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leilei did

92 people did   /   5 want to do

daydreams by yohio!! i didnt know this man even existed til 3 days ago but his range is insane and he can sing in japanese hes saur cool

leilei did

34 people did   /   6 want to do

i forgor the name but the1 where her childhood friend died in the snow as he was trying to tie her wish in a tree shi had me bawling

leilei did

35 people did   /   3 want to do

for a wholeyear not on purpose tho i j got lazy when getting dressed n wore croptop it made the gworls bigger tho

leilei did

27 people did   /   10 want to do

me and my fav pair of lashes(+lash glue) vs the world

leilei did

25 people did   /   3 want to do

i watched a guy who looked like a crazy prof. get a red folder stolen from his comically large backpack by 2 ppl that looked like spies

leilei did

32 people did   /   1 want to do

2cups by kas… like that song got sum in it that makes me unable to get bored of listening to it its float-worthy

leilei did

10 people did   /   13 want to do

when i was in yr7 i made my crush solve my rubix cube like 3 times bc he looked so cool doing it^-^love u stefan xo

leilei want to do

16 people did   /   16 want to do

on new years i drank 3 bottles of sake n nothing happened so for my birthday im downing a whole bottle of whiskey i hope i get drunk fr

leilei did

177 people did   /   377 want to do

i have 5 as of rn tho none were done in a studio im still yet to get a professional tat tho stick n poke will suffice 4 now:3

leilei did

24 people did   /   3 want to do

when i be playing video games my brain just randomly b turning into mush n i make the stupidest playssaur embarazzing

leilei want to do

9 people did   /   2 want to do

i literally am only up to when me n hop meet zamazenta in the fog n cant find motivation to carry on☠

leilei did

231 people did   /   13 want to do

i was playing fortnite whilst listening to LAREINE earlier.. peak gaming music tbh

leilei want to do

58 people did   /   22 want to do

i want steak teriyaki soba from wagamama saur bad rn

leilei did

15 people did   /   2 want to do

cheese crackers w peanut butter i only ate it once but it was kinda good

leilei did

7 people did   /   12 want to do

one time a chocolate chunk fell frm my muffin that i was dipping so i waited for it to melt n drank the tea it made 0 diff tbh

leilei did

81 people did   /   1 want to do

i dreamt of mice w 8 prickly legs that kept blowing towards me in a sandstorm no matter where i ran to☠

leilei did

931 people did   /   347 want to do

i redid the test n i went frm an infp to an intp idk what happened but yes

leilei want to do

5 people did   /   8 want to do

i love march comes in like a lion i wanna lesrn shogi 1 day

leilei want to do

19 people did   /   7 want to do

i need ts backmy first time was saur embarazzing ts deadass used to keep me up at night reminiscing☠

leilei did

340 people did   /   19 want to do

crona theyre my beloved i adore crona i just wanna stuff em in my pocket n protect them 4ever