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She got opps everywhere

Instagram comments consists of people who cant read, no bitches, one with a bible verse on their bio(they be saying the most horrendous shit) and of course racists. Well this happens because Instagram doesnt limit the comments and they let these nutheads run wild.

It definitely started off as what a typical bl story would be but the story was quite interesting and good.

For anyone curios where to start in the novel. You can start in Chapter 53 part2!

[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about listen to music
It's okay to like popular songs without knowing other songs of the same artist. "Oh you only listen to their popular songs blah blah blah" because it's popular?? Like you can't be coming up to me and tell me "Name 10 mitsiki songs" just because you see me listening to Washing machine heart..

I really like the story he reminds me of klein morreti

why r ppl calling her weak and stupid for having feelings most fls in these typa manhwas are actually airheaded as fuck so pleeaasee shut up.. “FL can’t say no at all” she literally constantly rejects him and contradicts him, the only reason she goes along with him is because it benefits HER and HER family. thats not weak just smart.. i hate when yall shit on good manhwas and good fls js bc yall want them to be independent, its literally tagged romance. So either read it or drop it and shut up

[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ like the answer
So I am still struggling with acne myself. I had clear-ish skin recently but messed up because a friend gave me their serum to try. We both didn't know that it was acidic with exfoliating extracts so it wrecked my skin barrier. My routine was pretty established but I stupidly want to try some Korean serums from my favourite brand Pls remember th......
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about question
i got 86, it said it's an average number so not bad at all ^^
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about being single
Imma be honest wt you i do both but a little bit more on art. The plots nowadays are absolutely dogshit, some are recycled, some are cringe and some are just plain boring.
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ created a topic of Doctor Elise


[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about question
Heavy on the family one let people have fun ffs. Also i can't count how many times this question has been asked but yeah you can have friends from joining discord servers. As long as you know what you're getting into then go ahead.
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about question
Why you gotta remind that manhwa exists

So the last chapter in the manhwa js ch49 but in the novel It's on chapter 60.

What's not gonna be funny are your bowel movements once i feed you with a bunch of laxatives and glue your buttcheeks together.
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about embarrass yourself
I have no idea tbh but they always have that faux fur shawl with them and it looks absolutely elegant

The Story aside, there's just something wrong about the art...Like i get that theyre gorgeous but there's something wrong with it but idk where is it specifically

[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about question
You already know the answer to that. If what you wanted is a slight push from a stranger to finally make you drop them then ill say it. YES DO IT. While i understand it is hard being lonely and having no friend to turn to, it is much better than being disrespected and humiliated.
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ answered question about question
Im so dumb bro like the way i believed some of the pics