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Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Monday'saviour

ah yes the car special bl where there is so much space here you could hold an orgy, nevermind just one couple going at it like monkeys

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Half of Me

stalker, cheater, sextaping without consent, and i'm sure there is more, he is disgusting

I just binge read this and i have three things to say

One, Tasara is such a HOE, have you looked at this man's wardrobe, he is thriving in this hoe fashion and i'm here for it

Two, stop being horny challenge ??? Man i read a lot of smut in my life but damn are they going at it in this one, someone could be dying just behind them they would continue to fuck like there is no tomorrow, and by all that is holy, do they think about the servants that have to clean after them THE FUCKING CUM TRAIL THEY LEFT ?? they're crazy for this (not that i'm complaining but the the cum trail got me, because man, a CUM TRAIL)

Three, and a very important question: does Haga have two dicks, it's for science

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Guiding Hazard
Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Gig of the Day

Socks are my mortal enemies on sex scene but since he came back, all is forgiven

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

It's alright to kiss between bros if you brush your teeth before that, it's a rule now

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Nerd Project

so that's what we're calling it now, practice huh

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Dead man Switch

I love how everyone choose to immediatly forget about the rape on the previous chapter, it's so common in bl now that you just ignore it and go on with the plot or wtv

what have we become

i am the only one annoyed with him calling him sir now in the present when he is very much not the same person even if they have the same soul cos reincarnation

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the oh moment we are witnessing

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Gig of the Day

it could only be a monster cock, rip his asshole

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Nerd Project

My eyes are blessed every chapter, i may go to heaven before the end of this

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Dead man Switch

i have quite enough of the sentence "he seriously plans to stick that thing inside me" or its many variants, i can't count how many times in my life i read this shit, damn bitch what do you think he gonna do with his dick, clean your ass with his pubes ???

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Given

you see the meme with a stick man standing there and the word "the point" thrown over the man ? yeah, that's a majority in the comments section here

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

they didn't celebrate his birthday for two fucking years ?? no wonder original sihyeon was depressed wtf this is some horrible shit, the more i read the more i find this group are fucking hypocrites

is he clark kent or something ?? changing clothes doesn't make him a new identity man

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Monday'saviour

I read a lot of bl with crazy ml but that's the first time i saw one so unhinged during sex, that was so funny but deranged, i dunno what to feel anymore lmao

Wow, amazing ! ~ created a topic of Gig of the Day


I need to know if there is a novel, if anyone has a link (translated), i'll owe you my life