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Meow January 10, 2018 5:03 am

This felt like every other cliche yaoi about a straight guy and a gay best friend which I feel like I've read a bajillion of. I can understand similar plot lines but these characters felt so dull/flat & even though they're drawn nicely, I couldn't get into it and stopped reading by the 4th chapter. Is this what happens when you've read too much yaoi lol

    pennyinheaven January 11, 2018 1:31 pm

    I found it the opposite. I have read a lot yaoi in a short span of almost two years now (I binge read my yaoi journey) and I have read a lot of boring ones with the exact same plot but this was actually well paced/toned and had logically designed characters. Finally read a self-respecting uke despite having the 10 year unrequited feelings for the seme reciprocated.

Meow January 6, 2018 3:05 am

this is so rude - i saw the ch. 6 update and my heart went AFLUTTER only to find out it's a repeat of ch. 5.6 (◔_◔)

Meow January 3, 2018 5:44 am

idk how i feel about this manga...everyone's swooning over how hot the bite scenes are but have any of y'all actually been bitten so hard you bleed??? it hurts like a BITCH and it's honestly not as hot or arousing as you fangirls seem to think. and the uke even admits it's painful and he doesn't like pain but that he goes along with it bc he knows that's what the seme does...which on one hand is like yay love, but also bordering on self-sacrifice??? idk i just never like the idea of someone doing something they don't like bc they know it'll make their lover happy.

    Himeowchama January 11, 2018 11:40 pm


    JianZhao January 13, 2018 8:23 pm

    Well....if you are lost in ecstasy being bitten really doesn't hurt much..

    vivi January 19, 2018 1:07 am

    Well.. thats what you called a masochist ne...

    Akeno January 22, 2018 7:56 am

    He seems to be enjoying it, so what's the big deal? I'm a huge masochist so I have quite a few scars. Bites aren't the worst thing you can do.

    akera May 11, 2018 12:27 am

    It's like bdsm: It's fun and all if both people are into it but it's straight violence and abuse of only one person likes it and forces the other. The same goes for biting, if you do it while the other person consents it's fine, otherwise you're a criminal.
    Honestly, I wasn't bothered by the biting. I was more bothered by how quick they both supposedly fell in love especially the seme. He has issues more than the uke and it seemed like he was with the uke just because he didn't break like his past lovers and he endured his fetish and didn't tire of him and keeping photos of past lovers in such positions is just creepy. The guy is a borderline psychopath. The uke dosn't feel totally in love either but it feels like he has given the whole thing more thought than the seme

Meow January 3, 2018 4:27 am

just looked through the raws and i'm so upset bc my heart lowkey breaks for the bully who had his own fucked up childhood, IT'S SO SAD HE FALLS IN LOVE WITH RYOU-CHAN (the cutesy seme) BC RYOU-CHAN IS THE ONLY PERSON TO EVER SHOW HIM AFFECT.


    Meow January 3, 2018 4:28 am

    oops *affection, not affect

    Abrigel January 3, 2018 6:21 am

    Raws please

    selinafertil January 3, 2018 6:34 am

    Please tell me where you read the raws.

    foreverfujoshi January 3, 2018 6:47 am

    Just reading this made me cry! T^T i knew it! He likes the uke that he bullies everyday Q_Q why give us second lead syndrome again (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Beanz_The_Cat January 4, 2018 5:08 pm


Meow January 2, 2018 11:56 pm

sounds like some shit my own dad would do

Meow December 30, 2017 5:25 am

or does it seem pretty obvious who the MC is gonna end up with?? bc it doesn't seem like a harem manhwa at all - if you look at the four other male characters on the cover page, it's the orange haired guy (who is clearly friend-zoned af & doesn't seem to have feelings at all for the MC), junseo (who also seems incredibly platonic w MC) and then red haired guy & garam who MC is literally obsessed with. like ofc he's gonna end up with Ga ram

    ellisno December 30, 2017 6:52 am

    To me what’s obvious is that he’s going to end up with Junseo.

    mochi December 30, 2017 7:12 am

    to be honest i don't think the author made a big emphasis about jaewon (mc) and junseo's relationship as something platonic, which is sad because platonic relationships doesn't have a big relevance... and here's a lil spoiler:
    junseo starts to get romantic feelings for jaewon, so yeah, not platonic

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 11:11 am

    Leaving my personal preferences aside, I think that it would be more reasonable Jaewon stay with Junseo. They friendship its cool and all, but they would make a great couple. They can help each other with the scars from past and build a great relationship. Idk, for me it seems right they end up together.

    mynameislino December 30, 2017 4:22 pm

    I think he's going to end up with Jun Seo. That would usually be obvious for me, if it were another manhwa, but it's going so well with Ka Ram that I'm not all that sure about it. I really like the protag's relationship with both Jun Seo and Ka Ram... What to do :<

    agender(they/them).yaoilover January 1, 2018 4:02 pm
    to be honest i don't think the author made a big emphasis about jaewon (mc) and junseo's relationship as something platonic, which is sad because platonic relationships doesn't have a big relevance... and here'... mochi

    and karam starts to get romantic feelings for jaewon,too lol

    agender(they/them).yaoilover January 1, 2018 4:06 pm
    Leaving my personal preferences aside, I think that it would be more reasonable Jaewon stay with Junseo. They friendship its cool and all, but they would make a great couple. They can help each other with the s... @Anonymous

    good friendship between them has not to turn into love.That doesn't make sense.Because love and friendship aren't the same.

    Chimㅎ January 2, 2018 10:13 pm
    good friendship between them has not to turn into love.That doesn't make sense.Because love and friendship aren't the same. agender(they/them).yaoilover

    Ik.. but its true that Junseo develops feelings to Jaewon tho not to be spoiler but if u purchase or used coin and read in Foxtoon u will know heheh ^^;
    But im a RedhairXJaewon ship tho ㅠㅠ

Meow December 29, 2017 4:06 am

I think everyone needs to chill with the hatred for the older brother, like never in the manga does it ever say that his older brother raped him. Like first off, they're not even real brothers & second off, the main character even says that he wanted his older brother to embrace him. Like ya, his older brother's a dick who bullied him & was jealous but he def wasn't a rapist or the bad guy y'all trynna make him seem. smh ppl over here saying he deserves to be raped himself like CHILL

Meow December 26, 2017 7:59 am

but in case anyone was curious when exactly the big reveal is (and after i spent literally two hrs using my 3rd grade level korean reading skills to read the raws), it is...

    ladytamago December 26, 2017 1:13 pm

    Holy shit the struggle is real thanks for the heads up

    Kaname Sama December 26, 2017 2:09 pm

    Could you please telle me what's is going to happend next thx

Meow May 7, 2017 3:00 am

For those who are downrating this manga because of infidelity and judging/hating on paul the professor, check yourself before you wreck yourself.

You can hate infidelity but unless you're a gay man born into a prestigiously wealthy family with suffocating standards to uphold, you don't know what it's like to be Paul. This is a man who did fall in love (with Danny in his past) and was willing to throw away everything - his reputation, his girlfriend, his family - to be with Danny. Instead Danny's a coward which is fine and he chooses to stay with his wife. People say Paul's a dick for trying to expose the affair which might be true but also a sign of how obsessed and in love he was with Danny.

So he gets his heart broken and ends up marrying Judy, one of his ex-girlfriends. He has a family and what's more important is that he doesn't LEAVE them. Everyone shits on him for cheating but up until this point, Paul's only been physically unfaithful to Judy. Romantically and emotionally, his wife and his daughter are his #1 priority and he even says it to Jonathan, the student he's sleeping with. He vows to never let it be known that he's gay because he doesn't want to ever hurt his family. Paul's the very definition of a loyal husband ESPECIALLY because he's gay and he has always been gay. He could've easily destroyed this family, left with some hot pool boy and never looked back - but he doesn't. He stays with his family, lies about his identity, squashes any romantic feelings he might have for a man - but y'all gonna judge him because he gets his rocks off with different men? Paul is such, such, SUCH a complex character and ofc he is far from perfect, but he's also not this cruel, unfaithful devil of a man who lies to his wife and daughter because he just feels like it. His only flaw (and can you really call it a flaw?) is that he married a woman he cared for but knew he couldn't sexually/physically love. So honestly, it's really quite understandable why he has to have affairs. Like let the man have something ok, he's already given up true love for this family LET HIM AT LEAST GET LAID AND ENJOY SEX EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE.

Ok this is such a long and probably unnecessary review but I am in love with this manga and this mangaka who has so beautifully captured a story. This manga is so amazing and literally breaks all stereotypes about bl manga. It is so fucking REALISTIC and that is something you never see in yaoi. Bless, bless, bless this manga it is way too underrated, my heart is broken that it hasn't updated in six hundred years BUT i would 10/10 recommend people reading this!!

    Anonymous May 7, 2017 3:22 am

    I ll give u thumb up if i had an account. This is what ive wanted to said to anybody who start discussion in horrible way to Paul. But here, my english is not that great and im loving u to tell other this!

Meow April 5, 2017 4:47 am

*this is my interpretation of the manga after rereading it from beginning to end - feel free to add or argue or whatever if you think my summary's lacking*

Basically the beginning of the manga is all "fake" aka Law put Jesse under Moritat so he could fake a scenario where Jesse is the rich heir to Brown Company but was tortured and then traumatized by his parents' deaths and loved only Law blah blah blah.

So what was the point of Law doing so?

The flashbacks (which is the TRUE reality of Jesse and Law's pasts) basically tells us.

Since childhood, Law has suffered tremendous anxiety and pressure from his "friendship" with Jesse. Not only were there romantic feelings involved, but Law also felt low-key hatred towards Jesse for being so controlling, oppressive and perfect.

Law puts Jesse on a pedestal for his entire life and their relationship in the TRUE reality reaches the breaking point when Jesse tells Law that he wants Law to go to school and leave him. [This is where people get confused in the flashbacks; basically Law pretends that he wants to leave to go study so he can see Jesse panic over losing him - but Jesse wants to finally be selfless & have a healthier relationship with Law so he tells him to go ahead and do so.]

Law freaks the fuck out and thinks this means Jesse never loved/needed him. So he then puts Jesse under Moritat, and then reenacts that entire scenario that is like the first 20 chapters of the manga.

Their experience in Moritat ends because this time (Law apparently has done this scenario multiple times with Jesse but each time, Jesse refuses to "choose" him aka Jesse doesn't trust Law even in this new fake world Law created Moritat), Jesse FINALLy ends up trusting in Law and "chooses him" when he says that he wants to die with Law rather than live without him.

This is all Law ever wanted - but he gets scared of commitment and ends Moritat. In the present, he tells Jesse it was all about control, not love, for him. In reality, he does (obsessively & unhealthily) love Jesse but is too afraid to finally be in a relationship with this person he's revered as a God for so long.

That's what the last chapter of Moritat is all about. Jesse believed Law when Law said he only put Jesse in Moritat to mess with him/control him/finally beat him. So he leaves and goes back to school. But then he runs into that maid and realizes that Law is still head over heels obsessed/in love with him and still watching that simulation of child Jesse. So he runs back and tells Law to man the fuck up and be with him in the REAL world, even if it's hard and unhealthy and complicated.

In case you couldn't tell, I fuckin loved this manga. Brilliant and deep as shit and I don't even mind that they don't kiss at the end lmao.

    donaa April 5, 2017 7:09 am

    Perfect summary 100%. Just a question tho, I don't see Law saying anywhere to Jesse that he only wanted to control him but didn't love him. I know he only talks in riddles so one has to make their own interpretation of what he says but I never felt that he said so.

    udaxsasai April 5, 2017 7:45 am

    oh thank u so much!

    Andrew444 April 5, 2017 4:11 pm

    ( ̄▽ ̄)b

    Meow April 5, 2017 7:54 pm
    Perfect summary 100%. Just a question tho, I don't see Law saying anywhere to Jesse that he only wanted to control him but didn't love him. I know he only talks in riddles so one has to make their own interpret... donaa

    Hmm it''s true that he never says it outright - I think I mean he wanted to convince Jesse that he had no more feelings for him. In the last chapter, he says that being in Moritat with Jesse for what felt like 20 years (but was actually only a day) made him sick of Jesse/he no longer feels anything towards him whether it's love, anxiety or possessiveness. Which I'm sure broke Jesse's heart :(( literally the summary of this entire manga is LAW LIES TOO DAMN MUCH.

    Meow April 5, 2017 7:58 pm
    oh thank u so much! udaxsasai

    glad to help~~ uwu

    nee April 6, 2017 5:37 am

    thanks for the summary! i finally get it !

    jojo April 6, 2017 11:17 am

    i get confuesed because the comments is it not good or had a bad end so i will not read it or what ??

    Mimaru April 6, 2017 8:14 pm

    But wait in the Real world didn't Law make Jesse become a nobody to bring him down to his level? Remember how Jesse threw Law away because he didn't want him to become his mom's possession, and as revenge Law made that Maid say that the Brown family experimented on her. So the President aka Jesse's mom made Jesse the scrape goat hence why he appears in that video saying how he the sole owner of Moritat and takes full responsibility for it. Then 3 years later even when Jesse is a nobody he still feels that he's above Law, that's why I think Law did that to Jesse. He wanted Jesse to realize that they are now the same. Oh and Jesse's parents are still alive because when he got homeboy in the last chapter the Butler said that he hadn't informed the president (Jesse's mom) about how he didn't come home that night

    Meow April 7, 2017 4:11 am
    But wait in the Real world didn't Law make Jesse become a nobody to bring him down to his level? Remember how Jesse threw Law away because he didn't want him to become his mom's possession, and as revenge Law m... @Mimaru

    OH WOW, i totally missed that Law was the one behind the maid coming out with being experimented on. That makes a lot of sense. But I don't believe what you think Law's intentions were. I think on the surface level, and what he shows Jesse, is that he was sick of being lower than Jesse and wanted to take everything away from him.

    But he also says, "I thought if I took everything away from you, would finally choose me." So it's not really about control (I think?) but more "I need you to need me because you are my life and I can never risk you throwing me away again." I think you're right that his revenge was to make Jesse a nobody but his intentions were not to bring him down to his level, but to instead force Jesse to go though the same pain that he went through when Jesse so easily abandoned him [which Jesse didn't, he just wanted Law to be free from his shitty mom and go to school/do what he wants to do but Law doesn't know that.]

    But your theory def makes sense too and I think your theory is like the "bad" ending where they never cared/loved each other but the theory I believe/want to believe (lol) is one where they do love each other but showed it in very negative, harmful ways.

    Anonymous April 10, 2017 1:04 pm
    OH WOW, i totally missed that Law was the one behind the maid coming out with being experimented on. That makes a lot of sense. But I don't believe what you think Law's intentions were. I think on the surface l... Meow

    i agree that Law made the maid come with the story to bring jessy down, he knew his mother would make jesse take the blame but I don't think it was because he was sick of being lower or some sort of revenge. Jesse wasn't controlling him through rank, his own infatuation with jesse and his anxiety was controlling his life to an unbearable limit. I think he simply needed jesse to sink to be able to reach him again. He was banned from the mansion and had no way to reach the high heir of the brown company, but now Jesse needed to go to a normal public school. After meeting him after 5 years Law says: 'I had hoped a chance would open up for me as a result, but i never imagined i'd be able to meet you in an exposed area like this in broad daylight. He then goes on to put Jesse in moritat and completely controls him, but even when jesse chooses him in the end, chooses death with him over living on, thereby giving the greatest confirmation of love and need for another person a human can give. Law is still too scared to really be in a relationship with Jesse. He has just experienced too much anxiety as a child to be able to truly as he says 'simply love'. He knows this and hates himself for it. But then hallelujah Jesse realises this and takes the step forward. but the relationship is still like hell, like jesse says in the end, because law still is unable and probably will forever not trust Jesse, therefore he keeps rejecting Jesse, no matter what he says of does. Law is left with crippling anxiety forever and Jesse is left with a lover who will never truly accept him

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