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"There's something I need your approval for."
He needs her to of approve him asking her dad for a hand in marriage

I sort of miss the older, less detailed art style. It's technically prettier now, but Dorothy just looks so cute and childish. She's a person that's lived an entire life already. She's a person capable of great cruelty. She's not some innocent heroine, that should blush at every moment.

Abel✯lied created a topic of I'm a Level D Student

EVERYONE WHO FINISHES THIS CHAPTER!!! Can you please tell me if she wins or at least puts up a fair fight??!?!! My heart can't bear the stress to read it without knowing before hand!!!

Abel✯lied answered question about get to know you
Everytime I genuinely good psychological exploration of a troubled protagonist turns into "He loves her and she loves him, but she's so sad and thinks she doesn't deserve him, even though she totally does!" an angel loses it's wings Begging on my hands and knees, authors. If the main driving force of your story is that your female lead is hated,......

Best parts of this story:
The themes of love and being unlovable
Relationship between Ray and Dorothy (legit cried at "I'm here to kill to Ray")
Relationship between Dorothy and her knight (Uh oh the kid you picked up is suicidal)
Ethan is a little freak (affectionate)
DOROTHY DOROTHY DOROTHY DOROTHY she just wants to do what's right
They're are parts I dislike, but I binged it and I have to go to school in like twenty minutes

Abel✯lied created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

This monologue really shed a new light on our protagonist. No matter what she chooses, it is to serve someone. To make someone else happy. While everyone is trying to kill her, sell her off or possess her, she doesn't for once think, that it is unfair. In her eyes, the problem is not that people are using her, but that she's not useful enough to be used by everyone. I hope that maybe Shinpei will show her how to be more selfish, instead of just being happy that she's his

Abel✯lied answered question about question
Middle aged man with very little life aspiration+ an old man with basically zero life aspirations

Not sure how I feel about the the genocide whale people, but I really like the story and the art so far!

Abel✯lied created a topic of Dead or alive

It's so refreshing to see enthusiastic consent on all sides. No accidents, no coercion, just two horny adults.

Abel✯lied created a topic of I'm a Level D Student

I think the art is very pretty most of the time, but when there are close ups on Jelack, (for example the "Because I wanna beat him" panel), her proportions change to a busty toddler. It's not a glaring problem, but once you notice it, you can't unsee it, when it happens.

I don't dislike Perez, but everyone besides him has such an interesting character design. The artist goes through the effort of recreating these Medici like dresses, totally immersing you to the story's period, only for Perez to show up with his 2020 k-pop/ can't see though bangs haircut. I think if he was more expressive, it wouldn't be so striking, but in this chapter he glares at the queen, someone who just nearly forced his one true love into a marriage with someone else, someone, who's likely an enemy, and his face doesn't change at all! You can't just put blue gradient on a guy, type "glares" next to his face and expect it to mean anything!

Abel✯lied answered question about question
Thank you for this opportunity, a rant is incoming. If you read it whole I'll love you or something idk. I love Mielle from Villainess reverses the hourglass so much and I think the she was the best part of the story. In fact, after her death, the story went directly against everything it tried to establish. First, I'll clarify that this isn't ......
Abel✯lied like the answer
Never say fucking "uwu" again in your life unless you want the barrel of a gun shoved into your gullet
Abel✯lied created a topic of The Abyss

"why does he looks like a girl?" "Why does he look like a child?" He doesn't??!!??? He literally doesn't look like a human at all, neither of them do.

The artist clearly uses 3d models for the characters, so this must've been a conscious decision, rather than a mistake lol.

Abel✯lied shared experience about question
Whether it's something objectively bad or personal preference, I'd be interested to hear it! There's a lot of things I could write about here, from the too wide yaoi mouths and necks, the cheap posable bases, to a whole book about female characters and how boobs work, but alas, the catalyst for the post is the main character from Mercenary enrollme......
Abel✯lied answered question about question
I really dislike those stories where the plot is that the main character is broken and fixed by love. By broken I don't mean any realistic depiction of poor mental health, but whiny (while always blushing), shy, self degrading and completely dumb. I do like angst though, so allow me to explain! Story starts with a character with a sad backstory im......
Abel✯lied answered question about question
Any girl, no matter how feminine, butch, androgynous, chubby, skinny, muscular, tall, short, cool or cute is capable of winning my heart! If she really wants to speedrun it though, she can laugh at me for being silly and I'll die on the spot instantly.
Abel✯lied answered question about question
Happened to me as well, but I noticed it happened after I've written some emojis. I'm going to try it here to test my theory so emojis incoming in 3!2!1!
Abel✯lied answered question about question
Baby boy, girl failure, milf, dilf, golf, girboss and finally dumbfuck