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Riva_phoneix created a topic of The Neighbor

His having adult conversations with a 15 year old neighbour about his relationship and family problems, telling him that his gay, kissing him practically gripping him and not letting go when the boy is butt naked and embarrassed expressing his discomfort, gifting him sentimental jewellery, introducing him to and hanging out with his adults friends playing adult games. This is literally just grooming. Everything he does and exposes the kid to is on purpose. This is an adult man befriending a 15 year old he is attracted to with the clear intent of starting some type of relationship until he got caught red handed by the mother then he ran off. Smh!!

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Scratch Romance

Apart from getting a gun shoved up the bottom ass don’t expect anything original, also they both like each other so the usual rape yes but the bottom doesn’t take long to become dickmatized. It’s not going to be long a long story either.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Dear Door

Satan and Micheal got reincarnated as humans but still siblings which i think is fitting satan didn’t deserve what he actually wanted Micheal as his lover so it’s a fitting sort of punishment. M remaining a rodent for life is hilarious and also deserved.

Everyone else got a very good happy ending. Will reread again next year.

Fail to see how this is a comedy. Just a dumb bottom and a manipulative top. With a relationship that involves a toxic power imbalance.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Bloody Lies

The master being clueless as to dominic being the vampire god is low key hilarious. Dude about to get a wake up call… about who is really top dog.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Love Gym

Who would waste time being in love with someone for 10 years who isn’t even the same sexuality as you and there is no chance of anything happening. Not to mention the deception because his friend doesn’t even know his busy jerking off to his clothes and sniffing him. Seriously dude needed to get a grip a long time ago. His friends life progresses meanwhile he is just stagnant not moving anywhere. That is just pathetic. Sorry not sorry. Puppy seme is his perfect chance to move on with his life.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

His such a piece of shit, hiding behind rapiel death to act like a depraved demon. Yes he was sad about rapiel to a certain extent but every thing he did was because he had a inferiority complex against Aeroc. All that bs that he wanted to create hell for Aeroc was nothing but a cop out. He just wanted to Areoc to suffer because he couldn’t admit that he loved him at first sight but his nobility intimidated him, he couldn’t admit that it was actually rapiel the poor soul who was collateral damage to this coward. Areoc paid for his sin a million times over. Areoc absolutely did not deserve to suffer like that. He accepted his sin and punishment which is atonement it doesn’t mean you have to treat him like that. POS he is and look what his doing in the second life when he doesn’t have his memories? His projecting and judging Areoc even though Areoc is obviously changed and doesn’t want to interfere with his life, why is Areoc being A blue blood noble of high station and being an alpha with pride such an affront to him? He discriminates. His such a chauvinist he would rather have a placid omega and a boring life just because pride wont let him accept his imprint on another alpha? ML is a low self esteem, inferior complex having clown. Both Rapiel and Areoc deserve better.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of 16647

Don’t be surprised if the author is found to have child pornography in future. Sometimes these types are so blatant with their perversions and be open about it. But people think it’s fiction.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Sugar Rain

Your brother is in hospital do you really have time to be snogging someone?? Seriously

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Jinx

Just because an author can draw does not mean they know how to write a story. BJ alex was grossly overrated so i’m not surprised that the plot of this goes nowhere. Author already wrote the ML into a corner any possible redemption would be something they pull out their a$$ and won’t be remotely believable.

I don’t care what anyone says 50+ chapters and not even a backstory on the ML the author simply doesn’t know what to do with his character beyond shock value.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

The author just has a kink for torture/truama porn. 3 side stories of what if? That are not even lovey dovey. We already seen enough of that in the main story. So why do we need a rehash of the toxicity only with an added threesome.

This story used to be so controversial and popular in the first season. But by second season was heading down hill. In hindsight…. The shock value from the rape scenes and abuse towards the mc is what carried this story. Wasn’t even that good of a plot.

Could have kept the side stories in the vault.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of VENTHAM

The story makes no sense whatsoever…there is a pedophile, serial killer and narcissistic priest. I get that but the author failed to weave a coherent story based on this characters. Looked at their twitter and they scrubbed this story off their timeline so looks like author dropped it.

I also found peter to be annoying rather than scary… not nearly compelling enough, yes his a killer but his not that interesting just 1 step above the usual toxic seme.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of My Lover, My Teacher

He doesn’t love anyone not even himself that’s why his so weak. It’s really all about the sex and attention he gets.

He ran away because he realised he had taken it too far sleeping with his married cousin who btw is also a disgusting douche bag for cheating on his wife.

Quoting Woody Allen in the first chapter. You already know the story is going to be a shit show. I think i will pass.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Wet Sand

He already had an established relationship with gangster dude, plus he is a hoe let’s be real why is anyone shocked he would still get fucked by him? It will all come to a head when gangster guy gives MC choice to come with him.. then you will see what choice he makes.

Jo is fine asf though and can do better but sometimes people need to read the plot for what the artist is trying to convey.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Yours to Claim

This came back??? Damn y’all still arguing about who’s better for the MC… this is the most toxic fandom of a BL ever. Essays and desertions of rants.

The poor author is probably traumatised from both fandoms.
Anyway the ending is pretty predictable I have no idea what cain fans were expecting. Never invest in second ML when it comes to love triangles especially in BL.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Just go on the Korean website and you can pretty much work out what’s going on without understanding the text just the pictures.. Rather than zinchan translation which are basically are unintelligible and inaccurate.

I do it all the time and i always pretty much hit the nail on the head when the actual translations come out.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Remarried Empress

She is greedy, insecure and also stupid what a bad combination. (⊙…⊙ )

Riva_phoneix created a topic of THE VIRGIN WITCH

This started with a plot… then said f a plot lets just have smut… now back to a plot again