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pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight

That count down to the consent was

pinkdragon created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Im still astounded that this manga does a good job of protraying prison life in how low they will go but im also preplex how MC just accepts it like the bus situation not even phased like bruh ur not even remotely mad that he forced u in public like that like not even a mention at least some mention would have made that situation more realistic

pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight

Hyung Daddy spitting facts and his combacks oof top tier even when he was like i dont wanna see u but u bet i will cus ;) my love oops he didnt say that but i heard it for that rascal.xD and is see our little brat throwing a fit in the shower he also got a reality check dont act hard cus u might get burned too

pinkdragon created a topic of PASSION

Worries he can be used as bait to jay hmm i see

When he said money well spent once he realized they would leave after eating all that fuss for nothing xD he is such interesting guy

pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight

He was like fine ill hit where it hurts and he did not disappoint.

pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight

Hells about to break loose…but slowly (・ω・ )

This is sooo good already such a great story

pinkdragon created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Ans im seeing new sides to all of them so interesting

pinkdragon created a topic of Dawning

I approve he wasnt groomed nor was he forced in any way. He simple sent letters as if it was the only thing to atone for his sin doesnt mean he didnf have fondness for a child but that was forgotten in many years it was the man that seeked him out and drawed him and seduced him adults okay lovd lovd

pinkdragon created a topic of Unfinished Business

Like fake Midoi f what he says is right and Real Mido(eugene) did present Alpha traits last minute what he did to Alpha is fucking messed up just for hi abandoment issues ( doesnt mean it’s not ajuicy storylol) but that would only make things far worse in terms of forgiveness

pinkdragon created a topic of Unfinished Business

Even so it still wasnt his fault that the result was so he didnt mean nor send him out to get raped or hurt he didnt know the story was it wrong he let him run away yeah but to put all the blame on him is so wrong and i can see a young mind doing so but to hold it to this extend is more cruel than what he did for trying to simply care for him and at times want him more than anyone

pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight

The way he stared and noticed his love struck face ahhhh why was that such a manly power move like .”dont go laying ur eyes on somone that isnt me”mkay mkay but ok back to the ML i actually like him and the MC this chapter wrapped it up well .so many ppl were jumping the boat this chapter shows ML as he wakes up and sees him gone (he doesnt want to be thrown or erased again) his feelings that have always been seeping from the box have finally been unleashed when ML stood there looking at his reflection how desperate he was i feel like this was Just for the readers or viewers like a foreshadowing despite his hard shell this was the real him the author was showing this glimpse to the reader love that!

And omg that fucking Brother did something !! U way he followed the young ML to the MCs home like he definatly caused a rift and misunderstanding cus he wanted the ML to himself. *some siblings are jealous like that. Crazy i really like the metaphor when they were playing the switch so far am really like this and in this chapter it wrapped up well that the MC wanted this and despite everything he wanted ML he knew he was going to pretend to be his lover and still chose this

pinkdragon created a topic of Instant Family

Like hes never done anything wrong wtf

It was so refreshing to see and see how the older lady understood what the detective truly wish to achieve

pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight
pinkdragon created a topic of Backlight

Hes always been a little cold .i see our mc has been the one to warm him up(the reference even in The lube lol) i mean its his first time its facts its gonna hurt. the way he words it is quite matter a fact, and can be rude to some but ifs true. u can tell theres something going on internally with him while hes doing it ,its making his feelings that he held nice and locked surface. well they were never really tightly locked as that is why ML is frustrated u can say even mad that Mc cant see and wont except him .Still hes also being self centered (as he will be until i feel he realizes his feelings or that he truly cant be without mc) that life dealt blows to both sides not only him and there was alot of stuff Mc had to deal with that will valid why he pulled back after all the miscommunication regarding that brother.

Not saying his personality isnt shitty at times but theres things to work on. Remember both dont know each others feeling yet in ML’s mind Mc is acting as his fuck buddy(tho he wants more) in mc’s mind hes doing it cus he cares and thinks thats the only way ML will sty focus on him. Seems in the next chapter there will take it a bit slower in prep.(doesnt mean there wasnt just a rather cold matter a fact way) even tho our MC is a bit more expressive he is still cold too as he isnt direct why he is grasping on to our ML too

pinkdragon created a topic of Jinx

So many ppl were judging and already hating like the story is developing if u dont likeread some light bl not yaoi

pinkdragon created a topic of Unfinished Business

Crzy that all the hate they have is misdirected to an alpha that actually is neutral of all the alphas ns the lack of care They have even when they know what it is to feel what is like to be an omega he get far worse as he only gets more abused compared to the others