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plinky25 January 29, 2024 5:26 am

Is it just me, but am I the only that thinks there’s been a bit more frequent mid endings for BL stories in recent years? A lot of favorite stories I have were entertaining even close to the end until you reach the final chapter and it just doesn’t hit right for me lol. I’m gonna need some side stories for some of these manhwa. Although I give benefit of the doubt since some of these manhwa have said they will make side stories (I’m mostly talking about those that haven’t mentioned it).

Some examples (includes SPOILERS btw since I’m discussing the unsatisfying endings):
•Kiss on the piano:
Majority of the story was angst and the ML being a red flag and the very end it was soo unsatisfying how all is forgiven and we don’t get any sweetness or actual redemption arc. Like the whole point was to have tons of angst in order to get to the satisfactory sweetness when they become a couple, not end it when they just get together.

•Pearl Boy:
Another case of over dramatic angst even until the end. There was some happy moments but the author decided to be all poetic or dramatic about it by adding one last random dangerous situation at the very last scene in order to prove a cute point.

•Do you Still like Me:
Complicated drama, ended it after making up right after a fight, completely caught off guard by readers who didn’t expect it to end right where it was at lol.

•mad dog:
Ended it as soon as they got together finally

•BL Motel:
The ending was okay, not bad, not the best

The ending of the side story was alright

Anyways these were just a few, they all were great stories overall but I just feel like the authors don’t really know how to end their stories to leave the readers satisfied or impacted in a way.

plinky25 January 18, 2024 11:17 pm

Hi! I’m looking for the name of a BL manga:

I remember the ML/top being like a grim reaper or the god of death. He had black hair that looked slicked back, and his eyes were completely black like the whites of his eyes weren’t shown. I think he also wore a black trench coat or something. All I remember is that the ML/top looked hot af. I didn’t actually get to read the story to know the plot and only saw the image.

plinky25 January 9, 2024 11:53 pm

Hello! I’m looking for any recommendations where it’s:

BL, the mc switches bodies with someone else (similar to At the end of the road)

plinky25 January 6, 2024 9:43 am

YALL I’m looking for the title of a manhwa I forgot the name of!!!

It’s about the top being a mermaid, he’s blonde, a playboy and doesn’t care about anyone. The mc/bottom sees him at night swimming at the beach and catches him in his mermaid form. Then the top doesn’t care and decides to reveal his secret for fun in a swimming pool. There’s also an earring that he uses to be able to transform into human/mermaid. And at one point the mc gets amnesia due to the top’s ex getting revenge on him.

plinky25 December 26, 2023 9:45 pm

Hellooo! I want some recommendations for relationship dynamics like:
Playboy top x considered unattractive bottom. The relationship would develop that it’s more like a rivals thing and the top hates the bottom but eventually becomes head over heels for him. To the point the playboy top turns more flustered at any interaction with him.
(Similar to the 2nd couple from mr. 100% perfect).
I’ve seen these tropes before but I can’t seem to remember any other ones and I’m in the mood for a good read lol. Thanks!

plinky25 November 26, 2023 2:12 pm

I’m looking for the title of a BL manga that I read and had forgotten the name of it.

It’s the seme’s POV meaning he’s the main character. He got cheated on by his ex and moved away to work (in the countryside?). Then he meets the new hire, Uke with black hair. Uke was his ideal type, from looks to personality. Uke had a very nice and happy personality. They start to date and later they run into seme’s ex when they’re on a date at a festival. The ex just says more disrespectful things to the seme and the Uke punches him. Turns out Uke was an ex delinquent and met Seme who helped him out. Uke liked him and changed into his ideal type he heard about.

plinky25 November 6, 2023 12:51 pm

Unfortunately this comment section has been contaminated by a revolting person :( Imma comment their user so beware! Call them out if they spout nonsense again:

Mattthias simp

What they did: one person and I simply talking about lgbtq+ topic harmlessly, they butt into the conversation claiming anyone who spoke of such things is deranged and satanic. But they also exposed themself when their list is filled with romance stories where the male leads are devils LMFAO. Succubus stories, The devil, for the queendom, etc.
Don’t get me wrong, I also read dark stories as well- but I’m not rude and dumb enough to insult others for reading the same things. That’s called being a hypocrite. Anyways my talk is done, just wanted people to be aware of a pathetic being if they ever see them in other comment sections trying to talk shit- call them out for their hypocritical behavior.
It’s one thing if people don’t particularly like queer stories, that’s fine and no one forced others to read them. But it’s a different thing if such people are so rude and call others deranged and satanic for it. It’s 2023, we gotta get rid of these pathetic people ruining websites and comments sections with their negativity.

    Tch November 6, 2023 1:04 pm

    Fellas, what is more demonic, gay people or the devil

    Gravenshi November 6, 2023 6:27 pm

    pop corn moments.

plinky25 October 17, 2023 11:58 pm

For all romance stories (includes hetero and lgbt):

Is it just me, or am I the only one that decides to read a story if I think the love interest is hot? Like they HAVE to be either interesting or hot. I can’t read the story if I don’t like the love interest. But at the same time, did anyone notice how MC’s can be both boring and plain looking, but the love interests have to be hot and interesting? I feel like I noticed that I tend to put up with a story even if the mc is boring af/plain af, as long as I like the love interest. LMAO, I honestly think it should be normalized to have more interesting and HOT MC’s. I’ve seen way too many basic FL with basic shy personalities or stubborn personalities with a middle or low class background lol. Can we have more stories where the MC is on equal footing as the love interest?

(I do know stories that fit what I want btw, I also can’t read stories where the MC annoys me). I’m just curious if anyone else thinks the same way as me

    plinky25 October 18, 2023 12:12 am

    Adding on: I have seen potent of hot MC’s BUT, it’s the fact that I think it’s EXTREMELY RARE for me to like an MC’s personality and think an MC is super interesting and not just their looks. Not just because they’re badass, but simply because their personalities are so likeable to me.
    Examples of mc’s whose personalities I love: My influencer boyfriend, global examination, Karen ichijou tempts him, national school prince is a girl, the villainess wants to marry a commoner, shitsuji-dono ni Ai neko, player <3 player, in my closet, fangs, outside the law, etc)

plinky25 August 14, 2023 8:50 am

Does anyone else see the stories they’re reading show that they aren’t marked as reading/already read/want to read? It still shows the options now

    sasgay August 14, 2023 8:52 am

    looks like mangago’s having a glitch rn, no one can see their reading lists and reviews

plinky25 June 16, 2021 2:10 pm

I can’t remember if this was a manga or anime, but I’ll just describe it and if anyone knows the name of this please tell me, thank you!

(May not be accurate as it’s only based off of old memories I had of it).
Description: I believe the ML is new to a village and just moved there. Seems his classmates are welcoming however there’s one girl everyone kind of hates of stays away from. They think the girl is a witch (FL). She lives a far distance, isolated away from everyone else. He eventually meets her, and I think she has long black hair. They get romantically involved etc. Then some bad stuff happens as the village people don’t approve and try to get rid of the FL. The ML goes to save her and gets injured in the process. I believe he goes blind (temporarily and maybe his mental state reverts to a child type ? Not sure about this part tho). The FL takes care of him and stays by his side as he depends on her.

One day she’s out and sees a little boy playing with a ball, the ball rolls to the train track and he runs to get it. The girl runs to “save” him though she really just kind of holds him to “shield” and possibly let him not pass alone ? They both are hit by the train and the ML hears the devastating news. More stuff I don’t remember happens, time passes and he remembers everything (normal age mentality) and is no longer blind. He’s distraught by the loss of FL, however an angel comes to him and basically gives the FL back to him. The FL appears once again in the end.

Some of these might not be accurate as my memory isn’t clear.

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