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whatevermans September 23, 2023 9:03 pm

The author clearly has never owned a pet (I don't want to assume they are a psychopath obv). I was so angry at first by how this manhua treats the topic of a pet's death but then I thought "they do not know what they are doing" and... it did close to nothing I am still pissed. a plot twist

    Nikaji September 24, 2023 3:31 pm

    Yes, I absolutely agree with you. I work at a pet shop in Germany and we have very strict rules how to keep a pet, thanks god. I always feel kinda... Uncomfortable when I see things like that in manhwas ect

    whatevermans September 24, 2023 5:25 pm
    Yes, I absolutely agree with you. I work at a pet shop in Germany and we have very strict rules how to keep a pet, thanks god. I always feel kinda... Uncomfortable when I see things like that in manhwas ect Nikaji

    Right? Some people really do treat animals like objects/soulless plot devices... That's good, I hope such strict rules are soon to be imposed in more and more countries. :]

    Sumer October 2, 2023 2:20 am

    What was shown wrong? I haven't kept one either so idk

    whatevermans October 2, 2023 9:04 am
    What was shown wrong? I haven't kept one either so idk Sumer

    Losing pet is a great tragedy, it's like losing a family member on a smaller scale... "the cat A-fu you love so much is dead! you killed it by overfeeding it! .....wait... jk she is not actually!! lolol overbearing brothers do be like that amirite¯_(ツ)_/¯"

whatevermans September 19, 2023 10:34 am

What a powerful chapter... wow. The only thing is... it doesn't go like that irl, this chapter makes it look like it's so peaceful... it's not. whatever you haven't worked out in one lifetime you carry it to the next. Some think "well my life is unbearable, I'm going to get dealt a different hand in my next life", first of all I'm so sorry if it's like that for you, secondly the truth is you are going to get exactly same stuff only different in appearance. So my friends I'm sorry but this is NOT an escape. Don't open that door

    whatevermans September 19, 2023 10:43 am

    Also... you CAN work it out. No matter how it looks, no matter what you think about yourself. I know that you can because I know it in my heart that's the truth. I'm rooting for everyone

    whatevermans September 19, 2023 10:57 am

    ALSO №2... I just wanted to add that I lost my friend to s. and I DON'T think that people who "exit" are weak. I know that she did her best, I know she's not weak and she's no loser. She was a champion who managed to live for so long while being so so wounded

    MadReader September 19, 2023 11:10 am

    How do you know?

    whatevermans September 19, 2023 11:14 am
    How do you know? MadReader

    You are probably not going to believe me but I remember my previous lifetime.

    MadReader September 19, 2023 9:41 pm
    You are probably not going to believe me but I remember my previous lifetime. whatevermans

    I don't know if I am in a position to judge if you are telling the truth about your memories regarding your past life. However, without concrete proof or evidence, it's hard to believe the possibilities.

    whatevermans September 20, 2023 8:16 am
    I don't know if I am in a position to judge if you are telling the truth about your memories regarding your past life. However, without concrete proof or evidence, it's hard to believe the possibilities. MadReader

    You know once I understood that there is no escape into blissful nothingness, I got super depressed, and I was so angry and disappointed... I hope it's not that but if your replies are driven by some similar feelings, I'm so sorry. But there IS "light in the end of the tunnel", I've discovered it after I allowed myself to feel all these unbearable feelings. We are loved by whoever created us(I'm not religious so whatever name), it's all not for nothing, our suffering was not in vain. There are beautiful things ahead.
    And if I am mistaken and this all got nothing to do with you, I just wish you the best and I have nothing add to what I've already said. peace

whatevermans September 19, 2023 9:53 am

That's it????!!! PLSSSS................

whatevermans September 13, 2023 10:51 am

Imagine if it's revealed that JK was actually raised by a hyena clan in Africa, so all this time poor boy who doesn't know how to human, was expressing his pure warm love to Dannydoc, just in hyena language, and was deeply hurt by seeing that Dannydoc sees him as an abusive person and doesn't recognize his feelings... we're gonna be like oh my god poor JK and your cauliflower ears, our sweet baby cakes Jaekungito, Dandoc treated you cruelly when you needed human love so badly after all that you've suffered thru in Africa...

    Mooncake September 13, 2023 10:53 am

    Girl what ???

    sam September 13, 2023 10:55 am

    Wh-what how did we get here- this will make a good fanfic ngl

    fr00typ3bbl3s September 13, 2023 10:58 am

    what is bro babbling about

    Veeny September 13, 2023 11:11 am

    *gasp* such a tragic background story for our lovely hyena boy *sniff sniff*

    Leromeow September 13, 2023 11:15 am

    Yo this gets top honors of Wattpad prodigies

    Moon September 13, 2023 11:18 am

    Wait what did i just read

    the poor woman’s mia goth September 13, 2023 11:23 am

    who let bro cook

    Izzie September 13, 2023 11:38 am

    Hyena clan? Dude what I am crying Download Wattpad asap

    Moondae September 13, 2023 11:39 am

    Wtf lmfaoo

    BenneX September 13, 2023 11:40 am

    “Hyena language” XD That would explain so much about JK inability to feel sympathy/empathy

    Bootyeater98765 September 13, 2023 11:41 am

    bru get some sleep

    whatevermans September 13, 2023 11:46 am
    bru get some sleep Bootyeater98765

    you know I actually got very little sleep today

    whatevermans September 13, 2023 11:47 am

    thank for the feedback u guys

    kyuknai September 13, 2023 11:57 am

    yo this so creative i think u should write a fanfic

    Life is fvck up September 13, 2023 12:00 pm

    of course we'd love that

    toilet terrorist September 13, 2023 12:11 pm

    i disliked by accident you should publish a book

    daddy chill September 13, 2023 12:16 pm

    I myself am a member from the hyena clan and I can vouch for this. JK was my classmate in one of our subjects called Your Mate May Not Feel Loved Enough Dick Them Down More 103. He was a hardworking student and dicked everyone down even the principal and won the Hyena with the Biggest Dick award. Unfortunately, I heard he developed a jinx for getting his big dick in every mutts assholes in Africa that’s why he transferred to Korea because there was an air of political uncertainty happening in Africa about the ownership of JK’s dick. JK couldn’t stand to see his hyena countrymen fight and left his home. For his sacrifice and his exceptional dick, Africa erected a monument of JK’s sexy orgasming face in his honor. JK is the most selfless hyena I know and I hope that someday Dandoc sees this even if I don’t like him for being so abusive and detached towards JK

    whatevermans September 13, 2023 12:21 pm
    I myself am a member from the hyena clan and I can vouch for this. JK was my classmate in one of our subjects called Your Mate May Not Feel Loved Enough Dick Them Down More 103. He was a hardworking student and... daddy chill

    beautiful and profound. thank you for letting us know more details

    whatevermans September 13, 2023 12:26 pm
    i disliked by accident you should publish a book toilet terrorist

    thank you but i don't want to be sued by the author in case that's exactly what's going to be revealed in the plot further

    MrNobody September 13, 2023 12:30 pm

    Bro has a wild imagination

    I m a fujoshi potato September 13, 2023 3:09 pm

    Bro touch some grass

whatevermans September 11, 2023 3:13 pm

thank you nekobasu omg mature version and ppl be saying god ain't real

whatevermans September 10, 2023 9:39 pm

I just cannot with Gren's sympathizers like he was in a gang, killed ppl, shot Jake. and now he needs a guardian? a grown ass man who killed. pls. I mean everyone's free to like whomever, but picturing him as a little lost puppy is a bit too much lol

    Tsunmimi September 11, 2023 9:24 pm

    Exactly, I’m done with them sympathizers at this point they might as well say Shin should spoon feed Gren since he’s such a baby. Guu-guu-ga-ga and shiii

    whatevermans September 11, 2023 9:27 pm
    Exactly, I’m done with them sympathizers at this point they might as well say Shin should spoon feed Gren since he’s such a baby. Guu-guu-ga-ga and shiii Tsunmimi

    lmao yes dedicate himself to Gren, break up with Jake, be a full-time single father

    Tsunmimi September 11, 2023 9:32 pm
    lmao yes dedicate himself to Gren, break up with Jake, be a full-time single father whatevermans

    I’ve decided to call them the “Guilt tripping guild” lol

    whatevermans September 12, 2023 10:00 am
    I’ve decided to call them the “Guilt tripping guild” lol Tsunmimi

    I guess they relate to Gren somehow (feeling helpless, abandoned, hopeless in some way), so they want to see him being rescued... ok now I'm sad

    Tsunmimi September 12, 2023 7:35 pm
    I guess they relate to Gren somehow (feeling helpless, abandoned, hopeless in some way), so they want to see him being rescued... ok now I'm sad whatevermans

    how did we get here

    whatevermans September 12, 2023 7:50 pm
    how did we get here Tsunmimi

    idk srry

    just_a_sad_song September 14, 2023 6:21 am

    Well Jake did the same and worse. So idk if you like Jake

    whatevermans September 14, 2023 8:42 am
    Well Jake did the same and worse. So idk if you like Jake just_a_sad_song

    He kills for a different reason, he is hired by the government. Also his whole character is different, my main point was that Gren is no poor lil puppy.

    just_a_sad_song September 14, 2023 10:23 pm
    He kills for a different reason, he is hired by the government. Also his whole character is different, my main point was that Gren is no poor lil puppy. whatevermans

    He isn't a puppy but he is a mentally damaged brain fried by drugs person. He has issues so don't expect him to be normal and not toxic. Gren needs therapy and support by his family,he only has a brother. He might kill himself if left alone. Look just saying even if he is a grown man he has plenty of mental illness problems. Attachment issues, paranoia,trauma,drug addiction

    whatevermans September 14, 2023 10:57 pm
    He isn't a puppy but he is a mentally damaged brain fried by drugs person. He has issues so don't expect him to be normal and not toxic. Gren needs therapy and support by his family,he only has a brother. He mi... just_a_sad_song

    Of course everyone deserves love, care and salvation. You, me and Gren! You know why I seem to be hard on Gren? Not because I can't empathize, it's because I believe that people like Gren are not broken and beyond fixing, I believe that they are whole and worthy but due to bad experiences they forgot it. So I can't pity someone I believe is my equal, I don't look down on them, I know they can turn their life around, I believe in their inner strength. He needs professional assistance - therapy, also prison sentence served, life choices contemplated...he needs a new start in life, a clean slate. he absolutely doesn't need Shin's pity due to the fact they're foster siblings.

    Tsunmimi September 14, 2023 11:54 pm
    Of course everyone deserves love, care and salvation. You, me and Gren! You know why I seem to be hard on Gren? Not because I can't empathize, it's because I believe that people like Gren are not broken and bey... whatevermans

    Well said

    Tsunmimi September 15, 2023 12:02 am
    He isn't a puppy but he is a mentally damaged brain fried by drugs person. He has issues so don't expect him to be normal and not toxic. Gren needs therapy and support by his family,he only has a brother. He mi... just_a_sad_song

    His brain isn’t fried as long as Gren knows to walk, eat, handle a gun and doesn’t wear his shoes on his head or his sweater on his feet, his brain is perfectly fine, and yes he needs his brother but not after the shit he pulled, or have you forgotten that shin took him in and even after he was still involved in dubious stuff and killed someone that Jake even in all his bad-assness didn’t harm, what are you on about.

    Now what Gren needs is to get his act together for that same only brother he supposedly all of a sudden needs, the same way he deliberately did shit that put him out, Let the same attachment make him change for the better. We’re only asking he take responsibility for his actions and not try to guilt trip Shin by acting like a lost puppy barking you said you’d take of me, it gets old ya know.

    Tsunmimi September 15, 2023 12:02 am
    Well Jake did the same and worse. So idk if you like Jake just_a_sad_song


    whatevermans September 15, 2023 8:48 am
    His brain isn’t fried as long as Gren knows to walk, eat, handle a gun and doesn’t wear his shoes on his head or his sweater on his feet, his brain is perfectly fine, and yes he needs his brother but not af... Tsunmimi

    You get me! And oh my god you are right, Shin did take him in and then he said that Gren needs to go FOR HIS OWN SAKE. Shin made him leave so Gren'd have a better chance to stay alive. broo how tf did I forget that probs thanks to many pro-Gren comments on this site that present Shin like he's abandoned Gren bc he didn't want to deal with him. brooo

    Daemon October 1, 2023 7:35 am
    He kills for a different reason, he is hired by the government. Also his whole character is different, my main point was that Gren is no poor lil puppy. whatevermans

    ??? Doesn't make it in any way OK. Y'all know how many human rights violations are carried out by governments? Jake did outright murder a man but he'll be protected not because he was in the right, but because the government will bat for him. Same way they'd bat for their soldiers who killed children in the Middle East and laughed about it.

whatevermans September 3, 2023 5:07 pm

Hate-reading for shits and giggles it's just so amusing how bad this is I can't stop

    Cha Cha September 3, 2023 5:12 pm

    Literally the reading version of holy shit, this some hot garbage, but I can't stop listening lmaoo

    whatevermans September 3, 2023 5:15 pm
    Literally the reading version of holy shit, this some hot garbage, but I can't stop listening lmaoo Cha Cha

    low key hoping for it to get even worse tbh

    Cha Cha September 3, 2023 5:21 pm
    low key hoping for it to get even worse tbh whatevermans

    I guess it will cuz im expecting the author to pull the victim falling for the abuser trope shit in the end and I swear I will get so angry

    whatevermans September 3, 2023 5:24 pm
    I guess it will cuz im expecting the author to pull the victim falling for the abuser trope shit in the end and I swear I will get so angry Cha Cha

    yeah and JK's sad past/childhood revealed if we are lucky lolol gotta brace ourselves

    sam September 3, 2023 8:02 pm

    Fr same

whatevermans August 25, 2023 12:38 pm

That green-haired woman didn't deserve that goodness in her life. She literally broke limbs, bullied and harassed everyone. Love doesn't "reform" assholes that's a harmful myth

whatevermans August 18, 2023 3:36 pm

Thank you both uploaders. I hope you come to an amicable agreement

whatevermans August 17, 2023 1:43 pm

Crying is not gay. Crying in the garden upon the well? well lemme think for a sec about that one

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