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okokkotsu created a topic of Wet Sand

when will Ian and Jo be the main couple? i’m getting stressed

okokkotsu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

bro what the actual fuck

okokkotsu created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

bitch you better run right now or else i’ll knock your ugly ass with a knife

okokkotsu created a topic of Salvation Spirit

yay fountain for free and again…

okokkotsu created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

HUUUHHHH so the mother is alive? what the fuck man????? you go heeseo destroy his mother for good

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

to be fucked like this by ho-in… not everyone would be able to handle it

okokkotsu created a topic of Yona and Chang-il


okokkotsu created a topic of Backlight

why he kinda looked so breedable today help…

okokkotsu created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

UUHHHH HUUUHHH UUUUHHHHH I don’t think that was the right way to deal with someone mentally unstable like heesoo…. uuuhh kinda saw the shit happening beforehand

okokkotsu created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I… I want the same thing they have

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

i went inside

okokkotsu created a topic of Jinx

i hope jaekyung breaks his fucking arm and consequently loses the fight. also hope kim dan to free himself from this asshole and his next partners wouldn’t be able to help with his jinx

okokkotsu created a topic of The Tosa's Master

wtf did i just read

okokkotsu created a topic of The Tosa's Master

junseo’s dead eyes kinda made me feel… he’s handsome, i can’t do nothing about it

okokkotsu created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

if you want norman to end with the white hair bro, then give up. that motherfucker will end with that creep. i waisted my time thinking the white hair guy would be picked up and only because of him i keep reading this shit show. literally nobody here like the second couple, the author should bring back the main character or just make a separate history for these ridiculous freaks. dropping this toxic bomb

okokkotsu created a topic of Lucky Paradise

that couple need a therapist immediately

okokkotsu created a topic of Temptress

good to see everybody agreeing that the first season was superior. how come the author ruined the story making it more about cheap porn and g*ngb*ng than being tempting… what a disappointment

okokkotsu created a topic of 1 to 10

prepare your ass young man

okokkotsu created a topic of The Tosa's Master

both fucked up, both deserve burn in agony and misery

okokkotsu created a topic of Backlight

it’s not too noticeable but he’s slowly changing, at least I think so… idk tho maybe I’m getting crazy or so