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Riva_phoneix created a topic of Pearl Boy

The second season ruined the whole story. The story had two writers and one left. I never understood why the remaining author allowed pilown to live throughout story right to the end which basically rendered the story non progressive, the two main characters had to constantly deal with him right till the near end which no progress of anything else in their lives.

The remaining author wasn’t trying to keep a plot they just wanted to do as many violent sex scenes as possible.
It was just fetish porn nonsense. The stupid ending is even more indicative of the author not giving a fuck once they squeezed in as much rape as they could.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Rivalry

Well most BL tend to ignore what’s being explored in these latest chapters or write unrealistic scenarios of acceptance, the fear of being outed or coming out to family and friends is real. One more thing i like about this author they tend to put realistic reactions to situations the characters find themselves in.

This is the same author who did bdsm for ang ang? Isn’t the prime minister supposed to be a badass yet his just a weakling when it comes to dick?

Another one I won’t waste my time on.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of My Master

They’ve been together for 6 years and he gave up the throne didn’t he? Why would they fear talking about the future? You know what nvm….The main stories conflict was always half baked anyway can’t expect different from the sides.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of The Origin of Species

Damn dude get your high school education at least you have the opportunity now.

The father in law is so stupid, his going on about his son spreading his dominant genes. Yet he had multiple children and only one of them is dominant? If it didn’t work for him why does he think it will be different for his son? Evidently having dominant genetics isn’t a guarantee no matter how many beast kids you have. All Ego and no brains.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of For My Weirdo

He drove the guy to attempted suicide, depression self harming and lastly amnesia and that still didn’t give him pause to think maybe his going about it the wrong way?

At what point was he going to gain some self awareness? If the uke stayed with the black haired he would have died one way or another, because the black haired doesn’t care about his well being mentally or physically. He only cares for possession not actual love and he will never love because he lacks empathy and his impulse control is non existent so he will always be violent.

Even after he thinks the bottom is dead instead of atonement, reflection and change he chooses to be an alcoholic, drug addict indulging in delusions?

If you empathise with this wutless man you either like him, naive or have to much empathy were you think anyone can be saved. Sometimes some people are just who they are evil. Welp!!

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Mr. Dior

This is way too funny…. The ridiculous stories the other husband has to go along with. My man is committed to thinking his husband is a mermaid. I can’t

Is it a requirement that omegaverse must have shitty characters right off the bat? I think I've read only less than 5 omega/alpha stories that were not a complete shit show.

I don’t want to be rude but is originality or being different and creative not a thing with asian writers? It’s like if one thing trends aka toxic omegaverse stories then pretty much every BL about omega/alpha follows the same pattern?

I’ve noticed the same thing in the growing popular guideverse everyone I’ve tried to read is no different to the other ones apart from art style.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of 2020

The boss man is fine asf… honestly the uke isn’t even ugly his just average looking some y'all being to harsh

Omg… I'm low-key surprised to see a black character drawn normally without being a caricature. Kudos to the author…. His very handsome locs are a nice touch.

The ex is such a scumbag he had a side piece for four years?? A side piece he also used and physically abused just like he did MC is a scumbag through and through. Giving away his company…oh okay? So it’s so easy to throw away your career after the fact but not during the time it was killing your relationship? Going on a self indulgent travelling spree to indulge your delusional fantasies of how things could have been with the MC and writing that delusional letter? Selfish to the end, living in a delusional fantasy and refusing to accept the MC death to protect himself from reality. Guys a prick through and through the worst ML in BL I’ve ever read about.

Im livid I want to go into this story and choke the life out of him.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Warning Spoilers included

I want the badass cool ceaser from the beginning… the raws his just acting like an irrational lunatic, he seemed so much cooler in the beginning. The person he actually should be unleashing his psycho on his that stupid cousin of his…

Spoiler alert!!!

Cousin sends what seems to be a bomb to lee won disguised as a package and it goes off, meanwhile ceaser laid up in hospital from slashing his own throat. Get a grip dude arghh

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Greed

No plot, the smut wasn’t even that good. And the face side profiles were the odd looking asf

I’ve dealt with people like the MC they never take responsibility for their actions constantly wanting empathy and others to take responsibility for their feelings…. Just like MC he blamed the ML for the loneliness he felt from loving him and fearing rejection so just ghosted him, then when he does get what he wants he sleeps with his fuck buddy and thinks its a good idea to introduce fuck buddy to current lover??? Who does that? He doesn’t even apologise he just wants ML to accept it… when he gets push back he runs away and in the end ML is gaslit into being the guilty party.

If you even examine the relationship with the hyung its all based on the MC selfishness he fully intended to keep on ducking him even though he got a confession because of his “anxieties” if the hyung hadn’t knocked some sense into him and ended it. He just assumed the hyung was okay with being a fuck buddy/replacement and that the hyung would be cool meeting the guy he had been a substitute for.

Don't get fooled by this cowardly self pitying, insecure types they’re very well versed in emotional manipulation. They just love wallowing in their pity party only caring about their feelings.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Insomnia

If its like placebo then its not worth the bother… if the author does something different then I’ll it give a chance. Usually stories like just rely on shock factor more than anything else.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Lovesick Hypocrites

A full grown man who lacks zero self preservation skills… yeah sure…. And the rapist walks off Scott free. There is only so much suspension of belief you can peddle. It’s fiction but come on what did he think stripping and leaving himself vulnerable would achieve? Sometimes i wander if cultural differences from a westerners point of view of these mangas its hard to understand what the author is trying to convey or achieve.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Hatsujou Kareshi

The pedo doctor and that judo guy getting fucked whilst the neighbours baby is sucking on his tit was disgusting

They are all immature and were stuck in their childish ways… the wife married a gay man and didn’t care so the cheating to me isn’t anything for anyone to be mad about his gay not straight. She took advantage of his vulnerability to get what she wanted she is no saint. She even knew he wasn’t over the loser Ex but still entangled herself in that messy situation.

The Ex is just a typical user who likes to play with people and is emotionally stunted, ridiculous excuse of a man.

Uke was stuck in a love that never came to full fruition as he admitted he never tried to move on from the
Past he was stuck there hence the on and off with Ex.

The seme was young dumb and immature but at least his raw emotions and impulsiveness forced everyone to look at themselves and their shitty choices.

I thought this was going to be a shit show but it’s surprisingly good.