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Hako followed a goer
30 04,2024

??? Lmao forget what I said earlier this doesn't portray shit. Take my 2 stars ang gtfo of here

Hako answered question about healthy convo
*rolls up sleeves*-- just kidding. I like debating a lot both online and offline, which by the way, is different than arguing. We're proving both of our points with logic than brainless insults. Now that that's out of the way, what I do is I strip every single possible point they have out of what they just said and I address it all one by one. Thi......

This is one of the one of those rare mangas that accurately depict insecurity, social anxiety and facing the realization of reality. So I hate that (from what I've heard) they didn't address it properly and just moved on after the two getting together.

Hako created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

We love a supporting partner like Dahyuk he's trying to understand Taeman the best he could while still giving him time to adjust

Getting annoyed of the brother's romance and his 3 love interests pls gtfo of here I'm not here to see u

Hako asked question about why is that

I was wondering why there was a sudden influx of Yuri on Ice doujins on the recently updated section, then I found out Yuri On Ice Adolescence got cancelled by mappa. Ig y'all are coping (me too)

Hako created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Where is that one hoe that shipped siyeon and this guy who argued with me for 3 days straight in the DMS just bc I criticized him once (bc he literally looks and acts like a dick) huh where are you now defend him again to me now bitch

Hako answered question about your opinions
Microwaved unseasoned chicken with diabetes that walks on 54 legs and is wearing a 10ft tutu with frogs in spinning cups dangling on its 18in heels while flying on a magic carpet powered by hydrochloric acid at mach speed You see that? That's how ridiculous you sound to me.

Well it's true he never asked him out properly but DAMN

I don't even know why I'm reading this at this point bro To the anime watchers who just came here--honestly idek why they made this into anime BC it sucks ass; it's better if you don't expect much. It's been going in circles for 2 years now and it resembles a brainless shoujo but the MC is a male. Even the MC is like a 2000s shoujo protagonist.

Hako answered question about question
Furries, they weren't as cringe as I thought, in fact they're really chill (and rich) people. I was just immature and got swayed easily by the things I saw other people say on the internet.
Hako created a topic of Please no cure for me

"Would you love me if I was a weed"

Hako created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

So rushed...But with the way things turned out the Author really had no choice but to end it this way. Otherwise the readers will just hate the characters more and more. Still though, had the author used a different approach in creating conflicts and resolving them this would've become such a cute read. Anyways it's a 3 for me. I would rate it 2, but in consideration of the cute beginning it had and the time I spent following this I'll give it a leeway.

Hako answered question about question
That's the hard part, there's so many people that has twt accounts similar to yours out there already so it's difficult to make 'personal' friends since most of them either already have friends or will just scroll past your acc/tweets. If you get lucky you'll get some by interacting on twitter threads but aside from that idrk it's up to fate at thi......


Hako answered question about question
No because most of the time they don't judge the story for its plot. Rather, they judge it based on their own biases so I just read whatever catches my interest. You won't lose shit of you read something that's rated 8.5