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Tinfoil answered question about question
It's cool, but also not cool.. Regarding the fact ai can now make videos, people are gonna use that to incriminate others, like imagine going to prison because someone faked a video of you doing crime? And AI "artists" are so shitty and annoying, someone posted a WIP of a painting online and an AI "artist" replied and boasted about how he just had......
Tinfoil answered question about valentines day
I feel ya about that, I used to be just ace for a year till I gaslight myself into being fully aroace and somehow it worked
Tinfoil add manga to list Stuff i might read later


  • Author: ぽむ
  • Genres: Webtoons / School Life
Tinfoil answered question about watch anime
That birds are government spies, the way they watch me is antagonising..
Tinfoil created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I feel like I should be at least a little sad about this but this is the longest flashback ever, fucking finally..

Tinfoil answered question about question
Last summer idk when?? And last Friday night I think!!
Tinfoil asked a question

You know those copy paste guy gets bullied dies for a bit and comes back with superpowers or new strength and gets his revenge manwa? I need recs because I can't find any rn.. ╥﹏╥

Tinfoil answered question about first love
Thank fuck the one time idgaf about my individuality complex
Tinfoil answered question about question
I want to thundercunt bricks at one ngl, But in all seriousness I don't like the ones that try to say that they're not rich and they're just "comfortable" like saying that is worse than saying ur rich in my opinion, like that's just TOO humble in a sense that you just end up sounding silly
Tinfoil answered question about eat food
Beans, hate them in everything but one food (its blended then steamed) tbh, the texture is so icky, i love boba so I tried em in that but I just COULDNT beans taste like eating shite solid. Screw beans, all my homies hate beans! >:,(
Tinfoil answered question about question
I was laying in bed once and was half asleep, and then I fell out of consciousness had a dream (?) someone was pushing me down on the bed by my neck and shoulders, felt like 2-4 hands and I could feel it, like the bed was being pushed down and everything! Hopped off my phone after that and slept cuz i was so scared lol, i hate sleep paralysis (It w......
Tinfoil answered question about question
Honestly I'd steal ur house keys too, be glad they didn't follow u home for round 2
Tinfoil answered question about chat about anything
Tinfoil created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Poor Sanho, he can't catch a break..Screw you, Gi-Tak

Tinfoil answered question about shipping fictional charcaters
These 2 are so cute it's not canon but most ppl agree it's implied
Tinfoil answered question about being awake for far too long
Tinfoil answered question about question
Had me in the first half and then u started spewing nonsense Fym "wild fantasy" ??
Tinfoil answered question about question
Real, bc why is it when Im trying to show a friend or family member sum I always get logged out and that's te first thing they see, sick and tired of looking like a pxrn addict
Tinfoil answered question about penpals
people who think that women can only be homemakers and just have babies and look pretty rad fems (most of the ones I've seen are transphobic as shit or reduce being a woman to being able to give birth)