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Theystolemyname created a topic of Afterglow

I've spent a good 5 minutes just admiring the cover. I would bark for this man how can someone be so attractive?

Ngl, I can't get over how weird the adults' reaction is to Ritsu and Kana liking eachother. They knew the kids since they were babies, watched them grow up, they know exactly what kind of people they are, yet they still act like Kana is some dirty old man who wants to take their daughter's virginity and then abandon her pregnant... Like, chill. Kana isn't a bastard in it just for the sex, and Ritsu is his own person, not to mention that he isn't even a girl, so some kind of misplaced misogynistic "she is weak and needs protection" isn't even aplicable here.

Theystolemyname add manga to list Masterpiece

?I lost control... because I like you.?Childhood friends Aoi and Ryouta recently started sharing a r...

  • Author: Momose An
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance

A very sweet story about two childhood friends who honestly love eachother.

Lyle scratching at the door like the desperate cat that he is, had me dead

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

The little ocelot is beyond adorable

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing
Theystolemyname created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Man, that dark haired dom is such a little bitch. He has an issue with Al, so instead of taking it up with the man himself, he lurks like a predator and pressures Zen into following him, and then, when he is clearly told to mind his words, because they cause Zen clear distress - and isn't the worldbuilding supposed to be in favour of protecting subs? And he is a government worker supposedly supporting this goal? - instead of shutting up or being careful, he intentionally causes harm to Zen, and even has the gall to call him boring, because he wanted to test out just how badly Zen reacts, and was pouty that his childish bullying didn't cause Zen to break down. Like wtf? He acts like a misoginistic man who calls women "fat whale" and then gets whiny because she didn't start crying. Fucking bitch, I hate his type of people.

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

Lmao, the dragon better not be drooling because he wants to eat the alicorn

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

His Majesty is indeed wearing too many clothes

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

Qin Yun's ass is in danger lmao

No, but why does Yutong turn on his rizz to the max whenever he is next to Xia Liang? Anyone would be woed like this

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

Good on Qin Yun for beating that trash kale or whatever his name was, as well as sending him packing.
Altough I don't understand why the hell Xi Zhao let that little bish stay even after he literally attacked him and Zhong Yan like, his spirit animal is heavily injured. HE is the emperor. Why tf can't he slam that bish behind bars? Skewer him with something sharp? Or at the very least, kick him off the planet like Qin Yun did? Ngl, I liked Qin Yun beating him, we really don't get enough ukes/girls who are badass enough to rough up a bish encroaching on their territory, but he shouldn't have had to, because Xi Zhao should have made sure that the kale bish is 15 lightyears away. If Qin Yun can do it with a punch and a gun waved in his face, why can't the emperor do the same

Theystolemyname created a topic of Zhong Qing

When in doubt, distract with a kiss
Also, fuck Kyle with a rusty pitchfork

Theystolemyname created a topic of Gochisousama

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick... There are some serious problems with consent (read: straight up rape, romanticised), unnecessary violence and the tops are just dumb fucks who refuse to listen to two words the ukes say. This manga seriously shows it's age, I read shit like this when I was 14 and it was popular to write romanticised rape and borderline violent semes.

Kris is such a drama chicken, lmao
Ngl, chapter 16 pissed me off. Yes, Rose reported to the princess, but it's not like the princess is in charge of the guild management townhall, nor was the conversation anything urgent that needs her immidiate attention, so what right did Rose have to report on a private discussion with a client? Cyril clearly declined the princess' help when Rose brought that up, and he obviously expected that his privacy is kept, well, private. And even when the princess showed up, he clearly declined any help twice (and for a good reason! He is basically growing a weed farm, imagine if it got out that the princess supplied the land...), yet he was still strongarmed into accepting in the end. I mean, you can only say "no" to a willfull princess so many times, before it becomes a problem for you.
Yes, in the end he got what he needed, and by the looks of it, for free. But now he is growing drugs on the land given by the princess, who is now also hanging out on said land, as if a princess is eternally free. How is he gonna hide his weedfarm from her? And anyway, i'm more pissed at Rose's complete lack of professionalism. Shit like this would make me rethink what I tell a person like her three times, before ultimately saying nothing.

Theystolemyname created a topic of Sleeping Dead

Ngl, if this is really the end, then it's lowkey disappointing. Tbh I didn't like Mamiya at all, so I don't particularly care about him, but it's a real shame about Sada. I mean, he did get to live longer, but I wouldn't say that his life was particularly good after he got revived. Not with Mamiya. I get it, he is lowkey a sociopath and the horrible way he was bullied and then raped repeatedly didn't help things, but his personality was not good even before that, and it's certainly not an exuse for the way he treated Sada

Theystolemyname add manga to list Shit shower

Model Iliyan meets a man named Kyle at the Taylors’ 5th year anniversary party. They both desp...

  • Author: Totico,Totiko
  • Genres: Adult / Comedy / Romance / Yaoi / Webtoons / Smut

In this list because James Taylor, a major side character is a sick fuck who ruins an otherwise great manhwa. He is slimy, abusive, manipulative, a perverted creep who constantly molests someone who he thinks is his toy. Just no.

Theystolemyname created a topic of Wolf Me Up

Lmao, the summary sounds exactly like some random shit teenagers would do