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alex reads add 1 photos to Random
alex reads add 1 photos to Random

ah yes she bugs me and i don't know why (the reason: a gay crush)

alex reads add 1 photos to Random

yes bestie crank up that toxic positivity

alex reads add 1 photos to Funny

i'm crying

alex reads add 1 photos to Beautiful panels

"There's something wrong with people who do not take any action when the people they love are hurt"

alex reads add 1 photos to Random

WHO IS THIS MAN? He apologizes sincerely and immediately, he provides what the mc needs no strings??

alex reads add 1 photos to Random

that's the first time I see an alpha male lead consult the parents? what in the healthy relationship

alex reads add 1 photos to Random

that' so cute

alex reads add 1 photos to Random

I care! I have to live through the embarrassment too

alex reads add 1 photos to Random

I understand that he's rich but you can't even cut an apple as a highschool student??