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Riva_phoneix created a topic of ARTS MANZ

His holding both so looks more like a poly.. can’t stand love triangles so hopefully it’s the former.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Midnight Secretary

Ahh the nostalgia.. the vampires are stupid basically their “vampire pride” is sending them into extinction.

Vampire clan leader was rather arrogant and annoying you can’t even get your people do multiply in sufficient numbers pipe down sir.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Sugar Rain

Having read the novel they both have the emotional intelligence of teenagers. Tragic

This is angst for the sake of it.. the team leader spent all that time being nice, flirting and basically courting the bottom now all of a sudden his being sketchy they are together? And the random third wheel appearing out of nowhere…. Ffs not every story needs drama or angst.

Dropping for now.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Rix Vanus

Honestly this is heading in territory were it needs to end? I like it but what else?

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

I’ve read this twice to try gain a different perspective Whats the time skip between the main story and side stories? Because they do nothing to make hyusung endearing, he’s still the same.

If it wasn’t for the bond and their child I truly do think he would run a mile in the other direction. I just don’t think he loves or even cares about the alpha. His just resigned himself to his fate.

Their relationship is still push and pull.
Should’ve just given us sides of Byul would’ve been more interesting.

Also the omega just looks like a girl with a short haircut. Omega just means they are men who can het pregnant because they have wombs. They should still look like a man.
Story was mid anyway.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Ring

Awww its back!! The translations didn’t seem to bad tbh.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

This is my number 1 favourite comedy BL.

The gasp that i gasped at chapter 56 page 22. Im heaving. That’s the funniest shit I’ve read in a long time.

May this BL continue to bless us next season.
I do absolutely love the character development of the ML

His hands are tied in the cover… Welp thats never a good sign. Toxic

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Carnal Karma

The author gave up.. after butchering their story? Extended haitus aka not coming back.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of High Clear

Bruh how can he sit in a room full of people and only say two things? And those were only to answer two questions. Not even a hello to his bf?

Has the author ever explained why he doesn’t speak, have any type of facial expressions, inner monologue? Heck even body language anything that communicates thoughts or feelings? Other than complete silence.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of The Tosa's Master

There is another short story that came out in November last year recently translated which is exactly like this one.

It’s called bridle the exact same premise only it’s the uke that got bullied or hurt by the seme and he kidnaps the seme and starts raping him for revenge.

Im laughing because I can’t believe two authors would just write the same story.

Most New BL coming out is just blending into one all the same.

Ash is not manipulating him his pushing lyle to say what he actually thinks.
Lyle is the one who doesn’t actually say what he thinks so ash has to work around that whilst being considerate.

Have you ever dealt with someone who doesn’t speak and you have to kind of guess what’s going on with them?

Lyle obviously has a lot of work to do from the damage his grandfather done him. And that’s not his fault but he also has to recognise he will take “love advice” from his friend but won’t simply say to ash hey I'm looking for a house for myself but I'm also open to living with you, what do you think?

They are partners and they are supposed to be open and honest.


Riva_phoneix created a topic of Touch Up

The comment section is confusing

P.s the arguing is lowkey hilarious. Some of y'all need to step away from mangago and take in some fresh air. Yikes!! Insults flying, long winded essays, multiple arguments with different people and differing opinions or interpretations of the chapters.

It is just fiction.

Riva_phoneix answered question about question
They target specific people who are very trusting, naive, empathetic, co dependent and most likely have abandonment issues. People with those traits are more likely to get attached easily because they give chances, have a fear of being left alone so will desperately cling on to a toxic relationship be it family, friends or other half. The manipul......
Riva_phoneix created a topic of Pearl Boy

The second season ruined the whole story. The story had two writers and one left. I never understood why the remaining author allowed pilown to live throughout story right to the end which basically rendered the story non progressive, the two main characters had to constantly deal with him right till the near end which no progress of anything else in their lives.

The remaining author wasn’t trying to keep a plot they just wanted to do as many violent sex scenes as possible.
It was just fetish porn nonsense. The stupid ending is even more indicative of the author not giving a fuck once they squeezed in as much rape as they could.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of Rivalry

Well most BL tend to ignore what’s being explored in these latest chapters or write unrealistic scenarios of acceptance, the fear of being outed or coming out to family and friends is real. One more thing i like about this author they tend to put realistic reactions to situations the characters find themselves in.

This is the same author who did bdsm for ang ang? Isn’t the prime minister supposed to be a badass yet his just a weakling when it comes to dick?

Another one I won’t waste my time on.

Riva_phoneix created a topic of My Master

They’ve been together for 6 years and he gave up the throne didn’t he? Why would they fear talking about the future? You know what nvm….The main stories conflict was always half baked anyway can’t expect different from the sides.