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okokkotsu created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

bold of you to assume I would like Vercion after all he have done. bastard only look good and people are falling on his feet

okokkotsu created a topic of Backlight

why do i like this psycho so much? brother seriously, i really like his character

okokkotsu created a topic of Slammer Dogs
okokkotsu created a topic of Slammer Dogs

hm not shocked with the white haired bro wanting to hit the mc… but come on, don’t do it or i’ll be extremely upset

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

the boner i had while reading was mind blowing

okokkotsu created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

his dad is hot

okokkotsu created a topic of Slammer Dogs

just know that the white hair guy would never punch or harm the mc

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

ho-in should be the bottom at least one time

another criminal escaped from mrm

okokkotsu created a topic of Wet Sand

why i don’t think ian will be over tj that easily? he can say it’s time to move on but if tj shows up out of nowhere this guy won’t think twice before jumping into his arms…

okokkotsu created a topic of Mad Dog

i was kinda expecting r@pe coming from his part, but reading the thing just felt… bad

okokkotsu created a topic of Nerd Project


okokkotsu created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

sorry but his cock is so big that never fails to shock me in a monstrous way, like it’s the same or more thick size of a baby’s head

okokkotsu created a topic of Mad Dog

i have red flags as breakfast, lunch and dinner, how can i ask for something better and healthy?

okokkotsu created a topic of Jinx

men are all the same

okokkotsu created a topic of Dark Fall

i just accepted this manhwa the way it is. why torture myself into reading something i don’t enjoy? you guys can simply drop if it’s inconvenient or if your morals are fighting to death

okokkotsu created a topic of Love Sick Dog

i will swallow knifes if it means they’ll have a happy ending (they together and happy)

okokkotsu created a topic of Slammer Dogs

god hanged me high up god please i need this man in my life for yesterday