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DMcKen created a topic of Sunshine Shower

I can't stand it when characters love making decisions for others or forcing their will on others. Why can't the mc be allowed to make his own choices and live his life?

DMcKen created a topic of 1 to 10

I just knew that dude from the blind date would pop up again. Hopefully he doesn't become a stalker.

Why are the nipples so long
I'm not complaining but the nipples are so long and almost stretchy looking

DMcKen created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Just blow up that silver haired cunt at this point. Evacuate the area and issue an air strike. I want him gone. I hate him so fucking much.

Seme doesn't even like him and he knows that. Stupid bitch.

DMcKen created a topic of Backlight

Yeongwoon! For the love of God, grow a fucking SPINE. Why can't he just quit? Why be dragged around by Seo-in's whims?

I know he has feelings for him buy that doesn't mean let the person walk all over you. "Use me", why say some goofy shit like that?

DMcKen created a topic of Guilty Affection

Wasn't the seme's guiding no longer effective because of the silver haired guide? When did that get resolved? Am I missing something?

DMcKen created a topic of 1 to 10

"Someone I know" being code for "ex" is such a hilarious concept to me.

Also, why are people calling sunbae a hoe? It was like 2 exes and a bunch of friends. 2 exes isn't crazy.

DMcKen created a topic of Believe My Sign

Ok, so they vaccinated people. But wtf did they do with all the zombies???

DMcKen created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Thank God the uke stood up to that psycho!!! I was so afraid he was going to give in.

Also, is that blonde guy fucking Dr. Evil???

DMcKen created a topic of Unfinished Business

Do you expect him to happy after being kidnapped, raped and drugged against his will??? Ofc he's angry you dumbass.

DMcKen created a topic of Sunshine Shower

As soon as the uke got sprayed with the cologne, I knew the seme was going to be a weird jealous psycho about it.

DMcKen created a topic of Codename Anastasia

I went back to chapter 19 to confirm but he for sure has the bogdanov crest from the door tatted on his chest. I wonder how he covered it up.

"They were good" is a glowing response now? Bestie, that's like bare minimum.

DMcKen created a topic of Nothing but a number

They started dating when the uke was in his 30s. Did the seme think he was a virgin before or???

DMcKen created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

I genuinely cannot tell what the seme is sooo mad about??? What part of the convo with the younger guy made him so sour? Is he that mad about the uke buying the younger dude food? So mad not even the offer of sex can soothe him a bit?

DMcKen created a topic of Steel Under Silk

My spider senses were tingling telling me it was a hiatus. I was right.

No worries tho, hope the author takes all the time they need. Too many of these web comic/manga damn near kill themselves for their work. Health comes first guys.

DMcKen created a topic of Double Trap

But IRL, people please use a flared base toy. That egg thing would land most people in the ER irl because it got stuck.

Also, these comments are killing me. Genuinely laughing my ass off

DMcKen created a topic of High Clear

Ik you're excited but keep your mf voice down

DMcKen created a topic of Risky Vice

Why is there so much blood?? Was that supposed to be hot? It's not...