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Xia created a topic of Dungeon Odyss

This stuff is so traumatizing there’s no way a child can process it so the brain purged it from the memory as a self preservation tactic for survival.

Xia created a topic of Dungeon Odyss

He was a toddler! That monster. I even thought he was nice at first.

Xia created a topic of Materialistic Princess

I kind of love that for once the empress mother-in-law is on the MC’s side in these things. I find it amusing that the ML is mildly suffering because he’s being out voted by his mom and MC working together.

Xia created a topic of I’m being raised by villains

You can’t just adopt other people’s children without their or the child’s consent. That’s just legal kidnapping then! I’m so appalled by the purple haired family, son and father alike. The father should know that this is wrong even if the kid doesn’t. I’m glad that he’s not the ML so the MC doesn’t have to marry into that family of crazy.

Xia followed a list


=also mother
= she also has brothers
= she (or her father) has magic
= from an abusive household to a caring one-TW: for abuse the first couple chapters
= wholesome father daughter moments 
= annoying/dumb main character 
= bad art style/translations 
= personal favorite of mine!

 Check out the hidden gems on the later pages! Newer releases are there. 


04 08,2023