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Shelly created a topic of Jinx

Y’all really care about if dude loses fairly or not? Who caaaares, he’s a horrible person! I just hate that now it’s gonna fall on baby Dan.

Not him going through dude’s phone. But also why is no one mentioning that he’s literally giving his number out to everyone that asks? That’s weird

Shelly created a topic of Yours to Claim
Shelly created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

I hope the uploader is at least a black person with a name like that .-.

Shelly created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

This story is a little on the childish side. But now I HAVE to keep reading because I’m already 8 chapters in

Shelly created a topic of Jinx

I wonder what his grandma told him there. Also that underground dude has definitely unalived some people based off that tally tattoo on his forehead. I predict Dan’s grandma is for sure gonna die soon. Jaekyung is gonna get his shoulder so messed up, he won’t be able to fight anymore. He’ll take his anger out on Dan, which will result in Dan probably moving out AND switching jobs to that other gym. And then the redemption arc. Which I’m still stuck on him pouring that drink on Dan’s head, not caring that he got roofied! And throwing his gift against the wall.

Shelly created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

I would looooooooove a story on the triplets. Omg

Shelly created a topic of Full volume

Dude’s gonna pop a blood vessel lmao geez

Shelly created a topic of High Clear

Who hasn’t woken their boyfriend up with a bj? Or the other way around? Or hopped on top while they were sleeping? Or had their guy rubbing on them while they’re sleeping? Like yea, he’s doing it out of negative feelings. But I literally see nothing unnatural here. And this is coming from a 28 year old who’s been in three serious relationships.

Shelly created a topic of Perfect Body

That piercing is crazy lol I bet that was super painful

Shelly created a topic of A Tiger's Den

“Delectable” cracked me up. The dirty talk is so cringe here lol and I HATE that he hasn’t taken those dirty gloves off and is touching EVERYTHING with them. Including top’s face

Shelly created a topic of A Terrible Romance
Shelly created a topic of A Tiger's Den

Am I the only one that thinks this story and the dialogue is a bit childish? Lol I mean, I’m gonna keep reading, because it’s still a nice change from the other toxic stories on here. But still .-.

Shelly created a topic of High Clear

These chapters are waaaaay too short!

Shelly created a topic of A Tiger's Den

This story is cute, but also very childish lol it’s kinda hard to read at times

Shelly created a topic of Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru

Some of these comments... like yes, they aren’t in a relationship. But they are exclusively dating. So he should not be going 4 days without contacting Hikaru. Dude has put in like 10% effort in these 8 chapters. The bar really is in hell if y’all think that’s ok lol

Shelly created a topic of Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru

This guy didn’t contact you for four whole days, didn’t bother to change his sweat and germ filled sheets, and you’re giving him the booty. I just want a little bit better for Hikaru

Shelly created a topic of Yours to Claim

Am I the only one that just skims through these chapters now? I don’t even fully read any of the dialogue anymore lmao

Shelly asked a question

I just had to block someone because every comment I’ve ever made on popular mangas, this same person would literally copy and post it as if it was their original thought. They kept stealing my comments word for word. I wanted to say some not so nice words to them, but assumed they were like 12, and not fully conscious yet to think for themselves. So I blocked them instead. That was wildly annoying