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ally created a topic of Wolf In The House

the panel of leto putting his face between ein’s tits?? he just like me fr

ally created a topic of Roses and Champagne

i appreciate that this person wanted to update ppl since everyone’s been waiting for so long but since zinchan translations are mtls they’re rlly poor quality and difficult to understand. obv they’re better than nothing but hopefully someone’s able to upload a higher quality translation in the future.

ally created a topic of One Summer Day

why r ppl actually fighting in this comment section . a person commenting that they aren’t a fan of dubcon does not mean that they think the author shouldn’t be allowed to write it or that other people can’t enjoy it, they’re just expressing their own tastes. some of y’all need to realize that not everyone is gonna have the same preferences as you and THAT IS OKAY!!! if you aren’t bothered by dubcon that’s fine, but if other people are that’s ALSO FINE. this is a public comment section and ppl r entitled to share their opinions on the events of the story, if you see someone with different preferences than you don’t take it personally and just move on

ally created a topic of Jinx

no way that shady creep is gonna take no for an answer, especially given that he’s working with the loan sharks and tried to blackmail dan w/ his grandma’s condition. v worried for what’s gonna happen to dan in the upcoming chapters…

ally created a topic of One Summer Day

i’m gonna be honest, this story has been rlly disappointing. i started reading bc of how great sign was but there’s been a significant drop off in story quality from sign to this. sign had such a great concept and memorable characters that developed over the course of the story, and it feels like they just - forgot to add that stuff into this one? in this story it feels like whenever a conflict gets resolved the characters are still in the same place as they were beforehand, which just makes the entire conflict feel pointless. like for the recent conflict with the second reaper, it seemed to be leading up to something rlly big that was gonna change the course of the story just for the mcs to go right back to sleeping together and lowkey catching feelings for each other for like they’d already been doing for the past 40 chapters. imo what made the intimate scenes in sign so good was that they were used to develop and strengthen the main couples relationship, but in this story they just seem so pointless that they’re lowkey boring to read. idk maybe it’s just me, but i just rlly wish this story lived up to the precedent that sign set for it…

ally created a topic of The Titan's bride

i went back to check how long we’ve been waiting for this egg to move and it’s been almost 2 years . like i knew that this plot had been dragging on for a while now but didn’t think it’d been THAT long lmao (also i need more rail and dyne content STAT)

ally created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

idk how it took him this long but i guess better late than never???

ally created a topic of Full volume

love the mom but lowkey wish she put her trash husband in his place after that homophobic rant…

ally created a topic of Jinx

the amt of ppl thirsting over jumin and shipping him with dan is wildddd lmao. the phone number of jumin’s agency is the same as the guy who called the loan sharks last episode… like i hate jaekyung as much as everyone else but having dan switch over to a guy whose working with the loansharks who also tried to sa him is NOT a good alternative!!! dan needs to get out of all of this shit, not pivot from one rapist to another

ally created a topic of Jinx

yall… the phone number that called dan this episode is the same one that called the loan sharks last episode…

ally created a topic of Jinx

im shocked by how optimistic some of y’all r being about this new gym lol. the previous episode ended with the loan sharks planning on targeting dan to make jaekyung lose and ppl think that this text from jaekyung’s opponent (that’s 100% related to this plan) is a good thing for dan? the author (unfortunately) already established that dan and jaekyung r gonna end up together, they aren’t gonna add a new love interest that treats dan right atp. obviously i would love for this to end with dan switching to a gym that treats him right and jk getting his ass beat but realistically i don’t think that’s how the story’s gonna go…

ally created a topic of Jinx

i’m honestly terrified of what’s gonna happen to dan in the upcoming chapters… i desperately hope this doesn’t happen, but given that the text is prob related to the stuff the loansharks were talking abt in the previous chapter and what they tried to do to dan earlier in the story, i have a horrible feeling that someone might attempt to SA dan…

ally created a topic of High Clear

who added a chapter from a completely different series lol

ally created a topic of Jinx

i’m ngl if that guy’s plan is to sabotage jaekyung by outing him i’m gonna be pretty disappointed. he needs to be punished for how he’s treated dan, not for just existing as a gay person…

ally created a topic of Jinx

watch jaekyung lose his next match bc his shoulder gives out and proceed to use dan’s part time gig as an excuse to blame it all on him when HE WAS THE ONE REFUSING TO FOLLOW DAN’S MEDICAL ADVICE

ally created a topic of Jinx

jfc just accept the gift like a normal person??? dude’s really acting like this over a keychain

ally created a topic of Full volume

dowon’s dad being pissed abt him becoming a super successful author on his own (which is objectively harder than becoming a nepo baby politician) is CRAZYYY

ally created a topic of One Summer Day

the cover art is by @umikochannart on insta, y’all should def give them a follow and check out their other art! (also it would be great if the uploader could put their @ on the cover art so ppl know where to find them)

ally created a topic of Full volume


ally created a topic of Jinx

on one hand i rlly wanna see jaekyung get his shit rocked in a match like he deserves, but i know when that happens he’s gonna find a way to somehow treat dan worse than he already is…