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Mayo Nessa created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

I saw the hair. Then the glasses. Then the mole.

R.I.P. me

Mayo Nessa add manga to list The Re-Read List

Kudou and Satou meet at a mixer but end up spending the night together.Satou seems to think Kudou is...

  • Author: Usui iroha
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut
Mayo Nessa created a topic of Sasaki to Miyano

Adult Miyano and Sasaki has me wishing for some smut (~ ̄³ ̄)~ I feel that I need to go to the time out corner and repent (≧▽≦)

I ended up spending money just to see more of them (╥﹏╥) My EQ failed me

Those lil '!?' kept me laughing so bad! Why is this so adorable. I can't even!

Mayo Nessa add 1 photos to (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛

Why is this so damn funny!?

Mayo Nessa add 1 photos to (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛

Hahahahaha their confused looks are so damn funny!!!

Just heads up. Dumb yourself down if you wanna continue reading this. Prince makes my blood boil harassing the MC just coz she's doing what she's supposed to be doing...being a hostaged concubine. I find him obnoxious and unlikeable. He hates her just coz she is who she is. Hates her even more I think coz he's starting to get attracted to her...

It's stupidly written and character reactions are childish and cringey.

For more spoilage: here you go

https : //bato. to/series/137093

Just remove the spaces ro access the link

-_- not gonna be putting a link anymore.

Basically, just said you need to dumb yourself down when you read this. ML hates on MC just for being what she is...a hostage wife. Heck, he dislikes her more coz he seems to be attracted to her somehow. Their reactions are actually making me cringe. Very much leaning into the trope and nowhere can I see how ML is that capable Prince who strategized the fall of her kingdom. Correction, I suppose blind ambition could have helped but I haven't read that far.

Also...pisses me off that MC is somehow still simping for him despite her saying she is no longer attracted to the guy. Girl, please. One way or another, you died all those times because of him. Where's the self-respect???

┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

The harem vibes, yet again, has me turned off from the story. I'm done now. Bye!


Sibling adventure with carnivorous house plant Baduki. This sounds like a pokemon adventure (≧▽≦)


Thank you for the fanservice (≧▽≦)

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

My heart is broken in the best way possible. Been a while since I've felt a healthy kind of hurt. I love this manga. So mature and characters having relevant conversations that are so relatable. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH

Hahahah you go cat! Never forget them fees. Merchant's gotta do what merchants gotta do (≧▽≦)

He drew the holy sword Gram and became the hero Sigmund Bölsung, praised as the strongest man in mankind, but one day he was unable to mix with the nobles due to his birth as a commoner and his rough temperament. He admires Mundt so much that someone he admires appears. His name is Brünnhild Udan, the youngest son of the duke. “Because the leader is so handsome!” ...I don't like it, that guy. His relaxed attitude as if he had chosen me. The love affair between the fiery Sigmund and the master Brünnhild begins.

Mayo Nessa created a topic of Talented baby squirrel

Go get your baby squirrel!

Slid into the comments to see of BoraJay melodrama is done but dismayed to find out it isn't. Jay move on. Bora needs to get her shit together.

I take that back. Jay, you need to realize you deserve more than this drama. I get she has trauma but if her 'friends' who she barely knows are more important, then you need to move on sir.

I feel bad. No bloodshed in the church? Please. Just a lil.