES THEM and SETS THEM FUCKING FREE. WHAT A FUCKING SAINT, and what is their fucking answer to phos?? NOTHING, NOT A FUCKING WORD IS SAID, NOT EVEN A FUCKING THANK YOU OR SORRY??? phos WENT through HELL to become exactly what these gems wanted, he went through every single fuck ton of hell to save his friends and find out the truth about the lunarians. ONLY TO BE USED and FORGOTTEN FOR 10,000 YEARS. I would say that this manga's main message is that you should not sacrifice yourself for people who do not actually care about you. Even if they do care and love you they will still betray you once you sacrifice yourself, that is the simple truth of human nature and that is the simple truth for being without human nature. so, everyone who is reading this comment, I hope you know that you are not a sacrificial lamb following a shepherd, you are human, and as a human, you do not deserve to be sacrificed.

ZEEZEE created a topic of Berserk

First of R.I.P. to the author (love you Kentarou). One of the best mangas I've ever read, its dark, really dark. But the detail that is put in every splinter of the world is amazing. Also, the fact that the good guy is in the dark and bad in the light is an extremely interesting perspective. we can see that Griffith looks like an angel and even the evil beings of this world are not called demons or even called satan. while our main protagonist, who is good, looks evil and if I must extremely hot. I am not sure where this story will go for every moment leaves me in disbelief, but this is truly a work of art and i would love to see it finished before I die.