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okokkotsu created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

this story can’t have at least ten chapters in peace

okokkotsu created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

can someone tell me if it’s worth reading? i dropped a long time ago

okokkotsu created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

god a happy ending that’s all that i ask for

you guys complaining for nothing, try to work like these artists for a year and see why they have hiatus

okokkotsu created a topic of Tempters

it’s been a while… babe when you’ll come back

okokkotsu created a topic of Wet Sand

why is it so hard to think of a second lead? the same time I think about the possibility of Jo being the one, I also think that Ian’s priority (at least for now) is Tj and only him (let’s considerate the long way they both know each other and have this twisted relationship), and it looks like Ian is seeing Jo just like a friend. idk what i’m blabbing about, if someone could share the same thoughts with me, i’ll be more at ease

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I’ll pray to god to the devil to whatever it works to make a side of woojin and yitae

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

In-ho bottoming would be pretty cute tho…

okokkotsu created a topic of Wet Sand

dear lord the way i went completely insane after this chapter can’t be comprehended

okokkotsu created a topic of 1 to 10

i’m the one on the edge by them holding themselves that hard

okokkotsu created a topic of Mad Dog

my ass is itching i need the side stories for yesterday

okokkotsu created a topic of Wet Sand

idk but ian look’s alike vernon from seventeen… anyway, i’m just thinking that tj and ian chemistry is so strong, the two of them have been together for years and just make me think that maybe, the best option as ml should be tj instead of jo. though i really like jo, he should find someone who’ll love him for real.. it seems that ian will always put tj on the top of his priorities

okokkotsu created a topic of Waterside Night


okokkotsu created a topic of 1 to 10

the sunbae is gonna eat something else

okokkotsu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

fuck i’m devastated

okokkotsu created a topic of 1 to 10


okokkotsu created a topic of Waterside Night

NOOOOO LMAOO THE BABY’S TOOTH FELL he’s so cute but someone catch him already

okokkotsu created a topic of Jinx

jumin i’m cheering for you to wrack this motherfucker jaekyung and make him lose his rounds. (if he harm or r@pe kim dan, then fuck this guy too)

okokkotsu created a topic of Killing Stalking

man, reading it again after you’re more mature just hit totally different